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Prof. Dorota Praszałowicz

Prof. Dorota Praszałowicz

Member of the Researchers on the Border group, member of the Migration Studies Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, member of the Board of Directors of the Polish American Historical Association, member of the Demographic Sciences Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, vice-chairperson of the Commission for Studies of Polish Diaspora of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, member of the European Affairs Commission of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, chairperson of the Programme Board of the Jagiellonian Centre of Migration Studies. Editor of the book series: Migration – Ethnicity – Nation: Studies in Culture, Society and Politics, published by Peter Lang Verlag. She spent a year as a Fulbright Scholar at the New York University (2003/04), three years at the Ruhr Universität Bochum (1991-93, 1997/98), half a year at the University of Washington, Seattle (2022), and several months at the Freie Universität Berlin (1998). She has conducted research in cooperation with Immigration History Research Center University of Minnesota - St. Paul and University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. 


  • Council of the Discipline Sociological Sciences.
  • Head of the Chair of Migration and Ethnic Studies.
  • Rector’s Permanent Commission for Research Personnel (2020-2024).
  • Editor-in-Chief of the quarterly “Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny” (2009-2022).
  • Director of Doctoral Studies (2011-2013).

Academic interests:

  • Old and contemporary migrations – a comparative perspective.
  • Cultural transformations of Polish immigrant communities.
  • Institutionalization of immigrant life.
  • Theoretical concepts in migration studies.
  • Gender perspective in migration studies.
  • Humanitarian crisis on the Polish-Belarussian border.

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2010, Polacy w Berlinie: strumienie migracyjne i społeczności imigracyjne (“Poles in Berlin: Migration Streams and Immigrant Communities”), Krakow: Księgarnia Akademicka, pp. 196.

2004, Mechanizmy zamorskich migracji łańcuchowych w XIX wieku: Polacy, Niemcy, Żydzi, Rusini. Zarys problemu (“The Mechanisms of Overseas Migration Chains in the Nineteenth Century: Poles, Germans, Jews, Ruthenians – An Outline of the Problem”), Krakow: Księgarnia Akademicka, pp. 172 (co-authors: Krzysztof Makowski, Andrzej Zięba).


2022, Polacy i ich sąsiedzi w Seattle, Washington: światy imigrantów ("Poles and their Neighbors in Seattle, Washington: the Worlds of Immigrants"), [w:] Pomiędzy Starym a Nowym Światem. Historia, migracje, etniczność ("Between the Old and the New World: History, Migrations, Ethnicity") (volume dedicated to Professor Adam Walaszek), eds. Marta Kijewska-Trembecka, Ewa Michna, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 165-178.

2016, Dorota Praszałowicz, Socjologia - na przekór złym wzorom, Sens humanistyki dzisiaj (“Sociology – In Spite of Bad Models: The Meaning of the Humanities Today”), eds. Jerzy Brzozowski, Agnieszka Hennel-Brzozowska, Mirosław Lenart, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Scriptum, pp. 155-166.

2016, Dorota Praszałowicz, Salo Wittmayer Baron i jego intelektualna droga: Tarnów - Wiedeń - Nowy Jork (“Salo Wittmayer Baron and His Intellectual Journey: Tarnow – Vienna – New York”), [in:] Pani Annna w Kanadzie (“Anna in Canada”), eds. Marcin Gabryś, Magdalena Paluszkiewicz-Misiaczek, Krakow: Księgarnia Akademicka, pp. 65-80.

2014, Dorota Praszałowicz, Deutsche und polnische Immigranten in den Vereiningten Staaten von Amerika – ausgewählte Beispiele wechselseitiger Beziehungen, [in:] Deutsche und polnische Migrationserfahrungen. Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, eds. Dorota Praszałowicz, Anna Sosna, Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang Verlag, pp. 117-138.

2013, Dorota Praszałowicz, Polish and German Immigrants in Milwaukee at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century, East Central Europe in Exile, Volume 1: Transatlantic Migrations, ed. Anna Mazurkiewicz, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 235-252.

2012, Migration Memoirs and Narratives of Polish Migrants in Berlin, [in:] East European Diasporas, Migration and Cosmopolitanism, eds. Ulrike Ziemer, Sean P. Roberts, London & New York: Routledge, pp. 92-104.

2012, Migration Patterns Old and New: Some Useful Concepts and a Few Examples, [in:] Amerykomania, Vol. 2, eds. Włodzimierz Bernacki, Adam Walaszek, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 687-696.

