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Magdalena Lisińska, Ph.D.

Magdalena Lisińska, Ph.D.

Magdalena Lisińska holds a PhD in political science (2018) from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow where she also completed Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in International Relations (2012, 2014), as well as a Master of Arts degree in Latin American studies (2015). She was a visiting researcher at the Center of Studies on Citizenship, State and Political Affairs (Centro de Estudios en Ciudadanía, Estado y Asuntos Políticos, CEAP) of the School of Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires (2016, 2017), at the Research Unit on the State, Citizenship and Family (Unidad de Investigación y Extensión sobre Estado, Ciudadanía y Familia, ECiFa) of the School of Social Sciences at the National University of Quilmes (2022, 2023) and at the Regional University Center Atlantic Zone (C.U.R.Z.A. - Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica) of the National University of Comahue (2023). She also conducted her research at Helsinki University (2017), the University of London, the School of Advanced Studies (2018), and the Free University of Berlin (2018, 2021). Benefiting from the Erasmus Program, she spent a semester at the Autonomous University of Madrid (2016) and was a visiting professor at the University of Catania (2023). She has received the START 2021 scholarship from the National Foundation of Polish Science (2021), JU Rector's Award for scientific achievements (2020, 2023), the award of the Polish International Studies Association for the best monograph (2020), the award of the Cracow Branch of the Polish Political Science Association for the best monograph (2020).


  • Dean's Representative for Promotion
  • Representative of the Jagiellonian University in the Una Europa Latin America Subgroup

Academic interests:

  • Contemporary Argentina
  • Political History of Argentina
  • Relationship between domestic and foreign policy in Argentina
  • The South Atlantic and the Malvinas/Falklands Archipelago
  • Organized Crime in Latin America

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2022, Kraj Srebrnej Rzeki. Argentyna od spotkania światów do czasów współczesnych ("The Country of the Silver River. Argentina from the Meeting of Two Worlds to the Present Day"), Krakow: Universitas, pp. 256

2019, Argentine Foreign Policy during the Military Dictatorship, 1976–1983. Between a Nationalist and Pragmatic Approach, London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 197.

2022, "Politeja", vol. 19, no. 6(81): Studies in Latin America (special volume co-edited with Monika Sawicka).

2015, Ameryka Łacińska w stosunkach międzynarodowych (“Latin America in International Relations”), eds. Magdalena Lisińska, Beata Beliavska, Krakow: Wydawnictwo KSSM, pp. 162.

2020, W stronę subregionalnej wspólnoty bezpieczeństwa? Przykład Wspólnego Rynku Południa (Mercosur) („Towards a Sub-regional Security Union?A Study of the Southern Common Market (Mercosur”) [in:] Bezpieczeństwo międzynarodowe: aspekty metodologiczne i systemowe („International security: methodological and systemic aspects”), ed. Piotr Bajor, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 181-196.

2017, Polityka zagraniczna Argentyny w okresie prezydentury Cristiny Fernández de Kirchner (“A Dream of Power: Argentine Foreign Policy During the Presidency of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner”) [in:] Badanie polityki zagranicznej państwa: Stany Zjednoczone, Azja Wschodnia, Bliski Wschód & Ameryka Łacińska (“Studying State Foreign Policy: The United States, East Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America”), eds. Paulina Matera, Małgorzata Pietrasiak, Radosław Bania, Michał Stelmach, Warsaw: Wyd. Rambler, pp. 319- 339.

2017, Argentyńska transformacja demokratyczna w świetle teorii Guillerma O’Donnella (“The Argentine Transition to Democracy in Light of Guillermo O’Donnell’s Theory”) [in:] Współczesne polityczno-prawne systemy państw Europy, Azji i Ameryki Łacińskiej (“The Contemporary Political-Legacy Systems of States in Europe, Asia, and Latin America”), eds. Krystian Complak, Patryk Gutierrez, Jolanta Rosiak, Wyd. WPAiE UWr, Wroclaw 2017, pp. 39-60.

2017, Dawno, dawno temu w odległej Galaktyce. Archetyp trickstera w sadze Gwiezdnych wojen (“A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away: The Trickster Archetype in the Star Wars Saga”) [in:] Trickster i inne postaci ambiwalentne w najnowszej popkulturze (“The Trickster and Other Ambivalent Characters in Recent Popular Culture”), eds. Anna Kuchta, Joanna Malita-Król, Krakow: Wyd. ATW, pp. 55-65.

