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Prof. Łukasz Kamieński

Prof. Łukasz Kamieński

Prof. Kamieński holds a Ph.D. in political science from the Jagiellonian University (2005) as well as an M.Sc. in International Relations (London School of Economics and Political Science, 2001) and an M.A. in political science with a minor in international relations (Jagiellonian University, 2000). He was a Visiting Researcher, Department of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania (2023); Visiting Fellow at LSE IDEAS (2019), and the Center for International Studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science (2011) as well as a Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of National Security Affairs, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, C.A. (2003). In 1999, he received a scholarship to study at the University of Oxford from the Stefan Batory Foundation and the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office. He is a co-founder of the MA in TransAtlantic Studies program at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora and served as its head from 2007 to 2011.

Literary agent: Andrew Nurnberg Associates.

  • Director of the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora at the Jagiellonian University
  • Deputy Director of the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora (2016-2020)
  • Head of the Department of American Studies
  • Departmental Finance and Awards and Periodic Evaluation Committees
  • Director of the LSE IDEAS CSEEP at the Jagiellonian University 
  • Deputy Chairman of the Council for Security Studies at JU (2022-2025)
Academic interests:
  • The American way of war
  • the future of war
  • new military technologies (biotechnology in particular)
  • military history
  • the history and philosophy of (military) technology
  • the ethics of war
  • international security
  • U.S. foreign policy

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2022, Mimowolne cyborgi. Mózg i wojna przyszłości, Wołowiec: Wydawnictwo Czarne (“Involuntary Cyborgs: The Brain and the Future of War”, Wołowiec: Czarne Publishing House), pp. 344.

Reprints: Cybernetyczny pomyślunek, Rzeczpospolita „Plus Minus”, W1(146), 25–26.06.2022, pp. 34–35.

Reviews of Mimowolne cyborgi. Mózg i wojna przyszłości: Europerspektywy (Barbara Sadkowska, XVII(152), p. 98), Blog Poza Logiką, Geekstok, Nowa Fantastyka (8/2022, p. 68), Polska Zbrojna (08/2022, p. 129), Premiery książ, Forum Akademickie, Dziennik Polski (15/07/2022), Wiedza i Życie, BadLoopus, FrondaLux,Polska Fundacja Fantastyki Naukowej, Spider’s Web,

  • shortlisted for the Golden Rose 2022 book prize for the best popular science book of the year.

2017, Shooting up. Storia dell'uso militare delle droghe, Mediolan: Utet, translated from English by Chiara Baffa, pp. 556.

Reviews of Shooting up. Storia dell'uso: La Stampa, Il GiornaleThe Vision,, BookBlister, Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Foglio Psichiatrico.

2017, Las drogas en la guerra: Una historia global, Barcelona: Editorial Crítica, translated from English by David Paradela López (two editions), pp. 590.

Reviews of​ Las drogas en la guerra:
El País, El Mundo, La Vanguardia, el Periódico, ABC, El Confidencial, Playground, La Razón, Después del hipopótamo, Sur,, Vozpópuli, La Voz de Galicia, La Voz de Cádiz, Cannabis Magazine, La Opinión de Tenerife, Laura Oliva podcast.

Radio coverage:, El matí a Ràdio 4, Onda Regional, Spanish Radio National (rtve), OndaCero Radio.

2017, Shooting Up. A History of Drugs in Warfare, London: Hurst Publishers, paperback, pp. 505.

2017, Les drogues et la guerre: De l'Antiquité à nos jours, Nouveadu Monde éditions, Paris, pp. 608, translated from English by Laure Drege.

Reviews of Les drogues et la guerre: Le Figaro, Historia, Sciences et Avenir, L’Alsace

2017, Shooting Up. A History of Drugs in Warfare, London: Hurst Publishers, paperback edition, pp. 505.

2016, Shooting Up. A Short History of Drugs and War, Audible Studios, audiobook, performance: Ricco Fajardo.

2016, Shooting Up. A Short History of Drugs and War, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 381.

2016, Shooting Up. A History of Drugs in Warfare, Hurst Publishers, London, pp. 381.

Reviews / Coverage of Shooting Up: The Economist, Die Furche, Aljazeera, War History Online, Foreign Affairs, The Sunday Times, The Spectator, The Guardian, Irish Examiner, London Review of Books, VICE Magazine, Publishers Weekly, The Intercept, Hong Kong Review of Books, The Oldie, War on the Rocks, The World Today, Parameters, Journal of Social History, Historical Association, America Magazine, Choice, Military Heritage, BBC History Magazine, H-Net Reviews, Journal for Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies, Michigan War Studies Review, Perspectives on Politics, Open Cultural Studies, History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals

2014, Nowy wspaniały żołnierz. Rewolucja biotechnologiczna i wojna w XXI wieku, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków ("Brave New Soldier: The Biotechnology Revolution and War in the 21st Century", Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press) pp. 532.