2009, Rola żeńskich zakonów w życiu skupisk polonijnych w Stanach Zjednoczonych (“The Role of Female Religious Orders in the Life of Concentrations of the Polish Diaspora in the United States”), [in:] Polska – Dwa Światy. Kraj i Polonia (“Poland – Two Worlds: The Homeland and the Polish Diaspora”), eds. Wiesław J. Wysocki, Waldemar Gliński, Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, pp. 205-220.

2009, Local Community and Nineteenth Century Migrations: Poznanian Kleszczewo and Zaniemyśl (Prussian Poland), [in:] European Mobility: Internal, International and Transatlantic Moves in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries, eds. Annemarie Steidl, Josef Ehmer, Stan Nadel, Hermann Zeitlhover, Göttingen: V&R Unipress, pp. 175-189.

2009, Mikrohistoria: z dziejów polskich migracji do Berlina (“Microhistory: From the History of Polish Migration to Berlin”), [in:] Zrozumieć współczesność (“Understanding Modernity”), eds. Grzegorz Babiński, Maria Kapiszewska, Krakow: Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, pp. 153-169.

2009, Polonijne żeńskie zakony religijne w USA, ich działalność i ewolucja w procesie amerykanizacji (“Polish Female Religious Orders in the United States and Their Activity and Evolution in the Process of Americanization”), [in:] Migracje. Religie i Kościoły wobec migracji i migrantów (“Migrations: Religions and Churches Towards Migrations and Migrants”), (eds.) Jan Zamojski, Warsaw: Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, pp. 56-65.

2009, Współpraca i konflikt w skupiskach imigracyjnych: Polacy i ich dawni sąsiedzi w Nowym Jorku (Polacy, Niemcy, Rusini) (“Cooperation and Conflict in Concentrations of Immigrants: Poles and Their Former Neighbors in New York [Poles, Germans, Ruthenians]”), [in:] Między konfrontacją a współpracą. Historia, polityka, migracje (“Between Confrontation and Cooperation: History, Politics, Migrations”), eds. Ewa Kowalska, Warsaw: Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, pp. 259-269.

2008, Polskie migracje do Berlina na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Szkic problematyki (“Polish Migrations to Berlin in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries: An Outline of the Problem”), [in:] Etniczność. O przemianach społeczeństw narodowych (“Ethnicity: On the Changes to National Communities”), eds. Maria Szmeja, Krakow: Zakład Wydawniczy Nomos, pp. 280-295.

2008, Poles in Berlin: From Germanization to Globalization, [in:] Migration: The Value Added?, ed. Krzysztof Markowski, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, p. 18-28.

2008, Women at the Crossroads: Poland and Its Emigration and Immigration, [in:] Migration and Mobility in an Enlarged Europe: A Gender Perspective, (eds.) Sigrid Metz-Göckel, Mirjana Morokvasic, A. Sengenata Münst, Opladen & Farmington Hills, pp. 249-280.

2007, Praca, społeczność, rodzina: polskie analizy współczesnych migracji kobiet (“Work, Community, Family: Polish Analyses of the Contemporary Migrations of Women”), [in:] Migracje i społeczeństwa współczesne (“Migrations and Contemporary Societies”), eds. Jan Zamojski, Warsaw: Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, pp. 134-139.

2006, Polish Berlin: Differences and Similarities with Poles in the Ruhr Area, 1860-1920, [in:] Paths of Integration: Migrants in Western Europe (1880-2004), eds. Leo Lucassen, David Feldman, Jochen Oltmer, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 139-157.

2006, Polskie studia nad procesami migracji: tematy główne i tematy zaniedbane (“Polish Studies on the Processes of Migration: The Main Topics and Overlooked Topics”), [in:] Polska diaspora w procesach globalizacji. Stan i perspektywy badań (“The Polish Diaspora in the Processes of Globalization: The State and Perspectives of Research”), eds. Grzegorz Babiński, Henryk Chałupczak, Krakow: Grell.

2005, Migrujące pogranicza: procesy zamorskich migracji z Poznańskiego w XIX wieku (“Migrating Borderlands: The Processes of Overseas Migrations from the Poznan Region in the Nineteenth Century”) [in:] Z pogranicza na pogranicze (“From Borderlands to Borderlands”), eds. Władysław Misiak, Zbigniew Kurcz, Andrzej Sakson, Wroclaw: Wydawnictwo Silesia.

