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Prof. Agnieszka Gondor-Wiercioch

Prof. Agnieszka Gondor-Wiercioch

Prof. Gondor-Wiercioch holds a Ph.D. in Literature from the Jagiellonian University (2006) as well as an M.A. in English Philology (Jagiellonian University, 2002).


  • Head of the Department of Latin America
  • Coordinator of MOST
  • Coordinator of the program: Lekcja z klasą (“A Lesson with Class”)

Academic interests:

  • contemporary ethnic fiction
  • transculturation in literature
  • historical/ethnohistorical reconstruction
  • hybrid literature
  • dialogic identity
  • ethnic and post-ethnic dilemmas
  • transnational problems
  • comparative literature
  • culture clash and convergence

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2016, Pomiędzy rekonstrukcją a mitem. Role historii we współczesnej prozie rdzennych Amerykanów i Latino/a, (“Between Reconstruction and Myth: The Roles of History in Contemporary Native American and Latino/a Fiction”) Krakow: Księgarnia Akademicka, pp. 303.

2009, Dwa światy, dwie pamięci – dylemat wielokulturowości w wybranych utworach Louise Erdrich i José Maríi Arguedasa (“Two Worlds, Two Memories: The Dilemma of Multiculturalism in Selected Works by Louise Erdrich and José María Arguedas”), Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 290.

2021, Kill the Savage, Save the Man – James Welch’s Chronicle of Native American History, [in:] Manifestations of Male Image in the World’s Cultures, red. Renata Iwicka, Jagiellonian University Press, Kraków.

2018, Abuelas horribles y madres locas – lo grotesco en los retratos de las Latinas en los textos elegidos de Sandra Cisneros y Junot Díaz (“Terrible Grandmothers and Crazy Mothers: The Grotesque in the Images of Latinas in Selected Texts by Sandra Cisneros and Junto Díaz”), [in:]  Migraciones y diasporas en la América Latina contemporánea (“Migrations and Diasporas in Latin America”), eds. Karol Derwich, Monika Sawicka, Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press.

2017, Miłość w kontekście etnicznym – rekonstrukcja więzi wspólnotowych [in:] „Love Medicine” Louise Erdrich i „Caramelo” Sandry Cisneros (“Love in an Ethnic Context: The Reconstruction of Community Ties in Louise Erdrich’s Love Medicine and Sandra Cisneros’ Caramelo”), [in:] Wielkie tematy literatury amerykańskiej, vol.7 (“Major Topics in American Literature, Volume 7”), eds. Agnieszka Woźniakowska, Sonia Caputa, Katowice: Wydawnicwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.

2017, How to Speak About the Unspeakable: Historical Trauma in Toni Morrison’s Beloved and Linda Hogan’s Solar Storms, [in:] The Timeless Toni Morrison, ed. Agnieszka Łobodziec, Peter Lang.

2016, Kronika zapisana w ziemi- rekonstrukcja historii w wybranych utworach Louise Erdrich, (“A Chronicle Written on Land: History Reconstruction in Selected Works by Louise Erdrich”),  [in:] Doświadczenie pokoleniowe a perspektywa osobista (“Generational Experience and the Personal Perspective”), eds. Bożena Płonka-Syroka, Mateusz Dąsal, Kaja Marchel, Warsaw: Bellerive-sur-Allier, ss. 327-334.

2016, Transatlantycka perspektywa i metyski ogród Leslie Marmon Silko (“The Transatlantic Perspective and Mestizo Garden of Leslie Marmon Silko”) [in:] Kultura-Historia-Globalizacja (“Culture-History-Globalization”), Vol. VI, eds. Adam Nobis, Piotr Badyna, Piotr J. Fereński, Wroclaw: Wydawnictwo GAJT.

2007, Ścieżka na granicy dwóch światów (“A Trail at the Intersection of Two Worlds”), [in:] Dziedzictwo Odyseusza: podróż, obcość, tożsamość, identyfikacja, przestrzeń (“Odysseus’ Legacy: Travel, Otherness, Identification, Space”), eds. M. Cieśla-Korytkowska, O. Płaszczewska, Krakow: Universitas, pp. 429-439.

2023, Nomadic Sisters: Migrant Identity in Joanna Bator’s Chmurdalia and Sandra Cisneros’ Caramelom, "Porównania", No. 1(33). 351-367.

