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Monika Sawicka, Ph.D.

Monika Sawicka, Ph.D.


Monika Sawicka holds a PhD in Political Studies (2018), a Master of Arts in Portuguese Philology (2010), and a Master of Arts in International Relations from the Jagiellonian University. She studied at the Faculdade de Letras at the University of Porto in the 2009-2010 academic year (Erasmus Exchange Program) and participated in the Academic Educational Cycle Sustainable Development – Global Challenges organized by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Management at the Jagiellonian University (2012). Between 2011 and 2022, she conducted several research projects in Brazil, including in the Archive of Diplomatic Documentation of Brazil's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro.  Visiting lecturer at the Federal University of Santa Catarina and State University of Rio de Janeiro. She is a member of the Terra Brasilis Foundation. 


  • “Mini-student grants”
  • Erasmus + (Spain, Portugal, Germany)

Academic interests:

  • Brazil’s foreign policy
  • Contemporary Brazil
  • Development cooperation
  • Constructivist research in international relations

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2023, Brazil's International Activism Roles of an Emerging Middle Power, New York: Routledge, pp. 266.

2020, Brazil in the International System. The roles of an emerging middle power [in Polish], Krakow: Universitas, pp. 360.

2021, La violencia en América Latina. Retos y perspectivas para el futuro ("Violence in Latin America: Challenges and Prospects for the Future”), eds. Ángel-Baldomero Espina Barrio, Karol Derwich, Monika Sawicka, Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 270.

2017, Migraciones y diásporas de América Latina. Perspectiva histórica y contemporánea (“The Migrations and Diasporas of Contemporary Latin America: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives”), eds. Karol Derwich, Monika Sawicka, Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 256.

2020, Tupi or not tupi, czyli rzecz o brazylijskiej tożsamości i polityce zagranicznej ("Tupi or not tupi or a case of Brazilian identity and foreign policy") [in:] Polônia e Brasil - mais próximo do que parece/Polska i Brazylia – bliższe niż się wydaje ("Poland and Brazil - closer than it seems"), ed. J. Mazurek, Warsaw: Zakład Brazylianistyki Instytutu Studiów Iberyjskich i Iberoamerykańskich UW, Muzeum Historii Polskiego Ruchu Ludowego, Muzeum Niepodległości, Towarzystwo Polsko-Brazylijskie.

2018, Konflikty międzynarodowe z perspektywy globalnego Południa: rola Brazylii jako mediatora na Bliskim Wschodzie (“International Conflicts from the Perspective of the Global South: The role of Brazil as a Mediator in the Middle East”), [in:] Między Wschodem i Zachodem, między Północą a Południem 2 (“Between East and West, Between North and South 2”), Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Campidoglio, pp. 113-124.

2017, O przekraczaniu granic rasowych oraz spłacaniu historycznego długu. Spotkania Brazylii z Afryką (“On Crossing Racial Boundaries and Paying Historical Debts: Brazil’s Encounters with Africa”), [in:] Od Ameryki Łacińskiej do Gwinei Równikowej. Tożsamość, granice, naród (“From Latin America to Equatorial Guinea: Identity, Borders, Nation”), ed. Maja Biernacka, Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, pp. 121-154.

2016, Brazylia jako uczestnik współpracy rozwojowej państw globalnego Południa: praktyki brazylijskiej pomocy rozwojowej w Mozambiku (“Brazil as a Participant in Development Cooperation Between Countries of the Global South: Brazilian Development Cooperation Practices in Mozambique”), [in:] Tożsamość i efektywność: w poszukiwaniu mechanizmów zrównoważonego rozwoju (“Identity and Effectiveness: In Search of Mechanisms of Sustainable Development”), eds. Katarzyna Jarecka-Stępień, Aleksander Surdej, Torun: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, pp. 109-128.

2015, Teoria i praktyka ochrony praw Indian w Brazylii na przykładzie sporu o elektrownię wodną Belo Monte (“The Theory and Practice of Protecting the Rights of Indians in Brazil as an Example of the Dispute Over the Hydroelectric Power Station Belo Monte”), [in:] Prawa Człowieka w Ameryce Łacińskiej. Teoria i Praktyka (“Human Rights in Latin America: Theory and Practice”), eds. Karol Derwich, Marta Kania, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 237-254.

2022, Constitutional Atomic Bomb or Paper Tiger? The Institution of Impeachment in the Federative Republic of Brazil, "Politeja", Vol. 19 No. 6(81): Studies in Latin America, pp. 61-83.

2022, W poszukiwaniu statusu międzynarodowego: brazylijskie akty ekologicznego wandalizmu ("In search of international status: Brazilian acts of environmental vandalism"), “Ameryka Łacińska”, vol. 30, nr. 3 (117), pp. 49-74, DOI: 10.7311/20811152.2022.117.04.

2021, The Quest for Status: Brazil’s Activism in the UN Human Rights Council 2006–2020, “Anuario Latinoamericano – Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales”, t. 11, s. 99-127, DOI: 10.17951/al.2021.11.99-127

2020, Burning Bridges and Defending the Faith: the Troubled Brazil-China Partnership in the Bolsonaro Era, “Anuario Latinoamericano”,  Vol. 10, pp. 121-146.