2015, Trzecia droga. Peronistowski justycjalizm a argentyńska gospodarka w drugiej połowie XX w. (“The Third Way: Peronist Justicialism and the Argentine Economy in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century”) [in:] Idea jako czwarty czynnik produkcji (“Ideas as a Fourth Factor of Production”), eds. Jacek Malczewski, Marcin Kaliński, Piotr Eckhardt, Krakow: Wyd. Kasper, pp. 158-181.

2015, Czy Malwiny są argentyńskie? Spór o archipelag Falklandów-Malwinów z perspektywy latynoamerykańskiej (“Are the Malvinas Argentine? The Dispute on the Falklands/Malvinas Archipelago from a Latin American Perspective”) [in:] Ameryka Łacińska w stosunkach międzynarodowych (“Latin America in International Relations”), eds. Magdalena Lisińska, Beata Beliavska, Krakow: Wydawnictwo KSSM, pp. 129-142.

2012, Stosunki Polski z państwami Ameryki Łacińskiej w latach 1989-1999 (“Poland’s Relations with Latin American States in 1989-1999”) [in:] Polityka zagraniczna Polski. Wybrane zagadnienia i problemy (“Poland’s Foreign Policy: Selected Topics and Problems”), eds. Piotr Bajor, Tomasz Młynarski, Krakow: Wyd. KSSM, pp. 155-166.

2012, Spór falklandzki w kontekście działań Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych (“The Falklands Dispute in the Context of the Activity of the United Nations”) [in:] Spory Międzynarodowe, wyzwanie dla współczesnego świata? (“International Disputes: A Challenge for the Contemporary World?”), eds. Anita Garnuszek, Aleksandra Surma, Laura Mazur Warszawa: WPiA UW, pp. 228-256.

2023, The Falklands/Malvinas as an Identity Dispute: A Constructivist Analysis of the British and Argentinian Positions, "The International Spectator", online first, 25 Sep 2023.

2023, La diplomacia económica y la deuda externa argentina durante la última dictadura militar 1976–1983 ["Economic diplomacy and Argentina's foreign debt during the last military dictatorship 1976-1983"] “Anuario Latinoamericano. Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales” nr 15, pp. 133-151.

2023, Three Models of Presidential Impeachment in South America, "Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego" No 2(72), pp. 287-296 (co-author: Alicja Fijałkowska-Myszyńska).

2022, Political Polarization in Times of Crisis: La grieta and Its Impact on Argentine Democracy during the COVID-19 Pandemic, "Politeja", Vol. 19 No. 6(81): Studies in Latin America, pp. 123-138.

2022, A struggle for influence. The conflict between the government of Cristina Fernández Kirchner’s and Grupo Clarín in Argentina. “Zeszyty Prasoznawcze” no. 4 (252), pp. 37-51.

2020, Ni Una Menos, czyli feminizm po argentyńsku („Ni Una Menos – the Feminist Movement in Argentina”), "Ameryka Łacińska" no. 3 (109-110) pp. 41-58.

2019, Nationalism and Dictatorship. The 1982 Falkland Islands Crisis, "Ad Americam" no. 20, pp. 29-44.

2019, Amerykańska polityka praw człowieka wobec Argentyny w czasie „brudnej wojny” 1976-1983 (“The United States’ Human Rights Policy Towards Argentina During the ‘Dirty War’”), “Politeja” no. 2(59), pp. 299-325..

2019, Las políticas de género durante la presidencia de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner en Argentina (2007-2015) (“Gender Policies During the Presidency of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in Argentina, 2007-2015”), "Anuario Latinoamericano. Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales" No. 8, pp. 173-188.

2019, Wybory w Argentynie, czyli czerwona kartka dla neoliberalizmu (“Elections in Argentina: A Red Flag for Neoliberalism”), "Krytyka Polityczna" (online).

2018, Las “fronteras ideológicas” y la última dictadura militar en Argentina (1976-1983): el caso de las operaciones encubiertas en América Central,(“The Concept of ‘Ideological Frontiers’ and the Last Military Dictatorship in Argentina, 1976-1983: The Case of Covert Operations in Central America”) "Anuario Latinoamericano. Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales" No. 6, pp. 67-84.

