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Marcin Fatalski, Ph.D.

Marcin Fatalski, Ph.D.


Prof. Fatalski graduated from the Faculty of History at the Jagiellonian University and obtained his doctoral degree at the Institute of Political Science and International Relations, JU. He has taught at universities in Poland and abroad (in the Netherlands, Spain, and Bulgaria) and organized several international conferences at the Jagiellonian University. He is a member of the Polish International Studies Association and the Polish Association for American Studies.


  • Student Internship Coordinator
  • Cooperation with the United States Consulate in Krakow

Academic interests:

  • The history of international relations
  • U.S. foreign policy and diplomatic history
  • U.S. history
  • Development studies
  • Latin American history and politics
  • Central and Eastern Europe in world politics

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2011, Widmo rewolucji. Polityka USA wobec Ameryki Południowej 1961-1968 (“The Specter of Revolution: The United States’ Policy Towards South America, 1961-1968”), Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 165.

2022, „Rozwój to zdradliwa rzeka” . Wyzwania polityki USA wobec Iranu w epoce Mohammada Rezy Pahlawiego ("Development is a Treacherous River. The Challenges of US Policy towards Iran in the Era of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi"), [in:] Pomiędzy Starym a Nowym Światem. Historia, migracje, etniczność ("Between the Old and the New World: History, Migrations, Ethnicity") (volume dedicated to Professor Adam Walaszek), eds. Marta Kijewska-Trembecka, Ewa Michna, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 65-80.

2017, “U.S. Diplomacy and the Process of Democratization in Poland in 1989,” [in:] Poland in Transatlantic Relations after 1989: Miracle Fair, ed. Małgorzata Zachara, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 35-54.

2017, Zastosowanie teorii modernizacji w polityce zagranicznej USA w latach 60. XX w. (“The Application of Modernization Theory in the United States’ Foreign Policy During the 1960s”), [in:] Badanie polityki zagranicznej państwa, t. 2: Stany Zjednoczone, Azja Wschodnia, Bliski Wschód & Ameryka Łacińska (“Research on State Foreign Policy, Volume 2: The United States, East Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America”), eds. Paulina Matera, Małgorzata Pietrasiak, Radosław Bania, Michał Stelmach, Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów Międzynarodowych, Warsaw: Rambler Press, pp. 85-101.

2015, USA i odrodzenie lewicowego populizmu w Ameryce Łacińskiej (“The United States and the Resurgence of Left-Wing Populism in Latin America”) [in:] Ameryka Łacińska w stosunkach międzynarodowych (“Latin America in International Affairs”), eds. Magdalena Lisińska, Beata Beliavska, Krakow, pp. 87-98.

2014, “The Paradoxes of Modernization Theory in U.S. Policy: Petrifying Authoritarianism and Building Client States in the Third World During the Cold War” [in:] Evolving Dependency Relations, eds. Agnieszka Filipiak, Eliza Kania, Jeroen Van den Bosh, Rafał Wiśniewski, Poznan: Revolutions Research Center, pp. 17-34.

2009, Doktryna Manna. Wokół założeń polityki Stanów Zjednoczonych wobec Ameryki Łacińskiej w latach sześćdziesiątych XX wieku (“The Mann Doctrine: Concerning the Assumptions of the United States’ Policy Towards Latin America in the 1960s”) [in:] Amerykomania. Księga jubileuszowa Prof. dra hab. Andrzeja Mani (“Americomania: A Jubilee Book for Prof. Dr. Hab. Andrzej Mania”), vol. 1, eds. Włodzimierz Bernacki, Adam Walaszek, Kraków, pp. 85-97.

2008, Między antykomunizmem a demokracją: Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki wobec sytuacji politycznej w Argentynie 1961-1963 (“Between Anti-Communism and Democracy: The United States of America and the Political Situation in Argentina, 1961-1963”) [in:] Doświadczenie demokracji w Ameryce Łacińskiej (“Experiences of Democracy in Latin America”), eds. Marta Kania, Anna Kaganiec-Kamieńska, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 215-226.