2019, A Tale of Urban Violence in Brazil. The Case of Marielle Franco, "Anuario Latinoamericano", vol. 7, pp. 297-312. 

2016, The Role of a Donor in an Emerging Power’s Foreign Policy: Brazilian Solidarity Diplomacy, „Ad Americam” , vol. 17, pp. 135-147. 

2016, Relacje brazylijsko-amerykańskie w XXI wieku – trudne partnerstwo (“Brazilian-US Relations in the Twenty-First Century: A Difficult Partnership”), „Politeja”, no. 43/4, pp. 139-166. 

2015, Of roles and gifts - Brazil's quest for a redefined relationship with African states, „Maska. Magazyn antropologiczno - społeczno – kulturowy”, vol. 28, pp. 107-117. 

2014, Innowacyjność brazylijskiej pomocy rozwojowej w państwach Afryki. Wpływ Brazylii na przekształcenia istniejącej architektury pomocy rozwojowej (“The Innovativeness of Brazilian Development Aid in African Countries: The Impact of Brazil on the Transformation of the Existing Architecture of Development Aid”), „Ameryka Łacińska”, Suplement 2014, pp. 28-5.  

2013, Brazylijska polityka zagraniczna prezydenta Luiza Inácia Luli da Silvy, „Ameryka Łacińska”, 1 (79), pp. 75-98. 

2011, Brazylijskie wybory prezydenckie 2010 (“The 2010 Brazilian Presidential Elections”), „Ameryka Łacińska”, 2 (72), pp. 33-46.

2023, 15-19 July, paper: “Mitigating a Populist Foreign Policy from Within: Itamaraty’s Engagement in Environmental Cooperation in South America in the Bolsonaro Years (2019-2022)”, IPSA, 27th World Conference of Political Science, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2023, 17-21 July, paper: “Region in the time of cholera: Brazil’s troubled activism in South America in the Bolsonaro years (2019-2022)”, ICA, 57th Congress of Americanists, Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil.

2023, 2-4 March, paper “Civil-Military Tensions  in  Brazil:  Most  Recent  Observations”, South America, South Europe International Conference „New approaches to Defense and Security in South America and Southern Europe”, Ludovika University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary (online).

2020, 23-24 October, paper: “The region in a Southern middle power’s foreign policy: the case of Brazil”, international symposium: "Badania latynoamerykanistyczne w Polsce: najnowsze doświadczenia, osiągnięcia, perspektywy i wyzwania“ ("Latin American Research in Poland: Recent Experiences, Achievements, Perspectives, and Challenges”), University of Warsaw (online).  

2019, 29-31 July, Ninth CEISAL Conference 2019: "Europa, América Latina y el Caribe: 1999-2019, 20 años de cooperación renovada" (“Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean, 1999-2019: Twenty Years of Renewed Cooperation”), Bucharest, Romania. Paper: O Mediador Improvável? O Papel Internacional do Brasil no Oriente Médio.

2019, 26-29 June, European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS), Krakow, Poland. Paper: “A Regional Power, a Southern Middle Power, or Both? Brazil’s Foreign Policy Towards Latin America.”

2018, 21-22 November, “Austerity Policy à brasileira: The social impact of Michel Temer’s Neoliberal Policy,” Third International Latin American Conference: "Latin America as a Region in International Relations in the Twenty-First Century, América Latina – la región de relaciones internacionales en el siglo XXI" (“Latin America: The Region in International Relations in the Twenty-First Century”), University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska, Lublin, Poland (in Polish) .

2018, 18-20th September, “The State in Times of Change,” Fourth Polish Congress of Political Science, University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska Lublin, Poland. Paper: “Marielle Sempre Presente. On dysfunctionality in the Marvelous City” (in Polish).

2017, 9-10th November, Seventh Convention of the Polish International Studies Association, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Paper: "The Meaning of the Region of South America in the Foreign Policy of Brazil, an Emerging Middle Power” (in Polish).

2017, 24th May, “Between East and West, Between North and South”, Fourth Polish Interdisciplinary Student Conference, University of Warsaw, Poland. Paper: “International Conflicts from the Perspective of the Global South: The Role of Brazil as a Mediator in the Middle East” (in Polish).

2017, 23rd May, “Polish-Brazilian Experiences in Economy and Management: Recent Trends,” University of Warsaw, Poland. Paper: “From a Lonely Island to a Leader Without followers? Brazil’s Role as a Regional Integrator: The Case of Mercosur.”

2015, 19-20th November, “The Post-2015 Development Agenda: The Manifesto of a New Development Strategy?;” organized by the Krakow University of Economics and the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes, Krakow University of Economics, Krakow, Poland. Paper: “Brazil’s Participation in South-South Development Cooperation: Brazilian Development Cooperation Practices in Mozambique” (in Polish).

2015, 22-24th September, Third Polish Congress of Political Studies, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Paper: "The Role of a Donor in Brazil’s Foreign Policy” (in Polish).