2003, The Overseas Chain Migration of Germans, Poles, and Jews from the Prussian Province of Posen in the 19th Century, [in:] Polish and Irish Migration in Comparative Perspective, eds. J. Belchem, K. Tenfelde, Essen: Klartext.

2001, Niemiecka migracja z ziem polskich (“German Migrations from the Polish Lands”), [in:] Polska diaspora (“The Polish Diaspora”), ed. Adam Walaszek, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Literackie, pp. 475-487.

2001, Diaspora niemiecka (“The German Diaspora”), [in:] Diaspory (“Diasporas”), ed. Jan Zamojski, Warsaw: Neriton.

2000, Wykorzenienie, czy dołączenie do najbliższych? Z problematyki migracji łańcuchowych (“Uprootedness or Joining One’s Loved Ones? From the Problems of Chain Migrations”), [in:] Imigranci i społeczeństwa przyjmujące. Adaptacja? Integracja? Transformacja? (“Immigrants and Recipient Societies: Adaptation? Integration? Transformation?”), ed. Jan Zamojski, Warsaw: Neriton, pp. 287-295.

2009, Polish American Sisterhoods: The Americanization Process, "U.S. Catholic Historian", Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 45-57.

2007, Dawne i nowe migracje, dawne i nowe konceptualizacje w badaniach migracyjnych (“Old and New Migrations, Old and New Conceptualizations in Migration Studies”), "Przegląd Polonijny", No. 2, pp. 19-40.

2005, American Ethnicity: Rethinking Old Issues, Asking New Questions, "Przegląd Polonijny", No. 4, pp. 5-6.

2005, Old Neighbors in the New World: Germans, Jews, Poles, and Ruthenians on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, "Przegląd Polonijny", No. 4, pp. 77-92.

2003, Overseas Migration from Partitioned Poland: Poznania and Eastern Galicia as Case Studies, "Polish American Studies", Vol. LX, No. 2.

2002, Teoretyczne koncepcje procesów migracji (“The Theoretical Concepts of Migration Processes”), "Przegląd Polonijny", No. 4, pp. 9-40.

1999, Zamorska emigracja łańcuchowa Polaków, Niemców i Żydów z Wielkopolski w XIX wieku. Zarys problematyki i podstawowe dane (“The Overseas Chain Migration of Poles, Germans, and Jews from Greater Poland in the Nineteenth Century – An Outline of the Problem and the Basic Data”), "Przegląd Polonijny", No. 3, pp. 89-104.

2017, The United States Immigration Policy and Immigrants' Responses: Past and Present, eds. Agnieszka Małek, Dorota Praszałowicz, Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang Verlag, pp. 207.

2014, Deutsche und polnische Migrationserfahrungen. Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, eds. Dorota Praszałowicz, Anna Sosna, Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang Verlag, pp. 438.

2014, Młodzież polska na obczyźnie – zadania edukacyjne (“Polish Youths Abroad: Educational Challenges”), eds. Dorota Praszałowicz, Joanna Kulpińska, Krakow: Wydawnictwo PAU, pp. 457.

2011, Between the Old and the New World: Studies in History of Overseas Migrations, eds. Agnieszka Małek, Dorota Praszałowicz, Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang Verlag, pp. 181.

2011, Encyclopedia of European Migrations and Minorities, (eds.) K. Bade, P. C. Emmer, L. Lucassen, J. Oltmer, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press:

  • Poland (A Text on Migration from the Polish Lands and on Ethnic Minorities), [in:] Encyclopedia of European Migrations and Minorities, ed. K. Bade, P. C. Emmer, L. Lucassen, J.Oltmer, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011, pp. 258-272.

2007, Enzyklöpedie Migration in Europa vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart, Paredborn-München:

  • Polen, pp. 258-272.

2012, „Zaraz wracam …. albo i nie". Skala powrotów, motywacje i strategie życiowe reemigrantów z województwa śląskiego (“‘I’ll Be Right Back… Or Not’: The Scale of the Returns, Motivations, and Life Strategies of Repatriates from the Silesian Region”), eds. Justyna Szymańska, Cezary Ulasiński, Dagmara Bieńkowska, Krakow: CDS, 2012 / rev. [in:] "Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny", No. 3, pp. 189-192.

2010, Hasia Diner, We Remember with Reverence and Love: American Jews and the Myth of Silence After the Holocaust, 1945-1962, New York and London: New York University Press, 2009 / rev. [in:] "Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny", No. 4, pp. 185-188.

