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Dystopias - panel w ramach konferencji The Rise of the Digital Technocracy Data | 29.09.2023

Data: 29.09.2023
Czas rozpoczęcia: 11.15-13.00
Miejsce: Reymonta 4, sala 037
Witryna internetowa wydarzenia:

Michael Schaefer, Patrick Vaughan, John Klyczek


  • Michael Schaefer has been a subject librarian for American Culture Studies, History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, USA since 2018. He started his career as an adjunct professor of history at community colleges in the St. Louis metropolitan area and went on to serve as an adult services provider for 15 years at St. Louis Public Library. Michael holds bachelor’s degrees in history and philosophy and master’s degrees in history in library and information science. His research interests are in historical and contemporary U.S. propaganda, censorship, and power structure research.
  • Patrick Vaughan is a professor at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora (JU). He specializes in Cold War history and America's evolving global role in the early twenty-first century. He first came to Poland on a Fulbright Scholarship in 2000 and has subsequently received generous support from the Kosciuszko Foundation and the George Kennan Center/Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. In 2003, his work on Zbigniew Brzezinski was awarded by the Polish Institute for Arts and Sciences and the Polish Embassy in Washington, D.C., as the top doctoral dissertation regarding Poland. In 2011, his strategic biography of Zbigniew Brzezinski was nominated for the Kazimierz Moczarski Historical Prize for one of the superior works in Polish contemporary history.
  • John Klyczek (Western Connecticut State University).

Wydarzenie można zaliczyć w ramach programu OSA:

  • Opiekun: dr Justyna Budzik/dr Anna Wyrwisz
  • Liczba godzin OSA: 2 godziny
  • Forma zaliczenia: sporządzenie krótkiej notatki w języku angielskim lub polskim (max. 500-600 znaków), dotyczącej wykładu M.Schaefera i P.Vaughana i przesłanie jej dr Justynie Budzik, wykładu J. Klyczki - Annie Wyrwisz do 13.10.2023. Notatki wysłane po tym terminie nie będą przyjmowane.
Wykład kierowany jest do studentów amerykanistyki, ale mogą w nim uczestniczyć wszyscy studenci IAiSP.