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Prof. Marta Kania

Prof. Marta Kania


Dr. Kania graduated from the Jagiellonian University with degrees in archaeology and cultural studies (2002, 2003), a Ph.D. degree in the Humanities from the Faculty of History of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (2008). She holds a habilitation in social studies - political studies (Jagiellonian University, 2022). Since 2008, she has been employed as an assistant professor in the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora at the Jagiellonian University’s Department of Latin American Studies. Dr. Kania has been a Visiting Fellow, Visiting Lecturer, and has conducted library research at: the Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP, Lima, Peru); the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP, Lima, Peru); the National University of Saint Anthony the Abad in Cuzco (UNSAAC, Cusco, Peru); the Center for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean; the National Autonomous University of Mexico (CIALC UNAM, Mexico); the Casa de las Américas (Havana, Cuba); the University of Compostela (Spain); the University of Warsaw (2017, 2018); and the Ibero-American Institute (Berlin). She has received research grants and scholarships from the National Foundation of Polish Science (2010), the Society-Environment-Technology Program of the Jagiellonian University (2013, 2014), the National Autonomous University of Mexico (2015-2016; 2017-2019; 2020-2022), the National Center of Science (2018), Strategic Program Initiative of Excellence of the Jagiellonian University - POB Heritage (2022, 2023) and the “Bratniak” Foundation of the Jagiellonian University (2012, 2013, 2015, 2017).


  • 2018 - 2022: Vice-Chair of Latin America Working Group of Coimbra Group Universities
  • 2015 - 2022: representative of the Jagiellonian University in the Coimbra Group Universities consortium
  • 2016 - 2021: Coordinator of BEaDOC / Brazil – Europe Doctoral and Research Program
  • Responsible for International Affairs at the Institute of American Studies
  • Representative of the Rector’ Fund Ars Docendi.

Academic interests and research topics:

  • The history and ethnopolitics of Latin America
  • Human rights, cultural rights and cultural politics in Latin America
  • Nationalism and national and regional identity in Hispanic America
  • Heritage studies: the political and social aspects of the pre-Columbian heritage
  • Peru - history, politics, society
  • Religious diversity and religious syncretism in Hispanic America (past and present issues)

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2019, Projekt Qhapaq Ñan. Wyzwania nowego modelu polityki wobec dziedzictwa kulturowego ludów tubylczych (“The Qhapaq Ñan Project: The Challenges of the New Model of Politics Regarding the Cultural Legacy of Indigenous Peoples”), Krakow: Księgarnia Akademicka, pp. 224.

2013, Machupicchu: między archeologią i polityką (“Machu Pichu: Between Archaeology and Politics”), Krakow: Wydawnictwo Universitas, pp. 292.

2010, Prekolumbijski image Peru. Rola archeologii i dziedzictwa inkaskiego w kształtowaniu peruwiańskiej tożsamości narodowej (“The Pre-Columbian Image of Peru: The Role of Archaeology and the Incan Legacy in the Shaping of Peruvian National Identity”), Krakow: Wydawnictwo Universitas, 2010, pp. 363.

2024, Indigenous Peoples heritage and democratisation processes: from monumentalisation to participation in Peruvian cultural policy, [in:] Routledge International Handbook of Heritage and Politics, red. G. Bozoğlu, G. Cambell, L. Smith, C. Whitehead, Routledge, pp. 568-585.

2022, „Jestem nikkei, dumnym Peruwiańczykiem”. O imigracji japońskiej w Peru (""I am nikkei, a Proud Peruvian." On Japanese Immigration in Peru"), [in:] Pomiędzy Starym i Nowym Światem ("Between the Old and the New World"), eds. Marta Kijewska-Trembecka, Ewa Michna, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 261-275.

2021, ‘Prior consultation’ as an Instrument of participation policy: lessons from Latin America, [in:] Why Latin America Matters? A Collection of Essays, eds. Soledad Garcia Ferrari, Hans Egil Offerdal, Marta Alicja Kania, CCLAS, Edinburgh, pp. 168-187.

2020, Partycypacja polityczna ludów tubylczych: prawo consulta previa na terenie Ameryki Łacińskiej (“The Political Participation of Indigenous Peoples: The Law of Consulta Previa in Latin America”), [in]: Partycypacja polityczna (“Political Participation”), eds. M. Marczewska–Rytko, D. Maj, Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS, pp. 123-134.