2007, “The Role of the U.S. in Chilean Politics (1961-1964)” [in:] U.S. Foreign Policy: Theory, Mechanisms and Practice, eds. Andrzej Mania, Paweł Laidler, Łukasz Wordliczek, Krakow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 283-290

2022, Plan Colombia: Towards New US State Building Policy, Vol. 19 No. 6(81): Studies in Latin America, pp. 305-319.

2017, From Continuity to Breakthrough: the Obama Administration's Policy in Latin America, „Teka Komisji Politologii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych”, Vol. 12, No., pp. 59-84.

2014, “Some Reflections on the Guevara Myth", "Ad Americam", Vol. 15, pp. 189-196.

2013, “The United States and the Fall of the Trujillo Regime", "Ad Americam", Vol. 14, pp. 7-18.

2011, “U.S. Diplomacy and the Brazilian Coup d'état of 1964", Ad Americam, Vol. 12, pp. 53-62.

2005, “U.S. Intervention in Iran (1950-1953)", "Ad Americam", Vol. 6, pp. 39-48.

2004, Podsekretarz Stanu Sumner Welles a sprawy polskie w latach II wojny światowej (“Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles and Polish Matters During World War II”), "Zeszyty Historyczne", no. 148, pp. 65-98.


2017, Wojna po amerykańsku (“American-Style War”), pp. 239 (co-author: Elżbieta Maria Janik).

2014, “Focus On: American Mythology", "Ad Americam", vol. 15, p. 210 (co-author: Jolanta Szymkowska-Bartyzel).

2014, USA: Rewizjoniści i lobbyści (“The United States: Revisionists and Lobbyists”) [in:] Wielka wojna: Jak 100 lat temu w Europie zaczęła się rzeź, Pomocnik Historyczny (“The Great War: How Carnage Began in Europe One Hundred Years Ago: A Historical Guide”), "Polityka", special edition 3/2014, pp. 166-167.

2013, Kręgi dyplomacji (“The Circles of Diplomacy”) [in:] Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki: Jak rodziła się potęga, Pomocnik Historyczny (“The United States of America: How a Major Power Was Born – A Historical Guide”), "Polityka", special edition 10/2013, pp. 128-133.

2013, Mocarstwo światowe (“World Powers”) [in:] Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki: Jak rodziła się potęga, Pomocnik Historyczny (“The United States of America: How a Major Power Was Born – A Historical Guide”), "Polityka", special edition 10/2013, pp. 134-137.

2016, "Badanie polityki zagranicznej państwa" (“Studying the State’s Foreign Policy”), Sixth Convention of the Polish Association of International Studies, University of Lodz, Poland.

2016, “Transnational American Studies: Histories, Methodologies, Perspectives,” Polish Association for American Studies Conference, University of Warsaw, Poland.

2016, ”Mapping Transnational America,” European Association for American Studies Conference, Constanta, Romania.

2015, “The Historical ‘Dispute of the New World’: European Historians of the United States and European History, Culture and Public Life”, University of Eastern Piedmont, Italian International History Society, Interuniversity Center for European-American History and Politics, Turin, Italy.2014, ”Deconstructing the Kennedy Mystique: JFK as a Cultural Phenomenon,” American Studies Center, University of Warsaw, Poland.

2013, "Wokół Hindukuszu. Ocena interwencji w Afganistanie" (“Concerning Hindu Kush: An Evaluation of the Intervention in Afghanistan"), Institute of Political Science and International Relations, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.

2013, "Ameryka Łacińska w stosunkach międzynarodowych" (“Latin America in International Affairs”), Institute of Political Science and International Relations, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.

2009, “The United States and the World: from Imitation to Challenge," Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.

2008, "Dylematy polskiej polityki zagranicznej: przeszłość i teraźniejszość" ("The Dilemmas of Polish Foreign Policy: Past and Present”), School of Business-National Louis University, Nowy Sącz, Poland.

2007, "Doświadczenie demokracji w Ameryce Łacińskiej" (“The Experience of Democracy in Latin America"), Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.

2007, “U.S. Foreign Policy: Theory, Mechanisms, Practice," Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.

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Research projects and media

  • „Great power policy and a process of state building and creating of national identity. Case studies of Cuba and Dominican Republic”, mini-grant POB Heritage