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Criminal Violence in Baja California, Mexico (2020-2022). What's the Covid-19 aftermath? | 29.05.2023

Data: 29.05.2023
Czas rozpoczęcia: 13.30-14.45
Miejsce: Reymonta 4, room 039
Organizator: Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora JU

Dr. Zulia Orozco Reynoso

During the seminar, we will reflect on criminal violence during 2020-2022 at the border city of Tijuana (Mexico). This period encompasses the Covid-19 health crisis as well as the historic global lockdown and of course, the unimaginable closure of the US-Mexico border for almost two years. This implied strong socioeconomic adjustments in both legal and illegal cross-border markets, which reflected a historic homicide rate during 2021, and the expansion of criminal organizations into the state capital: Mexicali, Baja California.

Dr. Zulia Orozco Reynoso - Full-Time Researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales (IIS) at the Baja California State University (UABC for its Spanish acronym), and member of Conacyt, Level 1. She is coauthor of the book "Trafico de armas de fuego en la frontera norte de México". Dr. Orozco's areas of study are: Border Security, Organized Crime, and Illicit Markets in the US-Mexican border, with special focus in the CaliBaja region.


Wydarzenie można zaliczyć w ramach programu OSA:

  • Opiekun: Dr Monika Sawicka
  • Liczba godzin OSA: 2
  • Forma zaliczenia: przygotowanie krótkiej notatki (500-600 znaków), przedstawiającej główne zagadnienia omawiane podczas spotkania i przesłanie jej do 12.06.2023 na adres Notatki przesłane po wyznaczonym terminie nie będą przyjmowane.