2018, Dziedzictwo kulturowe, etnopolityka i kształtowanie ideologii narodowej w Ameryce Łacińskiej (“Cultural Heritage, Ethnopolitics, and the Shaping of National Ideology in Latin America”), [in:] Dziedzictwo we współczesnym świecie. Kultura – natura – człowiek (“Heritage in the Contemporary World: Culture, Nature, Man”), eds. Arkadiusz Marciniak, Michał Pawleta, Kornelia Kajda, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Universitas, pp. 213-254.

2017, Protección y salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural de los pueblos indigenas en el Peru (“The Protection and Safeguarding of the Cultural Heritage of Indigenous Peoples in Peru”), [in:] ¿Estado Nación o Estado plural? Pueblos indigenas y el Estado en America Latina (siglo XXI) (“A Nation-State or a Pluralist State? Indigenous Peoples in the State in Latin America in the Twenty-First Century”), ed. Gaya Makaran, Mexico: CIALC, UNAM, pp. 121-146.

2016, Żyć można w Montanji całe lata. O kolonizacji polskiej w Peru (“You Can Live in Montaña for Years: On Polish Colonization in Peru”), [in:] Pani Anna w Kanadzie, Księga Pamiątkowa dedykowana Pani Prof. Annie Reczyńskiej (“Anna in Canada: A Commemorative Book Dedicated to Prof. Anna Reczyńska”), eds. Marcin Gabryś, Magdalena Paluszkiewicz-Misiaczek, Krakow: Księgarnia Akademicka, pp. 17-37.

2014, Prawa człowieka i prawa kulturowe. Zarys problematyki (“Human Rights and Cultural Rights: An Outline of the Problem”), [in:] Prawa człowieka w Ameryce Łacińskiej. Teoria i praktyka ("Los derechos humanos en America Latina. Teoria y practica/“Human Rights in Latin America: Theory and Practice”), eds. Karol Derwich, Marta Kania, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 65-85.

2014, Minorías religiosas: el fenómeno de los santos populares (“Religious Minorities: The Phenomenon of Popular Saints”), [in:] Minorías sociales en América Latina en la época de la globalización (“Social Minorities in Latin America in the Age of Globalization”), eds. Adalberto Santana, Tae Hwan Ahn, Mexico: UNAM-CIALC, Universidad de Busan, FIEALC, pp. 205-236.

2012, Archeologia. Polityka. Etyka. Prawo. Do kogo należą zabytki z Machu Picchu? (“Archaeology, Politics, Ethics, Law: Who Owns the Landmarks at Machu Picchu?”), [in:] Amerykomania (“Americomania”), Vol. 2, eds. Włodzimierz Bernacki, Adam Walaszek, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 367-394.

2011, Prekolumbijskie oblicze władzy. Dziedzictwo inkaskie i „mit powrotu" w kampanii wyborczej prezydenta Alejandro Toledo (“The Pre-Columbian Face of Authority: The Incan Legacy and the ‘Myth of Return’ in Alejandro Toledo’s Presidential Campaign”), [in:] Przeszłość we współczesnej narracji kulturowej, Studia i Szkice Kulturoznawcze (“The Past in the Contemporary Cultural Narrative: Studies and Sketches in Cultural Studies”), Vol. 2, eds. Paweł Plichta, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 83-97.

2011, 1909-2009: Ewolucja idei cusqueñismo w stulecie ruchu reformy uniwersyteckiej w Cusco (“The Evolution of the Idea of Cusqueñismo on the Centenary of the Movement for University Reform in Cusco”), [in:] Ruchy społeczne i etniczne w Ameryce Łacińskiej (“Social and Ethnic Movements in Latin America”), eds. Karol Derwich, Marta Kania, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 99-126.

2010, Relacje archeologii i nacjonalizmu – dyskurs (z) przeszłości? (“The Narratives of Archaeology and Nationalism: A Discourse of [from] the Past?”), [in:] Antropologia polityki i polityka w antropologii (“The Anthropology of Politics and Politics in Anthropology”), eds. Mirosława Drozd-Piasecka, Aleksander Posern-Zieliński Warsaw: Komitet Nauk Etnologicznych PAN, Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN, pp. 139-153.

2023, Upolitycznione dziedzictwo – wyzwania XXI wieku. Wprowadzenie, "Politeja", No. 5 (86), JU, Kraków, pp. 5-12.

