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Magdalena Modrzejewska, Ph.D.

Dr. Modrzejewska holds a Ph.D. in political science from the Jagiellonian University (2007); an M.A. in cultural studies (Jagiellonian University, 2003); and an M.A. in political science (Jagiellonian University, 2001). She was a Visiting Scholar at Boston University’s Department of Philosophy (2006) and the University of Toronto’s Department of Philosophy (2010) as well as a Visiting Professor at the University of Rochester (2010 and 2015). In 2005, she received scholarship from Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund SYLFF and was a Senior Fulbright Fellow at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor in 2011-2012.


  • Newsletter of the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora

Intellectual interests:

  • The intellectual history of the US and Canada
  • Latin American philosophy and Latin American thought
  • Human rights in in nineteenth and twentieth centuries
  • Nineteenth-century radical social and intellectual movements
  • Libertarian philosophy
  • American art

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2016, Josiah Warren: A Remarkable American, Krakow: Księgarnia Akademicka, pp. 142.

2015, Latin American Thought – Problems and Perspectives: Three Case Studies, Krakow: Księgarnia Akademicka, pp. 136 (co-authored with Karol Derwich).

2012, Josiah Warren – pierwszy amerykański anarchista? (“Josiah Warren: The First American Anarchist?”), Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 208.

2010, Libertariańskie koncepcje jednostki i państwa we współczesnej amerykańskiej myśli politycznej (“Libertarian Concepts of the Individual and State in Contemporary American Political Thought”), Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 236

2021, The quest for European identity(ies) [in:] Imagining Europe: essays on the past, present, and future of the European Union, eds. Edmondson III Henry T., Mentzel Peter C., Lanham: Lexington Books. Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, pp. 149-170. 

2019, Koncepcja wolności w myśli Roberta Nozicka: w poszukiwaniu aksjologicznych podstaw systemu polityczno-prawnego ("The Concept of Freedom in the Thought of Robert Nozick: in Search of Axiological Foundations of a Political-Legal System") [in:] Wolność człowieka i jej granice: antologia pojęcia w doktrynach polityczno-prawnych ("Human Freedom and its Limits: an Anthology of Concepts in Political-Legal Doctrines"), ed. Górecki Olgierd, vol. 3, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, vol. 3, pp. 379-398 

2016, Spór o istnienie filozofii kanadyjskiej (“The Dispute on the Existence of Canadian Philosophy”), [in]: Pani Anna w Kanadzie: księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Pani Profesor Annie Reczyńskiej (“Anna in Canada: A Commemorative Book Dedicated to Prof. Anna Reczyńska”), eds. Marcin Gabryś, Magdalena Paluszkiewicz-Misiaczek, pp. 235-249.

2014, The Presidential Debate: Where is the Question? [in:] 2012 U.S. Presidential Election. Challenges and Expectations, eds. Paweł Laidler, Maciej Turek, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 99-116.

2012, Amerykański Anarchizm indywidualistyczny. Josiah Warren (“American Individualist Anarchism – Josiah Warren”), [in:] Amerykomania 2, eds. Włodzimierz Bernacki, Adam Walaszek Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 595-604.

2011, Afoniczny piewca wolności – libertariańska krytyka Ronalda Reagana (“An Aphonic Euologist of Liberty: A Libertarian Critique of Ronald Reagan”), [in:] Ronald Reagan. Nowa odsłona w 100-lecie urodzin (“Ronald Reagan: A New Interpretation on the Centennial of His Birth”), eds. Piotr Musiewicz, Krakow: Ośrodek Myśli Politycznej, pp. 59-73.

2010, The Development of Women’s Rights as a Part of the Inter-American Human Rights System: The Origination of the Inter-American Commission of Women, [in:] Wartości Polityczne (“Political Values”), eds. Jacek Majchrowski, Barbara Stoczewska, Krakow: Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, pp. 371-383.

2021, Wpływ teorii pestalozziańskich na teorię i praktyki filozofii edukacji Josiah Warrena: geneza systemu ("The Influence of Pestalozzian Theories on the Theory and Practice of Josiah Warren's Philosophy of Education: the Genesis of the System"), "Politeja", vol 18, no. 6 (75), pp. 359-378.

2018, Spór o istnienie filozofii latynoamerykańskiej: implikacje pytania (“The Dispute Over the Existence of Latin American Philosophy: The Implications of the Question”), "Ameryka Łacińska", Vol. 3, pp. 3-34.

2017, Adam Smith's Concept of the Value of Labour: The Anglo-American Perspective Through the Mid-Nineteenth Century, "Horyzonty Polityki", Vol. 8, No. 25, pp. 65-82.

2011, Anarchistyczna utopia. Czy Somalia ma się lepiej bez struktur państwowych? (“ An Anarchist Utopia: Is Somalia Better off Without a State?”), "Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe", Vol. 3, 2011, pp.119-136.

2012, State and Society: Canadian Social, Political, and Legal Thought, Katowice: "Agencja Artystyczna PARA", pp. 337 (co-edited with Marcin Gabrys).

2009, Świat w 2025: Scenariusze Narodowej Rady Wywiadu USA (“The World in 2025: The Predictions of the National Intelligence Council of the United States”), AlfaSagittarius, (co-translated with Anna Krzynówek)

2017, June 23rd -25th, “The Libertarian Attitude Towards War: The Anti-War Wing,” the Fourteenth Prof. Bartnicki Forum for Advanced Studies on the United States, Bialystok University, Poland.

2016, November 17th -20th, “Social Norms and Political Orders: The New Frontier of Freedom,” Palermo, Italy.

2016, September 29th - October 2nd, “Tyranny, Resistance, and Voices of Liberty in East-Central Europe,” Vilnius, Latvia.