2017, Stan bezpieczeństwa w Ameryce Łacińskiej w 2016 roku, (“The State of Security in Latin America in 2016”), "Przegląd Strategiczny", No. 10/2017, pp. 529-545.

2017, Zjawisko dehumanizacji w trakcie argentyńskiej dyktatury wojskowej 1976-1983. Przykład działania Szkoły Mechaników Marynarki Wojennej ESMA w Buenos Aires (“The Phenomenon of Dehumanization During the 1976-1983 Military Dictatorship in Argentina: The case of the Naval School of Mechanical Engineering ‘ESMA’ in Buenos Aires”), "Ameryka Łacińska", No. 3(97), pp. 85-106.

2016, Is the Archipelago a Political Tool? The role of the Falkland Islands Sovereignty Dispute in the Argentine Policy During the Kirchner’s Era, "Ad Americam. Journal of American Studies" No. 17, pp. 119-134.

2015, Stosunki argentyńsko-brytyjskie w kontekście sporu falklandzkiego po roku 1982 (“Argentine-British Relations in the Context of the Falklands Dispute After 1982”), "Ameryka Łacińska" No. 3-4 (89-90), pp. 73-100.

2014, Argentyńsko-amerykańska współpraca militarna w okresie dyktatury wojskowej w Argentynie w latach 1976-1983 (“Argentine-American Military Cooperation During the 1976-1983 Military Dictatorship in Argentina”), "Poliarchia", No. 2(3), pp. 33-58.

2013, Wzrost zubożenia społeczeństwa argentyńskiego jako skutek kryzysu lat 1999-2002 (“The Increasing Impoverishment of Argentine Society as a Result of the 1999-2002 Economic Crisis”), "Ameryka Łacińska" XXI 2013 Supplement, pp. 35-35.

2023, 9 November, Conference “Malvinas, Iglesia Católica y medios de comunicación. Diferentes miradas sobre la Dictadura Militar Genocida 1976-1983”, C.U.R.Z.A (Centro Regional Zona Atlantica - Universidad Nacional del Comahue), Viedma, Argentina. Paper: "Por qué Malvinas? Ideología, nacionalismo y guerra durante la última dictadura militar argentina 1976-1983” (Why Malvinas? Ideology, nationalism and war during the last military dictatorship 1976-1983 in Argentina).

2023, 14 November, Conference "Fuerzas Armadas y Malvinas a 40 años de la recuperación democrática", Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Bernal, Argentina. paper: “Posiciones desmalvinizadoras y la democracia argentina. De la Guerra de Malvinas hasta el presente" (Demalvinization narratives  and Argentine democracy. From the Malvinas War to the present).

2022, 24-25 November, Eleventh Convention of the Polish International Studies Association, University of Wrocław, Poland. Paper: "Nowe otwarcie czy stare podziały? Polityka administracji Joe Bidena wobec Ameryki Łacińskiej" ("New opening or old divisions? Joe Biden’s policy towards Latin America").

2022, 21-23 September, Fifth Congress of Political Science, University of Wrocław, Poland. Paper: „Populizm w Amerykach. Nowe zagrożenie czy stała tendencja?” ("Populism in the Americas. New threat or constant trend?").

2022, 28 June – 1 July, Sixth Global International Studies Conference, Pontifica Universidad Católica de Argentina, Buenos Aires. Paper: "Nationalism and the junta’s foreign policy: The Falklands/Malvinas case".

2022, 21-22 April, Annual Conference of the Society for Latin American Studies, University of Bath, United Kingdom. Paper: "Socio-political polarization and Argentina’s pandemic reality".

2021, 9-11 December, International conference "Non state actors as a determinant of contemporary international relations”, Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Expert lecture: "Argentyńsko-brytyjski spór o Falklandy/Malwiny w przekazie medialnym" ("The British-Argentine Falkland/Malvinas dispute in media coverage").

2021, 9 December, International symposium „2021 Elections in Latin America”, Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Paper: "Legislative elections in Argentina – implications for the current political situation”.

2021, 11-13 November, Sixth Biennial Conference of the International Association of Inter-American Studies, Laredo, Texas, USA. Paper: "Does Inter-American populism exist? Reflections on populist leadership in Latin America and the US".