2023, Progresywny cykl peruwiańskiej polityki kulturowej: partycypacja i prawo uprzednich konsultacji wobec dziedzictwa kulturowego ludności tubylczej, "Politeja", No. 5 (86), JU, Kraków, s. 81-108.  

2022, Oscar Espinosa, Perú: el bicentenario de la independencia. Presentación, Anuario Latinoamericano. Ciencias políticas y relaciones internacionales, vol. 13, "América Latina: Perú", UMCS, Lublin 2022, pp. 13-20.

2022, Indigeneity in the Debate. The Right to Prior Consultation in Peruvian Ethnopolitics, "Anuario Latinoamericano. Ciencias políticas y relaciones internacionales", vol. 13, pp. 21-44.

2019, The Qoyllurit’i Pilgrim: Religious Heritage Versus Socio-Environmental Problems, "Studia Religiologica", vol. 52.

2019, Qhapaq Nan: Indigenous Peoples’ Heritage as an Instrument of Inter-American Integration Policy, "Anuario Latinoamericano. Ciencias Politicas y Relaciones Internacionales", Vol. 7, pp. 245-269.

2019, Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Culture Heritage: Threats and Challenges for a New Model of Heritage Policy, "Latinoamerica. Revista de los Estudios Latinoamericanos", Vol. 68, 1, pp. 127-154.

2016, Human Rights, the Principles of Multiculturalism, and New Paths of Development in Latin America, "Ad Americam: Journal of American Studies", Vol. 17, pp. 5-10.

2016, The Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Peru: From Socio-political Marginalization to the Modern Principles of Multiculturalism, "Ad Americam: Journal of American Studies", Vol. 17, pp. 11-32.

2014, Comunidad imaginada – comunidad re-inventada. Patrimonio cultural y juego con sus símbolos en la política neo-indigenista en el Cusco del s. XX (“Imagined Community, Re-Invented Community: The Cultural Legacy and Playing with Its Symbols in Neo-Indigenist Politics in Twentieth-Century Cusco”), "Estudios Latinoamericanos", Vol. 33-34, pp. 253-273.

2013, Old Myths, New Traditions: The ‘Spectacle of Power’ in the Politics of Peru and Bolivia in the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century, "Ad Americam", Vol. 14, pp. 63-80.

2012, Positivists, Naturalists, Travelers, but Not Settlers: Poles in Peru in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, "Polish American Studies", Vol. LXIX, No. 1, pp. 27-53.

2011, Discovery and Manipulations: Some Comments About Archaeology, Politics, and the Right to Cultural Heritage in Peru on the Centenary of the ‘Scientific Discovery’ of Machu Picchu, "Studies in Ancient Art and Civilizations", Vol. 15, pp. 247-262.

2010, La nación que honra su pasado, se honra a sí mismo. El difícil inicio de la museología nacional y la protección del patrimonio arqueológico del Perú (1822-1911) (“The Nation That Honors Its Past Honors Itself: The Difficult Beginnings of National Museology and the Protection of Peru’s Archaeological Patrimony, 1822-1911”), "Studies in Ancient Art and Civilizations", Vol. 14, pp. 207-228.

2008, Archaeology, Nationalism, Tradition: Some Comments About Cusco, Inti Raymi, and National Identity in Peru in the First Half of the Twentieth Century, "Estudios Latinoamericanos", Vol. 28, pp. 75-91.

2023, Dossier: Upolitycznione dziedzictwo - wyzwania XXI wieku, "Politeja", No 5 (86), Jagiellonian University, Kraków.

2022, "Anuario Latinoamericano. Ciencias políticas y relaciones internacionales", vol. 13: América Latina: Perú (Coordinator of Special Volume; cooperation with Prof. Oscar Espinosa, PUCP, Lima)

2021, Why Latin America Matters?, eds. Soledad Garcia Ferrari, Hans Egil Offerdal and Marta Kania, Edinburgh: Centre for Contemporary Latin American Studies, Coimbra Goup Universities, pp. 400.

2016, "Ad Americam. Journal of American Studies", Vol. 17: Focus on Latin American Studies, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (Managing Editor of the Special Volume).

2014, Prawa człowieka w Ameryce Łacińskiej. Teoria i praktyka / Los derechos humanos en America Latina. Teoria y practica (“Human Rights in Latin America: Theory and Practice”), Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 332 (co-editor: Karol Derwich).

2011, Ruchy społeczne i etniczne w Ameryce Łacińskiej (“Social and Ethnic Movements in Latin America”), Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2011, pp. 284, (co-editor: Karol Derwich).