2015, 17-18th April, Annual Conference of the Society for Latin American Studies, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Great Britain. Paper: “The Role of a Donor in an Emerging Power’s Foreign Policy: Brazilian Solidarity Diplomacy.”

2014, 14-16th May, First Central European African Studies Conference (CEASC), the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Pilsen, Czech Republic. Paper: “Brazil's Solidarity Diplomacy in Africa: Lessons from Mozambique.”

2014, 3-4th April, Fiftieth Anniversary Conference of the Society for Latin American Studies, Birkbeck, University of London, London, England. Paper: “An Emerging Voice in the Development-Cooperation Debate: The case of Brazil's Development Assistance in Africa.”

2013, 6th December, “Environmental Protection in Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, and Ecuador – Threats and Solutions;” conference of the Latin-American Program of the Lech Wałęsa Institute and the Department of Latin America at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Paper: “Protecting the Biodiversity of Brazil: The Case of the Belo Monte Dam Dispute’ (in Polish).

2013, 6-8th June, Sixth Polish Meeting of International Relations Students, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Paper: “The Foreign Policy Strategies of an Emerging Middle Power: The Case of Brazil” (in Polish).

2013, 11-12th April, “Latin America as a Laboratory of the Future: Inspirations for the World;” conference of the Centre for Latin-American Studies (CESLA), University of Warsaw, Poland. Paper: “Innovation in Brazilian Development Aid in Africa: The Impact of Brazil in the Transformation of the Existing Architecture of Development Assistance” (in Polish).

2013, 15-16th March, “Human Rights in Latin America: Theory and Practice;” Third Cracow Latin-American Conference, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Paper: “The Theory and Practice of Protecting the Rights of Indians in Brazil as an Example of a Dispute About the Hydroelectric Power Station Belo Monte” (in Polish).

2011, 25-26th May, “Brazil in the Contemporary World;” conference of the Centre for Latin-American Studies (CESLA), University of Warsaw, Poland. Paper: “Brazil After the Presidential Election: The Administration of Dilma Rousseff” (in Polish).

2022, 24 November, online guest lecture “Uma guerra longe demais. A guerra na Ucrânia vista da perspetiva polonesa” (“A war too far. The war in Ukraine seen from the Polish perspective”) delivered for the Study and Research Group on International Security of the Institute of International Relations of the University of Brasília (O Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Segurança Internacional do Instituto de Relações Internacionais da Universidade de Brasília, GEPSI UNB).

2022, 28 October, online guest lecture: “Pesquisando sobre a identidade internacional do Brasil. Uma perspetiva polonesa” (“Researching Brazil's international identity. A Polish Perspective”) delivered at the 3rd International Humanities Research Meeting (III Encontro Internacional de Pesquisa em Ciências Humanas, EIPCH) organized by the Universidade de Passo Fundo.

2020, 24 April, presentation: “Women’s Rights in Brazil;” webinar: “Human Rights in Latin America.”

2020, 19 January, paper: "Sytuacja rdzennych społeczności w Brazylii w epoce Bolsonaro" (“The Situation of Indigenous Communities in Brazil During the Bolsonaro Era”); during the Otwarte serca dla Amazonii (“An Open Heart for the Amazon”) festival (in Polish).

2019, 23 May, paper: "Polityka zagraniczna w czasach kryzysu czyli brazylijskie tupi, or not tupi" (“Foreign Policy in Times of Crisis, or the Brazilian Tupi or Not Tupi”), Fifth Academic Encounters with Latin America, University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska in Lublin (in Polish).

2019, 8 April, paper: "Tajemnice brazylijskiej Amazonii" (“The Secrets of the Brazilian Amazon”) during the event: "Biblioteka w stylu... latynoamerykańskim" (“The Library in the… Latin American Style”), Pedagogical University in Krakow, Poland.

2018, 8th December, TVN24 Bis, Epicentrum.

2017, 8th June, expert debate on political transformations in Brazil organized during the Fifteenth edition of the Bom Dia Brazil Festival. Participants: Consul Dorota Barys, Monika Sawicka (Institute of Political Science and International Relations, Jagiellonian University), Janina Petelczyc (Terra Brasilis Foundation), Wojciech Baczyński (Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce), chair– Dr. Renata Siuda-Ambroziak (Institute of the Americas and Europe, Warsaw University), Warsaw, Poland.

2016, 19th May, “The Political Crisis in Brazil: Impeachment or Coup?” (in Polish), lecture held at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.

2015, 11th December, “Brazilian-Cuban Estrechamiento in the Dilma Rousseff Administration” (in Polish); the Latin-American seminar: “Cuba in the Post-Hegemonic World: A Year After D17” organized by the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.

2018, „Contra a esquerda, polarização e ataques à democracia: política na Polônia se parece à nossa...”, in conversation with Carlos Oliveirą, UOL, 31.10.2018.

Interviews for Tok FM, RMF Classic,, TVN24,


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Research projects and media

  • 2020, “The Meaning of the Latin American Region in Brazil’s Foreign Policy from 2003 to 2020," Miniatura 4, National Science Centre (NCN)
  • "International roles of Brazil as an emerging middle power" – independent project