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Prof. Jolanta Szymkowska-Bartyzel

Prof. Jolanta Szymkowska-Bartyzel


Prof. Szymkowska-Bartyzel graduated in Film Studies at the Jagiellonian University. At the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, she prepared a doctoral thesis devoted to American myths and cultural motifs in television commercials. Prof. Szymkowska-Bartyzel has participated in numerous conferences both in Poland and abroad and is the author of articles dealing with the influence of American popular culture in Poland. She has taught at the universities in Vaxjo (2009), Prague (2012), Coimbra (2013), and Bologna (2016) and was a co-organizer of projects promoting American culture in Poland: the American Dream exhibition at the National Museum in Krakow (2009) and photographic exhibitions of scientific expeditions to the United States in 2010, 2012, and 2015.


  • Erasmus PLUS Coordinator
  • Discipline Council for the Science of Culture and Religion
  • Departmental Electoral Commission

Academic interests:

  • Americanization and Anti-American Sentiment
  • American Popular Culture
  • Intercultural Dialogue

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2015, Nasza Ameryka Wyobrażona. Polskie spotkania z amerykańską kulturą popularną po roku 1918 (“Our Imagined America: Polish Encounters with American Popular Culture After 1918”), Krakow: Księgarnia Akademicka, pp. 423.

2006, Amerykański mit - polski konsument, czyli reklamowe oblicza Ameryki (“The American Myth and the Polish Consumer, or the Advertising Face of America”), Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 182.


2022, Adam i Małgorzata – emigracyjne spotkania Margaret Fuller z Adamem Mickiewiczem ("Adam and Małgorzata - émigré meetings of Margaret Fuller with Adam Mickiewicz"), [in:] Pomiędzy Starym a Nowym Światem. Historia, migracje, etniczność ("Between the Old and the New World: History, Migrations, Ethnicity") (volume dedicated to Professor Adam Walaszek), eds. Marta Kijewska-Trembecka, Ewa Michna, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 101-118.

2019, Strzały z ukrycia: reklama skierowana do dzieci i młodzieży w nowych mediach: formy, praktyki, strategie (“Hidden Shots: Advertising Directed Towards Children and Youths in the New Media – Forms, Practices, Strategies”), [in:] Współczesny świat dziecka: media i konsumpcja (“The Contemporary World of the Child: The Media and Consumption”), ed. Małgorzata Bogunia-Borowska, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 221-238.

2017, From Domination to Contestation: The Changing Faces of American Popular Culture in Poland After 1989, [in:] Miracle Fair: Poland in Transatlantic Relations After 1989, ed. Małgorzata Zachara, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 222-247.

2016, Kanadyjska wojna na znaki – "culture jamming" jako element budowania kanadyjskiej tożsamości (“Canada’s War of Signs: ‘Culture Jamming’ as an Element of Building Canadian Identity”); [in:] Pani Anna w Kanadzie. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Prof. dr hab. Annie Reczyńskiej (“Anna in Canada: A Commemorative Book Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Hab. Anna Reczyńska”), eds. Magdalena Paluszkiewicz-Misiaczek, Marcin Gabryś, Krakow: Księgarnia Akademicka, pp.325-340.

2014, Divided by the Moving Image: Racism, Separatism and Political Correctness; [in]: The United States as a Divided Nation, eds. Marcin Grabowski, Krystof Kozak, Gyorgy Toth, Peter Lang Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, pp.151-166.

2014, Cosmopolitanism Online and Offline: Social Media and Polish Students in Europe; [in:] Digital Diversities: Social Media and Intercultural Experience (Post – Intercultural Communication and Education), eds. Garry Robson, Małgorzata Zachara, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 182-198.

2014, Cowboys Go to Washington - Cowboy Culture in Presidential Politics, [in:] The 2012 U.S. Presidential Election: Challenges and Expectations, eds. Paweł Laidler, Maciej Turek, Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 327-342.

2013, Iconizing Radical Change: How Gary Cooper Led Poland to Freedom; [in:] Configuring America. Iconic Figures, Visuality, and the American Identity, eds. Klaus Rieser, Michael Fuchs, Michael Philips, Bristol, Chicago: Intellect, pp. 149-166.