2008, Doświadczenie demokracji w Ameryce Łacińskiej (“The Experience of Democracy in Latin America”), Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 278 (co-author: Anna Kaganiec-Kamieńska).

2023, August 31 - September 9 - ICOMOS General Assembly 2023 Scientific Symposium Heritage Changes: Resilience – Responsibility – Rights – Relationships, Sydney, Australia.

2023, July 17-21 - 57 International Congres of Americanists, Foz do Iguazú, Brasil. Panel: "Pueblos indígenas y políticas culturales: repensando el patrimonio".

2023, April 18-20 - International Seminar: Heritage and Mobility in a Multisensory Perspective, Critical Heritage Studies HUB, WSMiP, IDUJ, Kraków, Poland.

2022, December 13 – participant of the Latin American scientific seminar "Etnopolityka w Ameryce Łacińskiej – wyzwania czasu pandemii" ("Ethnopolitics in Latin America - challenges during the pandemic"), Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (seminar coordinator and moderator).

2022, November 15-17 – participant of the international conference "Horizontes emancipatorios en América Latina. Renovación de las luchas indígenas, afrodescendientes y populares en el siglo XXI" ("Emancipatory horizons in Latin America. Renewal of indigenous, Afro-descendant and popular struggles in the 21st century"), Centro de Investigaciones sobre America Latina y el Caribe UNAM, Mexico DF, Mexico. Panel: "Indigenismos estatales and la libre determinación de los pueblos indigenas" ("State indigenisms and self-determination of indigenous peoples").

2022, 21-23 September, 5th National Political Science Congress: "Polityka Ładu. Polityka Chaosu" ("Governance Policy. Chaos Policy"), University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland. Panel: "Upolitycznione dziedzictwo: wyzwania XXI wieku" ("The politicized heritage: challenges of the 21st century").

2022, 12-15 June, X Congreso de Consejo Europeo de Investigaciones Sociales sobre América Latina CEISAL (X Congress of the European Council for Social Research on Latin America), Helsinki, Finland. Panel: "Politicas culturales en America del Sur durante el “ciclo progresista”" ("Cultural policies in South America during the "progressive cycle"").

2022, 25 May, UNA Europa’s Transnational Research Team Seminar: Safeguarding Cultural Heritage, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain.

2022, 1-2 kwietnia, VI Krakow Latin American Conference: "Progreso en América Latina (en una realidad post-Covid)", Zakład Ameryki Łacińskiej, IAiSP UJ, Kraków. Panel: "Los derechos humanos en una realidad post-Covid".

2019, Fifth International Colloquium: “The Politics of Collections in Peru: Formation, Balance, Perspectives,” Fundación Wiese, Trujillo, Peru.

2019, "Partycypacja polityczna we współczesnym świecie" (“Political Participation in the Contemporary World”), Maria Curie-Skłodowska University – Faculty of Political Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Lublin, Poland.

2018, Third International Latin Americanist Conference: “Latin America: The Region of International Relations in the Twenty-First Century,” Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lublin, Poland.

2018, Fifty-Sixth International Congress of Americanists (Ica ’56) "Universality and Particularism in the Americas,” University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.

2017, "Heritage in Today’s World,” Institute of Archaeology of the Adam Mickiewicz University, NEARCH, UE Culture, Poznan, Poland.

2017, Eighteenth Congress of the International Federation of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (FIEALC): "America Latina y el Mundo del siglo XXI: percepciones, interpretaciones e intervenciones" (“Latin America and the World in the Twenty-First Century: Perceptions and Interventions"), Belgrade, Serbia.

2017, Sixth International Colloquium, "Zones of Fear in Latin America," the University of Bielsko-Biala, Bielsko-Biala, Poland.

2017, "Cultural Legacy and New Religious Phenomena in the Americas: History and the Present," the Department of Latin America, Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.

2016, First Ignacy Domeyko Latin Americanist Congress: "Spory o wojnę. Polskie badania nad konfliktami w Ameryce Łacińskiej" (“Disputes on War: Polish Research on Conflicts in Latin America"), PTSL, OBP UW, UŁ, Warsaw, Poland.

2016, International Colloquium: "Mas alla del Estado? Proyectos indigenas en America Latina" (“Farther Away from the State? Indigenous Projects in Latin America"), CIALC, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico.