2022, Literary Cousins of Reservation Dogs, "Zeszyty Prasoznawcze", 2022/12.

2021, Pociąg do przyszłości – lekcja historii z Coslonem Whiteheadem ("Train to the Future - a history lesson with Colson Whitehead"), "Przegląd Kulturoznawczy", 2021, No. 3 (49) "Powrót futuryzmów”, pp. 496-510. Online release date: September 2021.

2020, “Bóg kiełbasy i pierogów”- Polish themes in the prose of Louise Erdrich (“The God of Kielbasa and Pierogi: Polish Themes in the Prose of Louise Erdrich”), "Konteksty Kultury", 16, issue 3, Krakow.

2018, Ethnic and Feminist Homecoming in ‘Eyes of Zapata’ by Sandra Cisneros"Kultura popularna" no. 4/58. 

2018, Memory That Haunts and Memory That Saves: Louise Erdrich and Cristina García, "Journal of Applied Cultural Studies", Volume 3.

2016, Deconstructing Cultural Icons: Sherman Alexie and Junot Díaz, "Ad Americam. Journal of Academic Studies", 17, Krakow.

2016, Ana Castillo in Search of Herstory, [in:] American Literature and Intercultural Discourses, "Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", Seria "Scripta Humana", Volume 7, ed. Agnieszka Łobodziec, Iwona Filipczak, Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski.

2016, Transnational Issues in Literary Explorations of Dominican History: Junot Díaz, Julia Alvarez, Mario Vargas Llosa, "Kultura-Historia-Globalizacja", Vol. 20.

2014, Transatlantycka perspektywa i metyski ogród Leslie Marmon Silko, (“A Transatlantic Perspective and the Mestizo Garden of Leslie Marmon Silko”), "Kultura-Historia-Globalizacja", Vol. 15.

2014, Louise Erdrich, Sherman Alexie i Junot Diaz – Buntownicy w objęciach fuku (“Louise Erdrich, Sherman Alexie, and Junot Díaz: Rebels Under the Spell of Fúku”), "Teksty drugie", pp. 343-368

2012, Transkulturowe rekonstrukcje historii – "Umiłowana" Toni Morrison i "The Plague of Doves" Louise Erdrich (“Transcultural Reconstructions of History: Toni Morrison’s Beloved and Louise Erdrich’s The Plague of Doves”), "Teksty drugie", Vol. 1/2, pp. 193-205.

2010, William Goyen i Juan Rulfo – literacka podróż w poszukiwaniu tożsamości (“William Goven and Juan Rulfo: A Literary Journey in Search of Identity”), "Bez porównania", vol. 3, pp. 135-155.

2007, Głos odzyskany – narodziny fikcyjnych światów Louise Erdrich i José Maríi Arguedasa (“The Recovered Voice: The Birth of the Fictional Worlds of Louise Erdrich and José María Arguedas”), "Teksty drugie", Vol. 4, pp. 216-236.

2022, 30 March -1 April, "Transmodern Literatures Of(f) the Limit", 17th International Conference on Contemporary Narratives in English. University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain. Paper: "Transnational Histories of Indigenous Peoples in David Treuer’s Non-Fiction Works”.

2021, 9-10 December, "Darkness in Paradise: American Declarations, Disillusions and Disasters” PAAS, Rzeszów, Poland. Paper: “Paradise Lost and Paradise Denied – Historical Trauma in David Treuer’s Prudence”.

2018, 4 October, “Feminisms in Motion: Migrations, Upheavals, Relocations, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland. Paper: "Louise Erdrich’s LaRose: Empowered by Herstory."

2018, 22 September, "Captive Minds: Norms, Normativities and the Forms of Tragic Protest", University of Silesia, Szczyrk, Poland. Paper: "For the God of Sausage and Pierogi – Catholic Schizophrenia in Louise Erdrich’s LaRose." 

2017, "Granice rzeczywiste i wyobrażone" (“Real and Imagined Limits”), Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Paper: "Granice tożsamości w Caramelo Sandry Cisneros" (“The Limits of Identity in Sandra Cisnero’s Caramelo”).

2016, 26-27 November, PTSL Conference: "Spory o wojnę: polskie badania nad konfliktami w Ameryce Łacińskiej" (“Disputes on War: Polish Research on Conflicts in Latin America”), Warsaw, Poland. Paper: "Walka o kształt historii KubyAlejo Carpentier i Cristina García" (“The Struggle for the Shape of Cuban History: Alejo Carpentier and Cristina García”). In Polish.

2016, 23-25 June, MESEA Conference: "Cultural Palimpsests: Ethnic Watermarks, Surfacing Histories". University of Warsaw: "Between Cuban History and Myth: Cristina García and Oscar Hijuelos." 

2016, 22-25 April, EAAS Conference, Constanta, Romania. Paper: "Rediscovering Homing Novels Through Eco-Feminist Perspectives – Linda Hogan."

2016, 8-9 April, IV Cracovian Conference: "Latin America Migraciones y diásporas de América Latina contemporánea" (“Migrations and Diasporas in Contemporary Latin America”), Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Paper: "Terrible Grandmothers and Crazy Mothers: The Grotesque in the Portrait of Latinas in Cisneros and Díaz."

2015, 23-25 September, "PAAS Homeliness, Domesticity and Security in American Culture", SWPS Warsaw, Poland. Paper: "Ethnic and Feminist Homecoming in 'Eyes of Zapata' by Sandra Cisneros."

2015, 6-8 May, "Memory Frictions: Conflict, Negotiations, Politics, Saragossa", Spain. Paper: "Memory That Haunts and Memory That Saves: The Cases of Louise Erdrich and Cristina García."

2014, 22-24 October, PAAS "American Wild Zones: Space, Experience, Consciousness," Białowieża, Poland. Paper: "Wild Zones in the Buried Histories of the U.S."

2014, 23 January, "Ziemie utracone jako kategoria interpretacyjna w badaniach historycznych, kulturowych i społecznych" (“The Lost Lands as a Category of Interpretation in Historical, Cultural, and Social Research”), Wroclaw, Poland. Paper: "Kronika zapisana w ziemi – rekonstrukcja historii w wybranych utworach Louise Erdrich" ("A Chronicle Written on Land – History Reconstruction in the Chosen Works of Louise Erdrich"). In Polish.

2012, 17-19 October, Polish Association for American Studies (PAAS) Conference: "Americascapes: Americans in/and Their Diverse Sceneries", John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Puławy, Poland. Paper: "Exterior and Interior Landscapes in Leslie Marmon Silko's Gardens in the Dunes.”

2013, 23-25 October, "PAAS Eating America", University of Wroclaw. Paper: "Deconstructing Cultural Icons – Sherman Alexie and Junot Diaz".

2012, 20-23 September, "Grievings", University of Silesia, Ustroń, Poland. Paper: "Transformative Patterns of Grief in Louise Erdrich's The Painted Drum."

2011, 2-3 June, "The Uses of Enchantment", Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Paper: "Two Faces of the Trickster in Louise Erdrich's North Dakota Novels."

2007, 22 October, "Juan Rulfo. Między niebem a piekłem" (“Juan Rulfo: Between Heaven and Hell”), Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Paper: "Juan Rulfo and William Goyen in Search of Lost Identity.". In Polish.

2006, 21 April, "Dyskursy centrum i pogranicza: ideologia, kultura, ciało" (“Discourses of the Center and Borderlands: Ideology, Culture Body”), Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Paper: "The Portrait of Double Spirituality In Louise Erdrich’s Tracks” ("Portret podwójnej duchowości w powieści Louise Erdrich Tracks" in Polish).

2005, 24 November, "Dziedzictwo Odyseusza: podróż, obcość i tożsamość, identyfikacja, przestrzeń" (“The Legacy of Odysseus: Travel, Othernes and Identity, Identification, Space”), Jagiellonian University, Krakow. Paper: "Path on the Borderline of Two Worlds ("Ścieżka na granicy dwóch światów" in Polish).

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Research projects and media

  • 2023, research grant on the University of Minnesota, ID.UJ. mini-grant.
  • 2022, “Between images of the past and visions of the future: The analysis of cultural and media discourse on Ojibwe nation in Minnesota.” Mini-grant on interdisciplinary research cooperation, the member of the research team.
  • 2022, Transcultural Identity as a Rebellion Against Romantic Historical Tradition (Erdrich, Tokarczuk, Dehnel)”, proof-reading grant ID.UJ.
  • 2021, “History-identity-education. The analysis of cultural and media discourse on Indigenous community in Minnesota.” Mini-grant in POB Heritage, the member of the research team.
  • JFK research grant, 2013, JFK Institute, Free University, Berlin.