2021, 4-5 November, Tenth Convention of the Polish International Studies Association, Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland. Paper: "Czy pęknięcie można naprawić? Polaryzacja społeczno-polityczna a postpandemiczna przyszłość Argentyny" ("Can the crack be fixed? Socio-political polarization and Argentina’s post-pandemic future").

2021, 28 May, International symposium: “Desconsolidación de la democracia en América Latina” (online) Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Referat: Política y polarización en Argentina. La democracia en tiempos de pandemia.

2021, 16 April, “Crisis of the Contemporary Security System: a new map of geopolitical competition" (online), University of Lviv. Paper: Pandemia COVID-19 a przyszłość regionu Ameryki Łacińskiej. Szanse i zagrożenia (COVID19 pandemic and the future of Latin America. Chances and threats).

2020, 23-24 October, International symposium: “Latin American Research in Poland: Recent Experiences, Achievements, Perspectives, and Challenges.” International conference organized by the University of Warsaw. Paper: “The Ideological Roots of Violence Under the 1976-1983 Military Dictatorship in Argentina.”

2020, 25 September, "A Crisis of the Contemporary Security System: In Search of a New International Order.” International conference co-organized by the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University. Paper: “The Political Crisis in Bolivia in Light of Securitization Theory” (in Polish).

2019, 7-8 November, Ninth Convention of the Polish International Studies Association, Polish Naval Academy, Gdynia, Poland. Paper: "PROSUR jako nowa forma współpracy państw rozwijających się w Ameryce Łacińskiej" (“PROSUR as a New Form of Cooperation Between Developing Countries in Latin America”).

2019, 19-20 September, Third Jagiellonian Security Conference: "Systemy bezpieczeństwa: wymiar lokalny, regionalny i globalny" (“Security Systems: Their Local, Regional, and Global Dimensions”), Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Paper: "W stronę subregionalnej wspólnoty bezpieczeństwa? Przykład Wspólnego Rynku Południa (Mercosur)" (“Towards a Sub-Regional Security Community? The Example of the Southern Common Market (Mercosur).

2019, 29 May, Tenth Diplomatic Festival: "30 lat dyplomacji III RP" (“Thirty Years of Diplomacy in the Third Polish Republic”), Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Paper: "Polska dyplomacja wobec Ameryki Łacińskiej i Karaibów po roku 1989" (“Polish Diplomacy Towards Latin America and the Caribbean After 1989”)".

2019, 22-23 May, Fifth Academic Encounter with Latin America, Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland. Paper: "Polityka zagraniczna Argentyny" (“Argentina’s Foreign Policy”).

2019, 4-5 April, Annual Conference of the Society for Latin American Studies, University of Leicester, United Kingdom. Paper: “Argentine Territorial Nationalism During the 1976-1983 Military Dictatorship.”

2018, 22 May, “The Many Faces of Crime in the Twenty-First Century.” Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Paper: “Organized Crime and Violence in Contemporary Argentina” (in Polish).

2017, 9-10 November, Seventh Convention of the Polish International Studies Association, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Paper: “Regional Integration and Argentinian Foreign Policy Under Mauricio Macri” (in Polish).

2017, 24-25 October, “Beyond Europe: Politics and Change in Global and Regional Affairs.” Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. Paper: “Security in Latin America in 2016.”

2017, 21-22 September, Second Jagiellonian Security Conference. Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. Paper: “Social Media and the Mexican Drug War” (in Polish).

2017, 15-16 May, "Los países latinoamericanos en el aspecto jurídico, social y filosófico", University of Wroclaw, Poland. Paper: “Stagnation or Progress? Gender Policy During the Presidency of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in Argentina (2007-2015).”

2017, 6-7 April, Annual Conference of the Society for Latin American Studies, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom. Paper: “Ideological Construction of the Enemy: The Case of the 1976-1983 Military Dictatorship in Argentina.”

2016, 16-18 November, “Icons and Symbols of Canada,” Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Paper: "Why Has the World Fallen in Love with Canada’s PM? The Political Leadership of Justin Trudeau.”

2016, 9-10 November, Sixth Convention of the Polish International Studies Association, University of Lodz, Poland. Paper: “Argentine Foreign Policy During the Presidency of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner” (in Polish).

2016, 21-22 September 2016, Jagiellonian Security Conference, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Paper: “Cross-Border Security Threats in the Southern Cone (Cono Sur)” [in Polish].

