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maj 2024

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A Song of Two Souls: Black Church Music, Secular Sounds, and the Mirror of Black America | 28.05.2024

Data: 28.05.2024
Czas rozpoczęcia: 3 PM
Miejsce: Reymonta 4, room 237

Julius P. Williams III

Assistant Professor Julius P. Williams III at Berklee College of Music achieved his Bachelor of Music, Musical Theater Vocal Performance BM at the NYU Steinhardt School, and Classical Voice Performance Masters in Music at The Boston Conservatory. He has performed in musicals and opera in the United States and Europe. Williams also starred in his two-person Golden Age of musicals Show “Funny Faces Fancy Feet” and was a founding member and arranger for the Classical crossover group Vox Fortura. He has also appeared as a solo singer on the Aida Cruise line and regularly teaches musical theater and dance workshops throughout Europe and the United States. This talk examines the interplay between Black church music and secular music as a reflection of larger issues confronting African Americans. It explores the shared African roots and subsequent divergence of these musical traditions, highlighting how they intersect and influence each other. The analysis delves into how these musical forms mirror the complexities of Black American identity, grappling with themes of racial oppression, gender roles, and social struggle. Furthermore, the piece considers the role of Black music in navigating the increasingly polarized American political climate. While acknowledging the limitations of large language models, the study suggests the potential for these models to contribute to understanding and bridging divides by providing historical context and facilitating exploration of these rich musical traditions.

Wydarzenie można zaliczyć w ramach programu OSA:

  • Opiekun: dr Anna Wyrwisz
  • Liczba godzin OSA: 2 godziny
  • Forma zaliczenia: sporządzenie krótkiej notatki w języku angielskim lub polskim (max. 500-600 znaków), dotyczącej tematyki poruszanej podczas wykładu i przesłanie jej dr Annie Wyrwisz do 11.06.2024. Notatki wysłane po tym terminie nie będą przyjmowane.
Wykład kierowany jest do studentów amerykanistyki, ale mogą w nim uczestniczyć wszyscy studenci IAiSP.