2016, April 21st -24th, “Private Property and Individualism: Two Pillars of Individual Anarchism in Nineteenth-Century America,” PCPE CEVRO Institute, Prague, Czech Republic.

2015, October 15th -18th, “Law, Liberty, and the State,” Portland, Maine, USA.

2015, September 17th -20th, “Liberty, Compact, and Covenant: The Iroquois League,” Williamsburg, Virginia, USA.

2015, September 11th -13th, “Anarchy and the Legal Order: Legal and Political Arguments for a Stateless Society,” Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.

2015, August 27th -30th, “Decentralization and Liberty,” Jackson Village, New Hampshire, USA.

2015, June 26th -28th, “The Libertarian Approach to Immigration Through the Lens of the Tea Party: Reflection or Distortion?,” the Twelfth Prof. Bartnicki Forum for Advanced Studies on the United States, Bialystok University, Poland.

2015, June 21st -24th, "Amerykańska myśl doby przedrewolucyjnej, od ‘rights of Englishmen’ do praw naturalnych" (“American Thought of the Pre-Revolutionary Age: From ‘The Rights of Englishmen’ to Natural Law), Fourteenth Polish Assembly of Chairs in Political and Legal Doctrines, Bialystok University, Poland.

2015, June 12th -13th, "Nieustraszeni Jeffersoniści – próba definicji amerykańskiego anarchizmu indywidualistycznego" (“The Fearless Jeffersonians: An Attempt at the Definition of American Individualist Anarchism”), American Political Philosophy, Wroclaw, Poland.

2014, November 6th -8th, “‘Cost the Limit of Price’: The Economic Theory of Josiah Warren,” Capitalism & Socialism: Utopia, Globalization, and Revolution, New Harmony, Indiana (paper presented on my behalf by prof. Casey Harrison), USA.

2014, October 23rd -26th, “Totalitarianism, Democracy, and Liberty,” Krakow, Poland.

2014, August 14th -17th, “Liberty and Bioethics,” Stockholm, Sweden.

2014, March 6th -9th, “Liberty and the American West in the Films of John Ford,” Seville, Spain.

2013, December 21st, “A Free Market Solution? Searching for Philosophical Remedies for the Economic Crisis,” Krakow University of Economics, Krakow, “The Ideological Roots of the Current Crisis.”

2013, September 18th -20th, "Anarchia, utopia, i co? - koncepcja państwa w myśli Roberta Nozicka" (“Anarchy, Utopia, and What? The Concept of the State in the Thought of Robert Nozick”), XII Zjazd Katedr Doktryn Politycznych i Prawnych "Wolność w myśli politycznej i prawnej" (Twelfth Assembly of the Chairs in Political and Legal Doctrines: “Liberty in Political and Legal Thought”), Uniejów.

2013, September 13th -15th “Socratic Leadership Seminar,” Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.

2013, July 11th -14th, “Liberty, Subsidiarity, and Federalism in the History of European Integration,” Ratbor u Kolína, Czech Republic.

2013, March 15th -16th, "Implementacja Międzyamerykańskiej Konwencji w sprawie zapobiegania, karania oraz likwidacji przemocy wobec kobiet" (“The Implementation of the Inter-American Convention for the Prevention, Punishment, and Liquidation of Violence Against Women”), Convención de Belém do Pará), 1994, Third Krakow Latin Americanist Congress: "Prawa człowieka w Ameryce Łacińskiej. Teoria i praktyka" (“Human Rights in Latin America: Theory and Practice”), Krakow, Poland.

2012, October 26th -27th, “Where Is the Question? The Presidential Debate,” “The 2012 Presidential Elections in the United States: Challenges and Expectations,” Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.

2012, March 8th -12th, “Liberty and Responsibility in the American Anti-slavery Movement,” Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.

2011, February 4th, "Afoniczny piewca wolności – libertarianska krytyka Ronalda Reagana" (“An Aphonic Eulogist of Liberty: A Libertarian Critique of Ronald Reagan”), Krucjata wolności Ronalda Reagana (“Ronald Reagan’s Crusade of Freedom”), the Institute of Political Science of the Jagiellonian University and the Center for Political Thought.

2010, "Kategoria rozwoju z perspektywy myśli libertariańskiej" (“The Category of Development from the Perspective of Libertarian Thought”), "Rozwój a kultura. Perspektywy poznawcze i praktyczne" (“Development and Culture: Cognitive and Practical Perspectives”), Committee on Ethnological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the Adam Mickiewicz University at the Department of Ethnology and the Institute of Archaeology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznan, Będlewo, Poland.

2010, April 11th -14th, Annual Conference of the Association of Private Enterprise Education, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

2007, June 22nd -24th , Fourth Prof. Bartnicki Forum for Advanced Studies on the United States, Pułtusk Academy of the Humanities, Pułtusk, Poland.

2007, April 26th -29th, “Morals by Agreement: David Gauthier’s Contractual Approach to Axiology,” Fourth Congress of Polish Canadianists, Puławy, Poland.

2003, November 12th -14th , “American Politics Forum,” University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland.

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Research projects and media

  • 2022 - grant under the 4th edition of POB Heritage, Strategic Program Excellence Initiative at the Jagiellonian University: „Potencjał Laborystycznej Teorii Wartości” ("The Potential of the Labor Theory of Value")
  • Adam Smith’s labor theory of value in context of American utopian experiments.
  • Nineteenth century American individualist anarchism.
  • Anarchism and utopian socialism in Latin America in first half of the nineteenth century.
  • Victoria Woodhull and voting rights for women.
  • American colonial painting.
  • National Science Foundations (2011-2016): Josiah Warren – The First American Anarchist? Book project.
  • The Methods and Paradigms of Latin American Thought – book project