2014, Zur Einführung: Die verflochtenen Migrationswege von Deutschen und Polen (co-author Anna Sosna), [in:] Deutsche und polnische Migrationserfahrungen. Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, eds. Dorota Praszałowicz, Anna Sosna, Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang Verlag 2014, pp. 9-14.

2014, Wprowadzenie (“Introduction”), [in:] Młodzież polska na obczyźnie – zadania edukacyjne (“Polish Youths Abroad: Educational Challenges”), eds. Dorota Praszałowicz, Joanna Kulpińska, Krakow: Wydawnictwo PAU 2014, pp. 15-31.

2012, Polskie szkolnictwo w Wielkiej Brytanii: tradycja i nowoczesność (“Polish Education in Great Britain: Tradition and Modernity”); a report on the implementation of the project under the same name financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, pp. 161, (co-authors: Agnieszka Małek, Paulina Napierała, et al.).

2011, Introduction [in:], Between the Old and the New World: Studies in History of Overseas Migrations, eds. Agnieszka Małek, Dorota Praszałowicz, Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang Verlag.

2011, Stan i perspektywy nauczania przedmiotów ojczystych na obczyźnie (“The State and Perspectives of the Teaching of Maternal Subjects Abroad”); in cooperation with Paulina Napierała.

2009, ‘American Ethnicity: Rethinking Old Issues, Asking New Questions’ Workshop at the Jagiellonian University, May 2008,” [in:] "Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny", No. 3.

2017, June 27-28, Polish American Academic Conference: “Poles in America,” Casimir Pulaski Museum, Warka, Poland. Keynote speech: "Polscy imigranci w USA: stare i nowe wzory budowania imigracyjnej wspólnoty"(“Polish Immigrants in the United States: Old and New Models of Building an Immigrant Community”).

2017, April 27-28, Conference: "Ścieżki edukacyjne Polaków za granicą" (“The Educational Paths of Poles Abroad”), Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Ciechocinek, Poland. Paper: "Nowe migracje Polaków i tradycyjne wyzwania edukacyjne. Szkoły języka polskiego w skupiskach migracyjnych na przykładzie Londynu" (“The New Migrations of Poles and Educational Challenges: Schools of the Polish Language in Concentrations of Immigrants – The Case of London”).

2016, October 26-28, XXI Silesian Seminar: "Migracje w doświadczeniach śląskich, polsko-niemieckich i europejskich" (“Migrations in Silesian, Polish-German, and European Experiences”), Dom Śląski, University of Opole, Kamień Śląski. Paper: "Menonici w Europie i Amerykach: wielokrotne migracje konserwatywne" (“Mennonites in Europe and the Americas: Multifarious Conservative Migrations”).

2015, October 14-15, Conference: "Migracje w XXI wieku. Wybór, konieczność czy przymus?" (“Migrations in the Twenty-First Century: Choice, Necessity, or Coercion?”), Conference of the Committee of Migrations Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Łagów, Poland. Paper: "Wybór czy konieczność? Fakty i mity na temat dawnych i współczesnych polskich migracji" (“Choice or Necessity? Facts and Myths Regarding Old and Contemporary Polish Migrations”).

2015, September 24-26, Conference: "Mobilność i osiadłość. Antropoligiczne badania społeczno-kulturowej aktywności wobec przestrzeni" (“Mobility and Settledness: Anthropological Studies of Socio-Cultural Activity and Space”), Social Anthropology Section of the Polish Sociological Association, Zakopane, Poland. Paper: "Migracje zagraniczne w skali makro i mikro. Rzeczywistość i dyskurs czyli o faktach i mitach" (“Foreign Migrations in the Macro and Micro Scales: Reality and Discourse or on Facts and Myths”).

2014, September 25-26, Conference: "Oświata i kultura etniczna w Europie" (“Education and Ethnic Culture in Europe”), University of Opole, Opole, Poland. Paper: "Polskie szkoły sobotnie w Wielkiej Brytanii. Dawne formy imigracyjnej oświaty wobec nowych wyzwań" (“Polish Saturday Schools in Great Britain: Old Forms of Immigrant Education and New Challenges”).

2013, June 21 -23, German-Polish Conference: "Polacy w Niemczech - nowe formy, nowe światy i stare tradycje" (“Poles in Germany: New Forms, New Worlds, and Old Traditions”), Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany. Paper: "Ze wspólnych dziejów migracji. Zamorskie masowe migracje Niemców i Polaków oraz ich relacje w Stanach Zjednoczonych" (“From the Shared History of Migration: The Overseas Migrations of Poland and Germans and Their Relations in the United States”).