2016, Second International Congress of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America (CIPIAL): "Los pueblos indigenas de America Latina siglos XIX – XXI. Avances, perspectivas y retos" (“Indigenous Peoples in Latin America in the Nineteenth-Twenty-First Centuries: Progress, Perspectives, and Challenges"), Santa Rosa (La Pampa), Argentina.

2016, "Zróżnicowanie religijne Ameryk: mity, tradycje, zjawiska współczesne" (“Religious Diversity in the Americas: Myths, Traditions, and Contemporary Phenomena”), the Department of Lain America, Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.

2015, 3-4 November, Second International Conference on Latin America: "Las relaciones entre política y religión en América Latina – determinantes y nuevos paradigmas" (“The Relationship Between Politics and Religion in Latin America: Determinants and New Paradigms"), Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, University of Warsaw, Lublin Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Lublin (in Spanish), Poland.

2015, 29 October, International Conference: “Area Studies as a Reflection of the World in Flux,” Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (in English), Poland.

2015, 22-24 September, Third National Congress of Political Science: “Manifestations of Politics,” Faculty of International and Political Studies at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow Branch of the Polish Political Science Association, Political Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow (in Polish), Poland.

2015, 6-9 June, International Conference: "Sensitive Heritage, Sensitive Interpretation," European Association for Heritage Interpretation, Lesser Poland Institute of Culture, Institute of European Studies at the Jagiellonian University, UNESCO Chair, Krakow (in English), Poland.

2015, 27-29 May, International Conference: "Niewygodne dziedzictwo kulturowe? Dziedzictwo kulturowe mniejszości narodowych, etnicznych i religijnych w przestrzeni publicznej - Mity, ideologie, de(re)konstrukcje" (“An Inconvenient Cultural Heritage? The Cultural Heritage of National, Ethnic, and Religious Minorities in the Public Sphere – Myths, Ideologies, and De[Re]-Constructions," the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Institute of Culture, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (in Polish), Poland.

2015, 29 April, International Symposium: "Social-Environmental Conflicts, Development Dilemmas, and Human Rights in Latin America," Human Rights Consortium, Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw (in Spanish), Poland.

2015, 21 January, Third International Conference of Designing an Idea: "Ideał uniwersytetu a potrzeby społeczne" (“The Ideal of the University and Social Needs"), Institute of Economics, Finance, and Management, Ars Docendi Center of Perfecting Academic Didactics of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow (in Polish), Poland.

2014, 11-13 August, Tenth International Congress of Literature, "Memoria e Imaginación de Latinoamérica y el Caribe" (“The Memory and Imagination of Latin America and the Caribbean"), CIALC, SOLAR, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mérida, Mexico (in Spanish).

2013, 14 December, International Conference: "Peru: Przyroda i kultura" (“Peru: Nature and Culture"), the Institute of Latin American Culture Foundation, the Department of Latin America (Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University, Jagiellonian University), the Zoological Museum of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow (in Polish), Poland.

2013, 12-15 June, Seventh Congress of the European Council on Social Research on Latin America (CEISAL): "Memoria, presente y porvenir en América Latina" (“Memory, the Present, and the Future in Latin America"), Porto, Portugal (in Spanish).

2013, 18-19 April, "Etniczność, kultura, polityka: wzajemne zależności" (“Ethnicity, Culture, Politics: Mutually Dependent Factors"), the Institute of Regional Studies of the Jagiellonian University, Polish Political Science Association, Polish Association for Cooperation with the Club of Rome, Krakow (in Polish), Poland.

2013, 15-16 March, Third Krakow Latin Americanist Conference "Derechos Humanos en América Latina. Teoría y práctica" (“Human Rights in Latin America: Theory and Practice"), Department of Latin America, Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (in Spanish).

2012, 15-20 July, Fifty-Fourth International Congress of Americanists (ICA54) "Construyendo diálogos en las Américas" (“Building Dialogues in the Americas"), University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (in Spanish).

2011, 30-31 March, Second Latin Americanist Student Conference: Ludność rdzenna Ameryki Łacińskiej dawniej i dziś (“The Indigenous Population of Latin America in the Past and Today"), Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (in Polish), Poland.

2010, 25-27 November, "Przeszłość we współczesnej narracji kulturowej" (“The Past in the Contemporary Cultural Narrative"), Institute of Regional Studies, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (in Polish), Poland.

2010, 30 June-3 July, Sixth Congress of the European Council on Social Research on Latin America (CEISAL) "Independencias – Dependencias – Interdependencias" (“Independencies, Dependencies, Interdependencies"), University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France (in Spanish).