2012, Przeklinana i pożądana – rzecz o amerykanizacji (“Cursed and Desired: On Americanization”); [in:] Amerykomania. Księga jubileuszowa Profesora dra hab. Andrzeja Mani, vol. 2 (“Americomania: A Jubilee Book for Prof. Dr. Hab. Andrzej Mania, Volume 2”), eds. Włodzimierz Bernacki, Adam Walaszek, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 865-878. 

2011, The Polish Face of Anti-Americanism; [in:] Quo Vadis America? Conceptualizing Change in American Democracy, eds. Tomasz Basiuk, Bohdan Szklarski, Frankfurt am Main: Peter, pp. 137-147.

2009, William Thomas Stead and His 1901 Vision of the Americanized World; [in:] The United States and the World: From Imitation to Challenge, eds. Andrzej Mania Łukasz Wordliczek, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 251-262.

2006, Oblicza reklamowej perswazji (“The Faces of Commercial Persuasion”); [in:] Religia. Prawo. Reklama. Dylematy współczesnej kultury (“Religion, the Law, Advertising: The Dilemmas of Contemporary Culture”), eds. Ryszard Paradowski Warsaw: Ośrodek Studiów Amerykańskich, pp. 205-213.

2006, America from a Polish Perspective: Several Basic Myths; [in:] The United States and Europe: Conflict Versus Collaboration, eds. Andrzej Mania, Paweł Laidler, Katarzyna Spiechlanin, Łukasz Wordliczek, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 9-17.

2006, Polityczna poprawność w kinie amerykańskim - kompromis czy kompromitacja (“Political Correctness in American Cinema: Compromise or Disgrace?”); [in:] Amerykańska demokracja w XXI wieku (“American Democracy in the Twenty-First Century”), eds. Andrzej Mania, Paweł Laidler, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 275-282.

2022, The catcher in an imaginary America: The perverse domestication of American reality in Krzysztof Zanussi’s Holden (1961), "Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance", Vol. 15, pp. 227-247.

2018, Successful Against All Odds? – Margaret Fuller: The Self-Made Woman in the Nineteenth Century, "Ad Americam. Journal of Americam Studies", Vol. 19, pp.143-154

2017, A Good Man Among Bad Americans: The Image of John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Przekrój (1960-1964), "Ad Americam. Journal of Americam Studies", Vol. 18, pp. 65-73.

2015, Counterculture and Hyper-Capitalism: Commodifying the Rebel: The Case of Harley-Davidson, "Op. cit. Revista de Estudos Anglo-Americanos"/"A Journal of Anglo-American Studies", Second Series, No. 4: 205.

2014, From the American Wild West to Bojszowy: Jozef Kłyk’s Westerns as Social Rituals, "Review of International American Studies", Vol.7/1, pp. 51-71.

2015, Między Śląskiem a Teksasem – śląskie westerny Józefa Kłyka jako przykład pamięci protetycznej, "Studia Migracyjne- Przegląd Polonijny" (“Between Silesia and Texas: Józef Kłyk’s Silesian Westerns as an Example of Prothetic Memory”), Vol. 1/2015, pp. 161-178.

2014, The Voice of the System, "Short Film Studies", Vol.5, Intellect. Ltd. UK, pp. 57-60.

2014, Harley-Davidson on Polish Roads: the Mythical Aspects of Automotive Fascination, "Ad Americam", Vol. 15, pp. 129-140.

2003, How We Perceive It: Examining Polish Perceptions of Canada, "Ad Americam", Vol. 4, pp. 11-17.

2002, Nie mów, że chcesz go złowić, czyli reklama zakamuflowana (“Don’t Say You Want to Catch Them, or Camouflaged Advertising”), "Kultura popularna", No. 1, pp. 193-198.

2014, "Ad Americam", Vol. 15, p. 210 (co-author: Marcin Fatalski).

2009, American Dream Exhibition Lexicon, Krakow: National Museum.

2019, 23-24 May, international conference: “The City and the Arts,” Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Budapest, Hungary. Paper: “A Self-Made Woman in New York: Margaret Fuller as an Urban Reformer.”

2018, 20-21 November, international conference: "Wolność, równość…dla wszystkich? Kobiety w walce o awans społeczny 1700-1918" (“Freedom, Equality… for All? Women in the Struggle for Social Advancement”), Faculty of History, University of Wroclaw, Poland. Paper: "Self-made woman w XIX-wiecznej Ameryce – przypadek Margaret Fuller" (“A Self-Made Woman in Nineteenth-Century America: The Case of Margaret Fuller”).