2016, 23-25 June, Co-joint Convention of the Central and East European International Studies Association (CEEISA) and the International Studies Association (ISA). “The Politics of International Relations.” The University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Paper: “Is the Foreign Policy in Latin America Ideologically Biased? The Case of Argentina.”

2016, 27-29 April, “Hollywood: Creating the U.S.” Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. Paper: “A Problematic Reality: Hispanics and Latinos in American Cinema.”

2016, 7-8 April, Annual Conference of the Society for Latin American Studies, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom. Paper: “The Falklands/Malvinas Sovereignty Dispute: Is British-Argentine Reconciliation a Possible Scenario?”

2015, 18-20 November, “Canada and the World.” Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Paper: "Canada-Cuba Relations: A Cordial Bond or Pragmatic Policy?”

2015, 29 September, Third Polish Congress of Political Science, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Paper: “The Archipelago as a Political Tool: The Falkland Islands Sovereignty Dispute in Argentine Domestic Policy” (in Polish).

2015, 18-20 June, “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Security in a Changing World.” Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. Paper: “The South Atlantic in Argentina’s Foreign and Security Policies in the Twenty-First Century.”

2015, 20 April, “The Latin American States in a Legal, Social, and Philosophical Context.” The University of Wroclaw, Poland. Paper: “Argentine Democratic Transformation in Light of Guillermo O'Donnell’s Theory” (in Polish).

2015, 14-18 April, “The Politics of Conflict and Cooperation,” Birkbeck University, London, United Kingdom. Paper: “The Role of the United Nations in the Anglo-Argentine Falklands/Malvinas Dispute.”

2024, 23 April. „Mechanisms, directions and determinants of Argentine foreign policy since democratic transition”. Guest lecture, Instituto de Relações Internacionais, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil.

2023, 9 November, workshop "Dictadura y democracia en Argentina: la trastienda de la investigación", C.U.R.Z.A (Centro Regional Zona Atlantica - Universidad Nacional del Comahue), Viedma, Argentina. Paper: "Investigar dictadura y la guerra de Malvinas desde Polonia. Dificultades y desafíos" (Researching the last military dictatorship and the Malvinas War from Poland. Difficulties and challenges).

2023, 24 January, "Where is Latin America heading? Social, economic and political challenges in selected countries of the region". Expert Debate. Polish Institute of International Affairs, Warsaw, Poland.

2023, 12 September, Democracy support workshop". Expert debate, "Euro-Atlantic Forum on Democracy and Security: Our Freedom and Yours". Institute for Strategic Studies, Krakow, Poland.

2022, 11 November, “Pensar Malvinas: Diversas dimensiones de la Guerra”. Expert roundtable discussion. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Bernal, Argentyna.

2019, 25 March, “Authoritarism ideologized – the 1976-1983 military dictatorship in Argentina”. Latin American seminar “Faces of dictatorship. Latin American authoritarianism in comparative perspective”. Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.

2019, 29 May, “Polish diplomacy towards Latin America and Carribean”. Lecture held during the 10th Diplomatic Festival. Institute of Political Science and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland.


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Research projects and media

  • 2020-2021 - „Argentina – history and society – book.
  • National Science Centre research grant (2016-2019): The Ideologization of Argentine Foreign Policy under the National Reorganization Process, 1976-1983.


  • Krytyka Polityczna: Argentyna szuka ratunku w szaleństwie anarchokapitalisty ("Argentina seeks salvation in the madness of the anarcho-capitalist")
  • Latynoski Trump wstrząśnie Argentyną? Oto prezydent Javier Milei  ("Will Latino Trump shake Argentina? Here's President Javier Milei")
  • Radio Nacional, Aguafuertes Patagónicas: Guerra de Malvinas: El nacionalismo en las decisiones de los militares ("Patagonian Etchings: Falklands War: Nationalism in the decisions of the military")
  • Krytyka Polityczna: Wybory w Argentynie, czyli czerwona kartka dla neoliberalizmu ("Elections in Argentina: a red card for neoliberalism")
  • Onet: Jak doszło do legalizacji aborcji w Argentynie? (“How Was Abortion Legalized in Argentina?”)
  • Radio CUT (Radio Ciudad de Buenos Aires)
  • Tok FM