2010, 19-20 March, Second Krakow Latin Americanist Conference: "Ruchy społeczne i etniczne w Ameryce Łacińskiej" (“Social and Ethnic Movements in Latin America"), Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (in Polish), Poland.

2009, 18-20 May, "Antropologia polityki i polityka w antropologii" (“The Anthropology of Politics and Politics in Anthropology"), Committee on Ethnological Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology UAM, Poznan – Będlewo (in Polish), Poland.

2008, 21-26 April, “PONTICA: Recent Research on the Northern and Eastern Black Sea in Ancient Times," Institute of Archaeology of the Jagiellonian University, Ashmolean Museum of Oxford University, Polish Academy of Learning (Polska Akademia Umiejętności, PAU), Krakow (in English), Poland.

2018, 5 April, lecture at the Center for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CIALC, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico DF): "Pueblos indigenas versus Estado en el Peru: derechos y estatus socio-politico en la perspectiva histórica" (“Indigenous Peoples Against the State in Peru: Their Rights and Socio-Political Status from a Historical Perspective").

2015, 18 August, lecture at the Academy of Christian Humanism University (Santiago de Chile, Chile): "Identidad cultural frente al. Centralismo y la comercialización del patrimonio cultural de la region centroandina" (“Cultural Identity Amidst the Centralization and Commercialization of Cultural Patrimony in the Central Andean Region").

2015, 29 July, lecture at the Higher University of San Andrés (La Paz, Bolivia): "Estudios e investigaciones sobre America Latina en Polonia – historia y presente" (“Studies and Research on Latin America in Poland: The Past and Present").

2013, 8 November, lecture at the Center for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CIALC, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexio): "¿Indigenas como la esencia indispensable del estado-nación peruana?" (“Indigenous Like the Indispensable Essence of the Peruvian Nation-State?").

2012, 20 September, lecture at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico: "Las relaciones entre patrimonio arqueológico y nacionalismo en el Peru" (“The Relationship Between Archaeological Patrimony and Nationalism in Peru").

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Research projects and media

  • 2022 - grant under the 4th edition of POB Heritage, Strategic Program Excellence Initiative at the Jagiellonian University: „Projekt Qhapaq Ñan - reaktywacja. Progresywny cykl polityki peruwiańskiej wobec dziedzictwa kulturowego regionu andyjskiego” ("Qhapaq Ñan Project - Reactivation. Progressive Cycle of Peruvian Policy Towards the Cultural Heritage of the Andean Region”).
  • 2020 – 2022, grant Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica (“The Program to Support Research and Technological Innovation Projects”) IN300320, National Autonomous University of Mexico: "Autonomía vs Hegemonía. Estado y emancipación social en América Latina, aportes de los pueblos indígenas, afrodescendientes y sectores populares" (“Autonomy Versus Hegemony: The State and Social Emancipation in Latin America – The Contributions of Indigenous and African-Descended Populations and the Common People”).
  • Peru, 1821 – 2021: History, Politics, Society - book.
  • 2017 – 2019, grant Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica (“The Program to Support Research and Technological Innovation Projects”) IN300617, UNAM, Mexico: "Debates sobre el Estado latinoamericano desde los pueblos indigenas (s. XXI)" (“Debates on the Latin American State Among Indigenous Populations in the Twenty-First Century”).
  • 2018 – grant from the National Center of Science Miniatura 1, 2017/01/X/HS5/01628: "Założenia i realizacja polityki wielokulturowości w Ameryce Łacińskiej: dziedzictwo kulturowe jako instrument polityczny w procesie implementacji praw ludności tubylczej" (“The Assumptions and Implementation of the Policy of Multiculturalism in Latin America: Cultural Heritage as a Political Instrument in the Process of the Implementation of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”).
  • 2015 – 2016, grant Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica (“The Program to Support Research and Technological Innovation Projects”) IA300315, UNAM, Mexico: "Estados Nación y movimientos indígenas en el sistema mundo, una mirada latinoamericanista" (“The Nation State and Indigenous Movements in the Global System: A Latin Americanist Approach”).
  • The Social, Political and Legal Aspects of the Protection of Archaeological Heritage in Peru (Twentieth-Twenty-First Centuries) – book.
  • Cusco, 1909 – 2009: One-Hundred Years of the Indigenism Movement in Peru – book.