2013 , April 13, Conference: "Szkolnictwo polskie w Europie Zachodniej i Środkow-Wschodniej" (“Polish Education in Western and East-Central Europe”), The Polish University Abroad in London, Great Britain. Paper: "W stronę ofensywy oświatowej: o potrzebie szerszej debaty na temat szkolnictwa polskiego poza Krajem. Od pospolitego ruszenia do ofensywy oświatowej" (“Towards an Education Offensive: On the Need for a Broader Debate on Polish Education Outside Poland – From a Common Start to an Education Offensive”).

2012, May 31st - June 3rd, Conference of the Polish American Historical Association: “East-Central Europe in the Exile patterns of Transatlantic Migrations,” University of Gdansk, Poland. Paper: “Cooperation and Conflict: Polish and German Immigrants in the United States in the late Nineteenth Century.”

2012, May 24-26, Conference: "Współczesne migracje i ich konsekwencje w perspektywie interdyscyplinarnej: między izolacją a integracją" (“Contemporary Migrations and Their Consequences from an Interdisciplinary Perspective: Between Isolation and Integration”), Committee of Ethnological Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the Adam Mickiewicz University and the Center for Migration Research of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Będlewo, Poland. Paper: “Poles in Berlin: The Deconstruction of Old and New Migration Narratives.”

2012, April 18-22, Annual Conference of the Organization of American Historians, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Paper: “Cooperation and Conflict: Polish and German Immigrants in the United States in the Late Nineteenth Century (The Case of Milwaukee).”

2012, April 14, Conference: "Szkolnictwo polskie w Wielkiej Brytanii" (“Polish Education in Great Britain”), The Polish University Abroad in London, Great Britain. Paper: "Polskie szkolnictwo na obczyźnie: Stan wiedzy i niewiedzy" (Polish Education Abroad: The State of Knowledge and Ignorance”).

2011, March 24-25, Conference: Badania migracji w Polsce: Stan wiedzy, kierunki i metody (“Migration Studies in Poland: The State of Knowledge, Directions, and Methods”), Jachranka (OBM UW, GUS), Poland. Paper: Konteksty studiów migracyjnych (“The Contexts of Migration Studies”).

2010, December 6-7, Conference: "Polsko-niemieckie doświadczenia migracyjne. Przeszłość i teraźniejszość" (“Polish-German Migration Experiences: The Past and Present”), Krakow (Polish Academy of Learning, Jagiellonian University), Poland. Paper: "Niemieccy i polscy imigranci w Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki: współpraca i konflikt" (“German and Polish Immigrants in the United States of America: Cooperation and Conflict”)..

2010, October 21st, Conference: "Kierunek Małopolska" (“The Destination of Lesser Poland”), Center of Strategic Counselling, Krakow, Poland. Paper: "Badania migracji powrotnych: <Kierunek Małopolska>" (“Studies of Return Migrations: The Destination of Lesser Poland”).

2010, September 18-19, Conference: "Diasporas and Cosmopolitanism in Central and Eastern Europe: Migration Memories Old and New: Polish Migrants in Berlin (From the Mid-Nineteenth to the Early Twenty-First Centuries) and the Deconstruction of Their Narrative.”

2012, 31 May-3 June, Annual Conference: Polish American Historical Association, "East-Central Europe in the Exile Patterns of Transatlantic Migrations,” University of Gdańsk, Poland.

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Research projects and media

  • 2021 "Emigré Europe. Civil Engagement Transfers Between Eastern Europe and the Low Countries, 1933-1989", CELSA grant for the implementation of a two-year project (2021-23).
  • 2021 “Poles in the Pacific Northwest: An Overlooked Phenomenon,” the Kosciuszko Foundation Exchange Program to the United States, in cooperation with the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Washington, Seattle (March-May 2022).
  • 2020 “Poles in Seattle, 1880-2020: An Un-Imagined Community,” OPUS 19, National Science Centre (NCN).
  • 2013 “” a project of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and Polish University in Exile (London), financially supported by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • 2012 “Polish Language Schools in Great Britain: Tradition and Changes,” a project of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, financially supported by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • 2007-2009 “Poles in Berlin: Old and New Immigration Streams – The Integration Process and Internal Diversity;” a project at the Jagiellonian University financially supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.