2018, 26-27 April, international conference: “The Transnational Legacies of 1968: Between Memory, Politics, and Culture.” Department of North American Studies, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Paper: “Rebels on the Stage: Polish Theater and Social Resistance in 1968 and 2018.”

2018, 20 April, international symposium: “Experiential Tourism,” Institute for Tourism, Travel, and Culture.” University of Malta, Msida, Malta. Paper: “Pop Culture Sells: How Pop Culture Texts Develop and Promote Tourism.”

2017, 30 November-1 December, international conference: “Against Conventions: The Uncommon Social Roles of Men and Women from Early Modern Times to 1945.” Faculty of History, University of Wroclaw, Poland. Paper: “Men vs. Women: Civic Androgyny in Margaret Fuller’s Writings.”

2016, 22-15 April, international congress of European Association of American Studies, Contstanca, Romania. Paper: “Towards the Co-Creation of Cultural Diplomacy: The Case of the American Dream Exhibition, Poland 2009.”

2015, 20 March, international conference: “Back to the Game? Poland in Transatlantic Relations After 1989.” Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Paper: “The Changing Faces of American Popular Culture in Poland After 1989.”

2014, 28-29 March, international conference: “Deconstructing the Kennedy Mystique: JFK as a Cultural Phenomenon.” Center for American Studies, Warsaw University, Warsaw. Paper: “‘A Good Guy Among Bad Americans’: The Image of JFK Presidency in Przekrój -1960-1964.”

2013, 2-3 October, international symposium: “Negotiating Cultural Differences in the Digital Communication Era,” Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Paper: “Developing Cosmopolitanism: Erasmus, the Social Media, and Polish Students in Europe.”

2013, 3-6 August 2013, Sixth World Congress of International American Studies Association: “Oceans Apart: In Search of New Wor(l)ds,” University of Szczecin, Poland. Paper: “From the American Wild West to Bojszowy: Józef Klyk’s Westerns as Social Rituals.”

2013, 21-23 June, Tenth Professor Andrzej Bartnicki Forum for the Advanced Studies of the United States, “American Success: Its Many Faces Past and Present.” University of Bialystok, Poland. “Successful Against all Odds: Margaret Fuller as a Nineteenth-Century Self-Made Woman.”

2012, 26-27 October, international conference: “The 2012 Presidential Election in the United States: Challenges and Expectations,” Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Paper: “Cowboys Go to Washington: Cowboy Culture in Presidential Politics.”

2012, 11-12 May, international conference: “The Sixties: Legacies,” Center for American Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland. Paper: “Counterculture and Hyper-Capitalism: Commodifying the Rebel – The Case of Harley-Davidson.”

2009, 29-30 May, international conference: “The United States and the World: From Imitation to Challenge,” Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Paper: “William T. Stead and His Vision of an Americanized World.”

2007, 8-9 December, international conference: “Quo Vadis, America? The School of American Studies.” Collegium Civitas and Center for American Studies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw. Paper: “The Polish Faces of Anti-Americanism.”

2008, 18-19 April, national conference: “American Myth in Polish Culture: Construction, Reconstruction, Deconstruction,” Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Paper: „Harley –Davidson on Polish Roads: The Mythical Dimension of Automotive Fascinations.”

2007, 20-23 September, Third World Congress of International American Studies Association: “Trans/American, Trans/Oceanic, Trans/lation,” Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. Paper: “America from a Polish Perspective: Several Basic Myths.”

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Research projects

  • "Gratitude and Ingratitude in Polish-American Relations" - mini-grant  POB Heritage
  • "Mapping American Century" - didactic and educational mini-migrant POB Heritage "Mobility: courses and exchange" carried out in cooperation with Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (the Netherlands) and Universität Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
  • “Poland in Transatlantic Relations: Tools, Perspectives, and Importance in Shaping the Polish transatlantic debate” – research grant of National Science Center, SYMFONIA, UMO-2011/03/D/HS5/01116. Researcher.
  • “Negotiating Cultural Differences in Digital Communication Era” – research grant of the National Science Center, HARMONIA, UMO-2012/04/M/HS6/00517. Researcher.