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Anna Wyrwisz, Ph.D.

Anna Wyrwisz, Ph.D.


Dr. Wyrwisz holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the Jagiellonian University (2017) and an M.A. in Cultural Studies with a minor in American Studies (Jagiellonian University, 2008). She has been a grantee of the Copernicus Society of America (Dickinson College, United States, 2008) and received a research grant from the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies (Middelburg, Netherlands, 2011).


  • Member of the editorial team of the "Ad Americam journal"
  • OSA coordinator (American Studies)

Academic interests:

  • The history of international relations
  • U.S. foreign policy
  • International cooperation in the protection of the environment and water management
  • The foreign and social policy of the Netherlands

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2020, Wzorowy sojusz? Współpraca i źródła tradycji związków amerykańsko-holenderskich (“A Model Alliance? Cooperation and the Sources of the Tradition of American-Dutch Relations”), Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 200.

2019, The United States of America and the End of Dutch Colonial Rule in Indonesia, "Ad Americam", 18, pp. 67-82.

2015, America’s Longest War: The War on Drugs "Zeszyty Naukowe Towarzystwa Doktorantów Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego". Seria "Nauki Społeczne", 1/2015, pp. 47-65.

2023, Polityka wodna Stanów Zjednoczonych i Holandii: porównanie i współpraca ("Water policy of the United States and the Netherands: comparison and cooperation"), [in:] Problemy i wyzwania współczesnego świata: bezpieczeństwo, ludzkość, stosunki międzynarodowe w perspektywie wielodyscyplinarnej ("Problems and challenges of the modern world: security, humanity, international relations from a multidisciplinary perspective"), ed. Piotr Obacz, Wydawnictwo Libron, Cracow, pp. 179-198.

2018, Analiza amerykańsko-holenderskich stosunków w sferze bezpieczeństwa (“An Analysis of American-Dutch Relations in the Area of Security”), [in:] Stany Zjednoczone oraz państwa europejskie między globalizacją a regionalizacją (“The United States and European Countries Between Globalization and Regionalization”), eds. Andrzej Mania, Piotr Bajor, Tomasz Pugacewicz, Anna Wyrwisz, Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów Międzynarodowych: Rambler Press, Warsaw, pp. 75-96.

2018, Zagadnienia regionalne w polityce USA i państw europejskich (“Regional Issues in the Policies of the United States and European Countries”), [in:] Stany Zjednoczone oraz państwa europejskie między globalizacją a regionalizacją (“The United States and European Countries Between Globalization and Regionalization”), eds. Andrzej Mania, Piotr Bajor, Tomasz Pugacewicz, Anna Wyrwisz, Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów Międzynarodowych: Rambler Press, Warsaw, pp. 11-26.

2016, Wybrane problemy bezpieczeństwa w polityce Holandii (“Selected Security Issues in the Netherlands’ Policy”), [in:] Militarne i pozamilitarne aspekty współczesnego bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego. Wybrane problemy (“Military and Non-Military Aspects of Contemporary International Security”), Vol. I, ed. Tomasz Iwanek, University of Silesia Press, Katowice, pp. 91-103.

2013, Critical Views of the U.S. in the Land of Its Loyal Ally – Examples of Anti-Americanism in the Netherlands, [in:] Polish Perspectives on American History: Insights, Interpretations, Revisions, ed. Halina Parafianowicz, Bialystok: University of Bialystok Press, pp. 199-213.

2018, Stany Zjednoczone oraz państwa europejskie między globalizacją a regionalizacją (“The United States and European Countries Between Globalization and Regionalization”), eds. Andrzej Mania, Piotr Bajor, Tomasz Pugacewicz, Anna Wyrwisz, Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów Międzynarodowych: Rambler Press, Warsaw, pp. 220.

2023, 22 June, "The new norm(ality) - immigrants' adaptation strategies in the pandemic and post-pandemic reality", Conference Migration and Societal Change, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands; presentation with Katarzyna Górska and Joanna Kulpińska.

2023, 22 November, "COVID-19 and immigrant labour market - (re)organization of adaptation strategies. Case study of Poland, the UK and Germany", Organizing Migration and Integration in Contemporary Societies, University of Gothenburg, Goteborg, Sweden; presentation with Katarzyna Górska and Joanna Kulpińska.

2023, June 5, "(Post)pandemic integration strategies of Polish migrants in the UK and Germany", "Poland: migrants' perspectives and experiences", UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies, London, England; presentation with Katarzyna Górska and Joanna Kulpińska.

2023, August 26, "Immigrants' adaptation strategies in the (post)pandemic reality", The Migration Conference 2023 Hamburg, Germany; presentation online with Katarzyna Górska and Joanna Kulpińska.

2022, November 24, "Polityka USA wobec wody" ("US Policy towards Water"), 11th Convention of the Polish Society for International Studies entitled "Nowy ład międzynarodowy?" ("New International Order?"), Wroclaw, Poland.

2022, 22 September, "Mapping Migration and Poltics", V Ogólnopolski Kongres Politologii, Wrocław, Poland; co-host of the panel with Katarzyna Górska and Joanna Kulpińska.

2021, 13 September, 14th Pan-European Conference on International Relations “The Power Politics of Nature”, EISA Virtual Conference.

2021, 6 September, UACES Virtual Conference.

2021, 16 April, international online conference „Kryzys współczesnego systemu bezpieczeństwa: nowa mapa geopolitycznej rywalizacji” (“The crisis of the modern security system: a new map of geopolitical rivalry”).

2019, 8 November, Ninth National Convention of the Polish International Studies Association: "Ład międzynarodowy in statu nascendi. Multidyscyplinarna perspektywa" (“The International Order in statu nascendi: A Multidisciplinary Perspective”), Gdynia, Poland.

2018, 19 September, Fourth Polish Political Science Congress: "Państwo w czasach zmiany" (“The State in Times of Change”), Lublin, Poland.

2017, 10 November, Seventh National Convention of the Polish International Studies Association: "Myśleć globalnie, działać regionalnie. Studia regionalne w perspektywie nauki o stosunkach międzynarodowych" (“Thinking Globally, Acting Regionally: Regional Studies from the Perspective of the Study of International Relations”), Krakow, Poland.

2014, 18 November, "Wieloaspektowość współczesnego bezpieczeństwa" (“The Many Aspects of Contemporary Security”), Study Circle of International Relations at the University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland.

2012, 24 June, Ninth Prof. Andrzej Bartnicki Forum for Advanced Studies on the United States, University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland.

2011, 25 June, Eighth Prof. Andrzej Bartnicki Forum for Advanced Studies on the United States, University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland.

2011, 9 May, "Globalizacja: polityka, ekonomia, kultura – szanse i zagrożenia" (“Globalization: Politics, Economics, Culture – Opportunities and Threats”), PhD Students’ Association at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.

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Research Projects

  • POB Anthropocene Young Lab Competition, project title: "The new norm(ality) – (changes in) immigrants' adaptation strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic".