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październik 2022

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Immigration to the USA and Poland: Similarities and Contrasts

Data: 17.10.2022
Czas rozpoczęcia: 17:00
Miejsce: Reymonta 4, sala 037
Organizator: Instytut Amerykanistyki i Studiów Polonijnych

Bryan Roberts

Bryan Roberts is an External Fellow of the CREATE research center based at the University of Southern California. In the past decade, he has led or co-led several major research projects for the U.S. government, think tanks, and private foundations on analysis of issues related to immigration, border security, and border management. These research projects have made innovative use of large government administrative-record datasets as well as non-government surveys to answer analytically challenging questions. During 2005-2011, he worked in the U.S. government as a research economist and was also responsible for analysis of the U.S. government’s programs related to immigration and border security. Prior to 2005, he worked as a resident economic advisor in several post-communist European countries and advised their governments on a wide range of economic issues. He was an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Miami during 1993-1998 and an Adjunct Professor in the Public Policy Program of George Washington University during 2010-2016. His teaching career has focused on courses in economics for public policy making, cost-benefit analysis, and economic development. He obtained a Ph.D. in economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Wydarzenie można zaliczyć w ramach programu OSA:

  • Opiekun: dr Justyna Budzik
  • Liczba godzin OSA: 1,5
  • Forma zaliczenia: sporządzenie krótkiej notatki w języku angielskim lub polskim (max. 500-600 znaków), dotyczącej tematyki poruszanej podczas wykładu i przesłanie jej dr Justynie Budzik do 31.10.2022
W pierwszej kolejności wydarzenie kierowane jest do studentów Amerykanistyki, ale mogą w nim uczestniczyć również studenci innych kierunków.