2012, Farmakologizacja wojny. Historia narkotyków na polu bitwy, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków ("The Pharmacologization of War: A History of Drugs in Combat", Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press) pp. 508.

2009, Technologia i wojna przyszłości. Wokół nuklearnej i informacyjnej rewolucji w sprawach wojskowych, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków ("Technology and the War of the Future. On Nuclear and Information Revolutions in Military Affairs", Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press) pp. 412.

2023, Military Neuroenhancement, [in:] Routledge Handbook on the Future of Warfare, eds. Artur Gruszczak and Sebastian Kaempf, London: Routledge, pp. 341–352.

2022, Intoxicants in Warfare, [in:] Routledge Handbook on Intoxicants and Intoxication, eds. Geoffrey Hunt, Tamar Antin, and Vibeke Asmussen Frank, London: Routledge, pp. 239–257 (Open Access).

2019, A Pharmacological Gulf of Tonkin: The Myth of the Addicted Army in Vietnam and the Fear of a Junkie Veteran, [in:] Historicizing Fear Ignorance, Vilification, and Othering, eds. Travis D. Boyce and Winsome M. Chunnu, Louisville: University Press of Colorado, pp. 157–175.

2019, Epidemics, [in:] The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies, eds. Scott Romaniuk, Manish Thapa, Péter Marton, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-74336-3_532-1

2019, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), [in:] The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies, red. Scott Romaniuk, Manish Thapa, Péter Marton, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-74336-3_555-1

2019, Drugs, [in:] 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, eds. Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, and Bill Nasson, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, DOI: 10.15463/ie1418.11347.

2017, Społeczeństwo ryzyka na wojnie: zarządzanie ryzykiem systemowym, politycznym i taktycznym (“Risk Society at War: Systemic, Political and Tactical Risk Management”) [in:] Biblioteka Strategiczna , t. 1 (“Strategic Library, Volume 1”), eds. Valentin Filip, Mirosław Nagielski, Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Dig, pp. 133–147.

2017, Toward robotic warfare, [in:] The Future of US Warfare, eds. Scott N. Romaniuk, Francis Grice, London: Routledge, pp. 193–207.

2015, The Soviet (Red) Army, [in:] Russia at War: From the Mongol Conquest to Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Beyond, ed. Timothy C. Dowling, ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA, pp. 62–69.

2014, Kosmetyczna neurofarmakologia: smart drugs w społeczeństwach postindustrialnych ("Cosmetic Neuropharmacology: Smart Drugs in Post-Industrial Societies"), [in:] Narkotyki, dopalacze, środki psychoaktywne. Studia socjologiczne i kulturoznawcze (“Drugs and Psychoactive Substances. Sociological and Cultural Studies”), ed. Edmund Anczyk, Katowice: Wydawnictwo Sacrum, pp. 163–181.

2014, The Manhattan Project, [in:] Science and Politics. An A-to-Z Guide to Issues and Controversies, ed. Brent S. Steel, CQ Press/SAGE, Washington, DC/Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 338–344, doi:

2014, Missile Defense, [in:] Science and Politics. An A-to-Z Guide to Issues and Controversies, ed. Brent S. Steel, CQ Press/SAGE, Washington, DC/Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 361–365, doi:

2013, Modernizacja sił zbrojnych, amerykańskie wyzwanie i Sun Zi. Militarny wymiar chińskiej siły ("Armed Forces, Military Modernisation, the American Challenge, and Sun Tzu: The Military Dimension of Chinese Power"), [in:] Współczesne Chiny w kontekście stosunków międzynarodowych ("Modern China and International Relations"), ed. Joanna Wardęga, Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press, 2013, pp. 291–317.

2013, Blackwater [in:] Encyclopedia of Military Science, ed. G. Kurt Piehler, SAGE Publications Inc., Thousand Oaks, CA, Vol. I, pp. 224–228.

2013, Communication [in:] Encyclopedia of Military Science, ed. G. Kurt Piehler, SAGE Publications Inc., Thousand Oaks, CA, Vol. I, pp. 375–381.

2013, Neurofarmakologia jako instrument zarządzania ryzykiem na polu walki (“Neuropharmacology as an Instrument of Risk Management on the Battlefield”), [in:] Nowe strategie na nowy wiek – granice i możliwości integracji regionalnych i globalnych (“New Strategies for the New Century: The Limits of and Opportunities for Regional and Global Integration"), eds. Michał Chorośnicki, Janusz Józef Węc, Agnieszka Czubik, Aleksander Głogowski, Iwona Krzyżanowska-Skowronek, Agnieszka Nitszke, Ewa Szczepankiewicz-Rudzka, Marcin Tarnawski, Krakow: Krakowska Oficyna Naukowa TEKST, pp. 421–432.

2012, Cosmetic Pharmacology [in:] (Con)Temporary Societies in Movements in Time: Revolution, Social Justice and Times of Change, ed. Ceclie Lawrence, Natalie Churn, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 227-240.

2009, Geneza współczesnej prywatyzacji wojny ("On the Origins of the Contemporary Privatization of War”), [in:] Amerykomania. Księga jubileuszowa Profesora dra hab. Andrzeja Mani (“Americomania: A Jubilee Book for Professor Andrzej Mania"), vol. 1, eds. Włodzimierz Bernacki and Adam Walaszek, Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 99-132.

2007, The Privatization of War and U.S. Military Operations [in:] U.S. Foreign Policy. Theory, Mechanisms, Practice, Postconference proceedings from the international conference held at the Jagiellonian University, Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Kraków, 25-27 May 2007, eds. Andrzej Mania, Paweł Laidler, Łukasz Wordliczek, Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 347-354.

2006, Amerykańskie siły zbrojne: demokratyzujący się instrument demokratyzacji? (“The American Armed Forces: A Democratizing Instrument of Democratization?”), [in:] Amerykańska demokracja w XXI wieku, Zbiór referatów konferencyjnych z ogólnopolskiej konferencji naukowej zorganizowanej przez Instytut Amerykanistyki i Studiów Polonijnych Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 9-11 grudnia 2005 r., eds. Andrzej Mania, Paweł Laidler, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego ([in:] "American Democracy in the Twenty-First Century," eds. Andrzej Mania and Paweł Laidler, Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press), pp. 61-67.

2021, On Weaponizing Cannabis, "Journal of Military Ethics”, Vol. 20, Issue 3-4, pp. 251-268.

2018, Ból po amerykańsku. Dramat opioidowy w pięciu aktach (“Pain, American Style: The Opioid Drama in Five Acts”), "Studia Krytyczne”, No 6, pp. 31–44.

2016, WWI’s wonder drug, “MHQ: Quarterly Journal of Military History”, Vol. 29, Issue 2, pp. 44-50.

2016, Les drogues et la guerre, (“Drugs and War”), “Mouvements des idees et des lutes”, No. 86, pp. 100-111.

2015, Zachipowana rzeczywistość, ("Chipped Reality"), "Kultura i Polityka", 16/2015, pp. 114–126.

2014, Profilowanie genetyczne w celu zarządzania personelem w amerykańskich siłach zbrojnych. Fantastyka czy realny scenariusz? ("The Genetic Profiling of Soldiers for Purposes of Staff Management in the American Armed Forces: Fantasy or a Real Scenario?"), "Kwartalnik Bellona", 4/2014, pp. 191–204.

2014, Technologia RFID w amerykańskich siłach zbrojnych: od logistyki do zarządzania personelem ("The RFID Technology in the United States Armed Forces: From Logistics to Personnel Management"), "Systemy Logistyczne Wojsk", 40/2014, pp. 129–147.

2014, Kosmetyczna farmakologia: kontrowersje społeczne i etyczne ("Cosmetic Pharmacology: Social and Ethical Dilemmas"), "Kultura i Historia", 26/2014, special number: "Filozofia technologii" ["Philosophy of Technology"] pp. 116–128.

2013, Nieuświadomiona percepcja, czyli neurobiologia na usługach amerykańskiej armii ("Unconscious Perception: Neurobiology in the Service of the U.S. Army"), "Kwartalnik Bellona", 3/2014, pp. 196–206.

2013, Amerykański żołnierz przyszłości. Od Iron Mana do ezgoszkieletów bojowych ("The American Soldier of the Future: From Iron Man to Power Exoskeletons"), "Kwartalnik Bellona", no 3 (674), pp. 188-202.

2013, Helping the Post-Modern Ajax. Is Managing Combat Trauma Through Pharmacology a Faustian Bargain?, "Armed Forces and Society", Vol. 39, Issue 3, pps. 395–414.

2012, Wietnam: pierwsza wojna farmakologiczna ("Vietnam: The First Pharmacological War"), "Politeja", no 21, pp. 177-198.

2012, Hitler i jego „spidowe" armie, ("Pharmacology and War: Hitler and His Armies on Speed"), "Kwartalnik Bellona", no 1 (668), pp. 179-190.

2011, Brutalność nowoczesności i amerykańska wojna secesyjna ("The Brutality of Modernity and the American Civil War"), "Politeja", no 15, pp. 285-325.

2011, Wojna secesyjna, medycyna, opiaty i „żołnierska choroba" ("The American Civil War, Medicine, Opiates and the ‘Soldiers' Disease’"), "Kultura i Historia", no 20.

2011, Energetyzująca koka. Wojskowe wykorzystanie koki i kokainy ("Energizing Coca: The Military Use of Coca and Cocaine"), "Ameryka Łacińska", vol. 71, no 1, pp. 39-51.

2006, The Skybolt Crisis and Anglo-American Special Relationship, "Ad Americam", vol. 7, pp. 53-74.

2005, Broń jądrowa i rewolucja w strategii ("Nuclear Weapons and the Revolution in Strategy"), "Politeja", no 3, pp. 280-305.

2005, Rewolucja nuklearna a stosunki międzynarodowe podczas pierwszego wieku nuklearnego ("The Nuclear Revolution and International Relations in the First Nuclear Age"), "Studia Polityczne", no 17, pp. 239-264.

2005, O przyczynach wojny ("On the Causes of War"), "Wrocławskie Studia Politologiczne", no 6, pp. 2-14.

2003, The RMA and War Powers, "Strategic Insights", Vol. 2, Issue 9, September 2, Center for Contemporary Conflict, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, C.A.

2003, Comparing the Nuclear and Information RMAs, "Strategic Insights", Vol. 2, Issue 4, April 1, Center for Contemporary Conflict, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, C.A.

2002, How revolutionary is the Revolution in Military Affairs?, "Ad Americam", vol. 3, pp. 91-100.

2002, Reżim strefy bezatomowej w Ameryce Łacińskiej ("The Latin American Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone"), "Ameryka Łacińska", vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 56-69.

2008, Globalizacja polityki światowej: wprowadzenie do stosunków międzynarodowych ("The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations"), eds. John Baylis and Steve Smith, Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, 1006 pages.

2006, Robert Jackson and Georg Sørensen, Wprowadzenie do stosunków międzynarodowych. Teorie i kierunki badawcze ("An Introduction to International Relations: Theories and Approaches"), Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, 260 pages.

2017, The SAGE Encyclopedia of War: Social Sciences Perspectives, ed. Paul Joseph, Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications Inc.:

2015, Russia at War: From the Mongol Conquest to Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Beyond, ed. Timothy C. Dowling, ABC-CLIO Publishing, Santa Barbara, CA:

  • "Afghanistan War", pp. 3–7.

2013, Encyclopedia of Military Science, ed. G. Kurt Piehler, SAGE: Los Angeles:

  • "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", vol. IV, pp. 1500-1505.

2012, Counterterrorism: From the Cold War to the War on Terror, ed. Frank Shanty, Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger:

  • "Defining Terrorism: Issues and Problems", vol. I, pp. 7-12,
  • "Globalization and Terrorism", vol. I, pp. 239-244,
  • "Mumbai, India Attacks (2008)", vol. II, pp. 141-14
  • "Tokyo Subway Attack (1995)", vol. II, pp. 173-176.

2008, Encyclopedia of Military Communications History: from Ancient Times to the 21st Century, ed. Christopher H. Sterling, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO:

  • “Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA),” pp. 115-117,
  • “Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP),” pp. 136-137,
  • “Global Command and Control System,” pp. 190-192,
  • “Gulf War (1990-91),” pp. 201-205,
  • “Information Revolution in Military Affairs (IRMA),” pp. 228-229,
  • “Iraq War (2003),” pp. 240-244,
  • “Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS),” pp. 256-258,
  • “System of Systems,” pp. 334-336,
  • “Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM),” pp. 433-435.

2005, Encyclopedia of World War I, 1914-19, "Encyklopedia Współczesna 1978-2004" (“Contemporary Encyclopedia, 1978-2004”), Kraków: Wydawnictwo Zielona Sowa; entries on:

  • strategy, war and armed conflicts, arms limitation treaties, politics in Asia, theoretical aspects of international relations.

2022, review of the book by Russell Crandall, Drugs and Thugs: The History and Future of America’s War on Drugs (Yale University Press, 2020), The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 108–111.

2020, review of the book by Peter Andreas Killer High: A History of War in Six Drugs (Oxford University Press, 2020), "Perspectives on Politics", vol. 18, issue 2, 2 June, pp. 677–679..

2017, Scientist-Warrior Geeks: Turning Knowledge Into Power, War on the Rocks, review of Sharon Weinberger, The Imagineers of War. The Untold Story of DARPA, the Pentagon Agency That Changed the World (Alfred A. Knopf, 2017), 25 July.

2017, Niegdysiejsze (legalne) odloty (“Erstwhile [Legal] Trips”), review of Stuart Walton, Out of It: A Cultural History of Intoxication, 9 July.

2016, High Times with Narcotic Nazi Warfare, "War on the Rocks", review of Norman Ohler, Blitzed: Drugs in Nazi Germany (Allen Lane 2016), 23 December.

2023, Russian troops are battling high and drunk: It’s nothing new, “The Hill”, 11 July.

2022, Comment on drogue les soldats, une histoire ancienne [“How Soldiers Are Drugged: An Old Story”], "Le Temps", 18 July.

2022, with Wojciech Michnik and Maciej Smółka, Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: A Dramatic Game-Changer, "LSE IDEAS Jagiellonian Forum", 2 March.

2018, Technonauka w poszukiwaniu panceum na ból, (“Technoscience in Search for a Panacea for Pain”), "Res Publica Nowa", 18 April.

2017, Combat High – A Sobering History of Drug Use in Wartime, "Military History Now", 27 February.

2017, Broń chemiczna. Jak testowano narkotyki na żołnierzach Wehrmachtu, (“Chemical Weapons. How Drugs Were Tested on Wehrmacht Soldiers ”), "Polityka", no. 3093, 10 January, pp. 57–59.

2016, Why have military historians ignored drug use in the military?, "History News Network", 5 May.

2016, Junkie jihadis and the narcotic ways of war, "Aeon", 3 May.

2016, The drugs that built super soldier, "The Atlantic", 8 April.

2016, Why the British Empire was built on rum, "The Influence", 14 March.

2016, The Great War and cocaine panic in Britain, "Volteface", 29 March.

2013, Wojna o Unię (“The Struggle for the Union”) [in:] Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki: Jak rodziła się potęga, ("The United States of America: The rise of a Great Power"), "Polityka" special issue 10/2013, December, pp. 84-89.

2023, interview for Andrey Koshik, “Герои мефа: наркозависимые солдаты с юга и Северного Кавказа – на войне” [“Heroes of Mephedrone: Drug-Addicted Soldiers From the South and the North Caucasus at War”], (Radio Liberty service in Russian), 2 June.

2023, interview for Kasper Kalinowski, “Białko wzmocnione krzemem. Co będzie potrafić mózg na sterydach?” [“Silicon-enhanced protein. What will the brain on steroids be capable of?”], “Gazeta Wyborcza”, Jutronauci, 4 February.

2022, “Pentagon chciał stworzyć silny feromon, który wywoływałby nieodparte podniecenie seksualne” [“The Pentagon sought to create a powerful pheromone to induce irresistible sexual arousal”], in conversation with Kasper Kalinowski, “Gazeta Wyborcza”, 20 November.

2022, “Mózg żołnierza niczego nie przegapi” [“The soldier’s brain doesn’t miss anything”], in conversation with Kasper Kalinowski, “Gazeta Wyborcza. Wolna sobota”, 8–9 October.

2022, "Nowe technologie fascynują mnie równie mocno, co niepokoją” ["New technologies fascinate me as much as they make me anxious”], in conversation with Mariusz Wojteczek, Badloopus, republished by, 3 October.

2022, "Czy najnowsze technologie Pentagonu sprowadzą ludzi do zasobu internetu rzeczy?" [“Will the Pentagon’s Latest Technologies Turn People Into a Resource of the Internet of Things?’], in conversation with Krystian Łukasik, "Contact Magazine", 5 August.

2022, "To gdzie są ci cyfrowi żołnierze? Stoimy u progu rewolucji" [“So Where Are These Digital Soldiers? We Stand at the Threshold of a Revolution”], in conversation with Sylwia Czubkowska, "Spider’s Web", 29 July.

2022, "To nie jest gwiezdna wojna" [“This Is Not A Star War”], interviewed by Dorota Romanowska, "Newsweek" Poland, 30, 24 July, p. 84–87.

2022, interview for Alessandro De Pascale, "Amfetamine, alcool o coca, le droghe usate nelle guerre. Anche in Ucraina" [“Amphetamines, alcohol or coca, the drugs used in wars. Also in Ukraine”], "Il Manifesto", 30 May, p. 2.

2021, interview for Jan Żerański, "Zabójcza broń XXI wieku" ("A 21st Century Lethal Weapon", “Rzeczpospolita” daily, no. 276 (12127), 27 November, pp. 8–9.

2019, "DNA prawdę ci powie” (“DNA Will Tell You the Truth”), interviewed by Robert Sendek, "Polska Zbrojna" (“Armed Poland”), 8/2019, August, pp. 64–67.

2019, interviewed for Kevin Knodell, “Can American Troops Win Wars by Dropping Acid?”, "Daily Beast", 13 March. 

2019, "Svaiginimąsi kare aprašęs Łukaszas Kamieńskis: ‘Turime dvigubą kariuomenės ir narkotikų istoriją" Skaitykite daugiau”, interviewed by Giedre Steikunaite, "Kultūra", 21 January.

2018, "En las guerras, la droga es un arma más”, interviewed by Juan Fernández, "El Periódico", 13 January.

2018, "Równowaga strachu" ("Balance of Terror"), interviewed by Małgorzata Schwarzgruber, "Polska Zbrojna" ("Armed Poland"), 1/2018, January, pp. 94–96.

2017, "No podías esperar que tus solidados luchasen sobrios” (“You Can’t Expect Your Soldiers to Fight Sober”), interviewed by Joaquín Armada Díaz, "Historia y Vida", 12/2017, pp. 14–17.

2017,  "Colocarse con alcohol y drogas para combatir es tan viejo como la guerra” (“Getting High on Drugs and Alcohol for Battle Is as Old as War Itself”), "La Voz de Galicia / La Voz de Asturias", 12 November.

2017, "Po co armii hełmofony? Jak będzie wyglądał żołnierz przyszłości" (“Why Does the Army Need Headsets? What the Soldier of the Future Will Be Like”), interviewed by Paweł Pieniążek, "Krytyka polityczna" ("Political Critique"), 22 October.

2017, "Zo krijgt de term War on Drugs een heel andere betekenis", "NOSop3" (The Dutch Broadcasting Foundation), 10 May.

2016, "Co biorą żołnierze” (“What Drugs Soldiers Do”), interviewed by Dawid Krawczyk, "Krytyka Polityczna" ("Political Critique"), 29 December.

2016, “Drogarnos para ganar la puta guerra: historia del dopaje bélico”, El Cultivador, 13 May.

2014, E-terroryzm (“E-Terrorism”), 10(34), October, pp. 32-38.

2014, Kamil Turecki, "Amerykanie chcą ulepszyć człowieka. Wojna całkowicie zmienia oblicze” (“The Americans Seek Human Enhancement: War Will Fundamentally Change Its Face”),, 22 April 2014.

2013, interview for: Grzegorz Lewicki, “Prawdziwy Iron Man” ["The Real Iron Man”], "Wprost", 2 June, pp. 86-87.

2018, monograph proposal, Routledge.

2017, edited volume, McGill-Queen’s University Press.


2021, B. Timberlake, High Risk. A True Story of the SAS, Drugs, and Other Bad Behaviour (London: Hurst)

2018, P.W. Barber, Psychedelic Revolutionaries. Three Medical Pioneers, the Fall of Hallucinogenic Research and the Rise of Big Pharma, (London: Zed) 

2023, 13-15 April, "The Ethical and Legal Significance of Supersoldiers", Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law and The Annenberg Public Policy Center (co-organized by The Annenberg Public Policy Center & the University of Massachusetts Lowell), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.

2022, 10–13 October, “Promoting Peace and Security In a New Incomprehensible and Non-Linear World”, International Society of Military Science Conference, Military University Institute of Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal.

2018, 27–29 September, “War and the Kitchen: Culinary Culture, Provisions, and Drugs in Military History,” Institute of History Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Institute of History of the University of Warsaw, “Fields of Glory” Foundation, Niepolomice, Poland (in Polish).

2017, 15–17 November, “Military Sciences: The Backbone of Military Educational Institutions?”, International Society of Military Science Conference, Norwegian Defence University College, Oslo, Norway. Paper: “Brain-Machine Interface and the Future Soldier: Where Science Fiction Meets Neuroscience.”

2017, 26 May, “Commemorating the Seventieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan: Past and Current Challenges of the Transatlantic Alliance,” Faculty of Social Sciences Charles University/Vaclav Havel Library, Prague, the Czech Republic. Paper: “NATO: A Risk Management Community”.

2017, 5 April, “Future War: Technologies and Concepts on the Battlefield,” Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Paper: “Neuroscience Goes To War” (in Polish).

2016, 18 May, International Society for Military Sciences Professors' Retreat 2016, Polish National Defense University, Warsaw, Poland. Paper: “Brave New Soldier”.

2016, 19-20 April, “Visions of War: Experience, Imagination and Predictions of War in the Past and the Present,” Estonian War Museum, Tallinn, Estonia. Paper: “Will G.I. Stand for ‘Genetic Infantryman?’ Genetics, Genomics, and the Prospects of Human Enhancement in the U.S. Military”.

2014, 8–9 December, “Just War Theory 2.0: Ethics, Technology, and Armed Conflict in the Twenty-Firstst Century,” international conference, University of Oxford, Oxford, Great Britain. Paper: “Moving Towards the Genetic Screening of Military Personnel? The Age of Personal Genomics and the U.S. Department of Defense.”

2014, 4 December, “Homo Narcoticus II: Altered States of Consciousness,” the 6th National Symposium “The Humanities in Dialogue with the Natural Sciences,” Institute of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, Sosnowiec, Poland. Paper: “Armies ‘on Speed’: Amphetamines in Warfare” (in Polish).

2014, 21–23 October, “Armed Forces for 2020 and Beyond: Roles, Tasks, Expectations,” Austrian National Defense Academy, Vienna, Austria. Paper: “Towards the Genetic Profiling of Military Personnel? The Pentagon's Role in the Era of Personal Genomics.”

2014, 12–13 March, “Fifteen Years of Polish Membership in NATO: Experiences and Future Challenges,” Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Paper: “NATO as a Risk Management Community.”

2014, 27 January, “The Continuation of War by Other Means,” Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland. Paper: “Risk Society at War: Managing Systemic, Political and Tactical Risks.”

2013, 13-14 November, “Adapting to Change,” International Society of Military Science Conference, Royal Danish Defense College, Copenhagen, Denmark. Paper: "The Rise of ‘Cubicle Warriors’: Some Psychological, Social and Ethical Challenges of Drone Pilots.”

2013, 11-12 November, “War and Propaganda in the Twentieth Century," Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. Paper: "The Gulf War: Postmodern Propaganda and the Scenic Image of a War ‘That Did Not Take Place.’"

2013, 4-5 October, “The Philosophy of Technology," Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Paper: “The Social and Ethical Dilemmas of Cosmetic Pharmacology” (in Polish).

2013, 10-12 July, Second International Multidisciplinary Conference, University of Salzburg, Austria. Paper: “Getting Children Stoned: How Societies Turn Children into Soldiers.”

2013, 10 May, Fifth National Symposium on "Humanities in Dialogue with Natural Sciences," Institute of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, Sosnowiec, Poland. Paper: “Cosmetic Neuropharmacology: Smart Drugs in Post-industrial Societies” [in Polish].

2012, 6-10 December, “Human Rights Education: Promoting Changes in a Time of Transition and Crisis,” the Third International Conference on Human Rights Education, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Paper: “Getting Children Stoned: How Societies Turn Children into Soldiers.”

2012, 19-20 October, “Technologies of Pleasure: The Culture of Psychoactive Substances,” Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Paper: “The ‘War As a Drug’ Metaphor” (in Polish).

2012, 19-20 April, “New Strategies for the New Century: The Limits of and Opportunities for Regional and Global Integration,” Institute of Political and International Studies, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Paper: “Neuropharmacology and the Risk Management on the Battlefield” (in Polish).

2011, 9-10 November, “Adapting to Modern Security Challenges,” International Society of Military Science, Baltic Defense College, Tartu, Estonia. Paper: “A Risk Society Goes to War with Cyborg-Soldiers.”

2010, 10-11 November, “Turning Research and Knowledge Into Use,” International Society of Military Science, Swedish National Defense College, Stockholm. Paper: “How to Help Modern Ajax? Managing Combat Trauma Through Pharmacology.”

2009, 25-26 November, “Security in 2020 in a Multipolar World,” International Society of Military Science, Netherlands Defense Academy, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Paper: “Perfect Soldiers of the Future: On Chemical Enhancement of the American Military.”

2007, 13-14 December, “Modern China: The Rise of an Empire from an International Perspective,” The Confucius Institute in Krakow, Poland. Paper: “Armed Forces, Military Modernization, the American Challenge, and Sun Tzu: the Military Dimension of Chinese Power” (in Polish).

2007, 25-27 May, “U.S. Foreign Policy: Theory, Mechanisms and Practice,” international conference, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Paper: “The Privatization of War and U.S. Military Operations.”

2005, 9-11 December, “American Democracy in the Twenty-First Century,” Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland. Paper: “The American Military: A Democratizing Instrument of Democratization?” (In Polish).

2004, 25 June, First Workshop of Advanced Studies on the United States, Aleksander Gieysztor Academy of the Humanities, Pułtusk, Poland. Paper: “The American Revolution in Military Affairs” (in Polish).

2023, 20 November, "Brain-machine Fusion. Towards cyborg soldiers?”, Science Café of the Science Festival, and Polish Academy of Sciences.

2023, 8 October, "Soldier of the Future”, Debates about the Human of the Future, Przemiany Festival 2023, Copernicus Science Center, Warsaw.

2023, 26 March, "Super Soldiers? The Ethics of Drugs in Warfare – Penn Global”, a panel with prof. Clarie Finkelstein and prof. Jonathan Moreno, moderated by prof. Beth Simmons, Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

2023, 14 March, "Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes and the Dilemmas of Military Neuroenhancement”, Penn Bioethics Seminar (PBS), The Department of Medical Ethics & Health Policy, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

2023, 3 March, „The Brain at War”, lecture for command and staff of the Military Unit GROM, Warsaw.

2022, 23 November, "Warfighter 2040. Cyborgization at the Battlefield”, Diplomacy Week, Young Diplomats Forum, Kraków.

2022, 23 September, "Algorithm and humanity”, "Pre-dicting” series, 11th Zakopane Artistic Festival “The Navel of the World”, Witkacy Theatre, Zakopane.

2022, 11 July, discussion on "Brave New World: Language of the Future" with Aleksandra Przegalinska, conducted by Sylwia Czubkowska, Big Book Café, Warsaw.

2022, 8 July, „Mimowolne cyborgi. Mózg i wojna przyszłości" book launch event with Maciej Jakubowiak, Spółdzielnia Ogniwo, Kraków.

2021, 10 March Discussion on Black Mirror: "Men Against Fire” with Gen. Tomasz Drewniak. Hosted by Adrian Kędzierski. The Regional Center of International Debate and the Phronesis Academic Circle.

2019, 1 November, presentation: "Back to the Future: Toxins Used in Warfare Over the Years." Weaponised Toxins in Policing and Warfare Seminar, organized by Bioanalytics and Toxicology, Churchill War Rooms, London, United Kingdom

2019, 26 June. Debate on "Wars of the Future” with Agata Kaźmierska and Gen. Jarosław Stróżyk. Forum hosted by Michał Nogaś, Malta Festival, Poznan.

2018, 11 September. "Shooting Up" book event: reading and discussion. Eighteenth Internationales Literaturfestival, Berlin, Germany.

2018, 11 September. Panel discussion on "The Future of Drug Policies: From Prohibition to Regulation – What Would a Society That Allowed Drugs Look Like?” Eighteenth Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin, Germany.

2018, 8 January. Guest lecture: "Cyborgs Against Fire. Amerykański żołnierz przyszłości w ‘czarnym zwierciadle’" (“Cyborgs Against Fire: The American Soldier of the Future in a ‘Black Mirror.’” National Security Students’ Association. Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.

2017, 8 December. Guest lecture: “Drugs in Warfare.” London Toxicology Group. London, United Kingdom.

2017, 29 September. "Wojny na narkotykach" (“Wars on Drugs”). This presentation was part of the Faces of Medicine cycle in the Stanislaw Fischer Museum in Bochnia, Poland.

2017, 20 April. Guest lecture: “Fighting Better Than Well? Stimulants in the US Military." "American Studies Colloquium Series". American Studies Center, Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland.

2017, 4 February. Presentation on “The History of Drugs and War” and a debate with Brita Strand Rangnes, Bård Mæland and Stuart Walton. Host: Harald Birkevold., KÅKÅ kverulantkatedralen, Stavanger, Norway.

2017, 3 February. Participant in the discussion during Stuart Walton’s presentation: “A Beneficial History of Intoxicants.” Host: Ina Spinnangr, KÅKÅ kverulantkatedralen, Stavanger, Norway.

2016, 16 June. “Shooting Up: A History of Drugs in Warfare". Guest lecture. King’s College London, London, United Kingdom.

2016, 15 June. "Shooting Up: A History of Drugs in Warfare" book launch. Book and Kitchen, Nothing Hill, London, United Kingdom.

2014, December. “The Biotechnological Revolution and Military Human Enhancement.” A presentation for the staff of the Special Operations Center, Krakow, Poland.

2013, 18 September. “Psychoactive Substances in Armed Conflicts.” A presentation for the “Altered States of Consciousness” project. Malopolska Garden of Arts – Juliusz Slowacki Theatre, Krakow, Poland.

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Research projects and grants

  • 2020-2023: Neuroscience and Neurotechnologies in Warfare, research project under the OPUS 17 founding scheme, National Science Centre (2019/33/B/HS5/01297)
  • "Military Human Enhancement"
  • "War and Medicine"
  • 2010-2014: New technologies and the changing face of war. Science fiction or the future of Western way of war? - book project, National Science Foundation research grant.
  • The History of Drugs and Combat - book project.
  • Revolutions in Military Affairs: From nuclear to Information RMA - book project.

I occasionally make media appearances