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październik 2020

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Big Data in Migration Studies

Data: 27.10.2020
Czas rozpoczęcia: 10.30
Miejsce: Zoom
Organizator: OWiM - Obserwatorium Wielokulturowości i Migracji, Caspar

MMO Zoom Seminar:

Tuba Bircan - Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)
Carlos Arcila Calderón - University of Salamanca (Spain)

Konrad Pędziwiatr (Cracow University of Economics)
Dobrosława Wiktor-Mach (Cracow University of Economics)

Traditional statistical data on international migration suffers from the problems (gaps) of inconsistency in definitions, differences in geographical coverages, absence of reasons for migration, timeliness and limitations in demographic characteristics. There is a need for comprehensive, accurate and timely migration data to understand, foresee and draw accurate policies. Recently, countries and international organisations are using Big Data to bridge the gaps in migration data. The upcoming MMO seminar will provide concise, accessible guidance on how the use of data innovation can complement traditional migration data sources and fill existing information gaps.

Our first distinguished speaker Tuba Bircan from Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) will discuss key applications of new data sources for the analysis of various migration topics, including estimation of migrant stocks and flows, migrant socio-economic profiles, forecasting and emergencies such as Covid-19 pandemic. She will also discuss the good practices for the creation of ‘data collaboratives’ and appropriate regulatory frameworks to address ethical, security and data protection challenges.
Our second distinguished speaker Carlos Arcila Calderón from University of Salamanca (Spain) will show how computational methods can help to analyse structured and unstructured data to address the integration of migrants in European society. More specifically, he will explain how to collect social media data and then conduct text analytics to address public opinion about migrants and refugees. He will pay special attention to the detection of hate speech against these vulnerable groups using a computational approach at scale. He shall also explain how to use predictive analytics on survey data to estimate social integration of migrants by generating synthetic populations to estimate migrant's acceptance at a regional and local level.
As usually, the presentations by our guests will be followed by Q&A sessions.

Biograms of speakers:

  • Tuba Bircan is a professor of sociology at the Department of Sociology and the research coordinator at the Interface Demography, at the Free University of Brussels (VUB). She holds BSc and MSc in Statistics and PhD in Social and Political Sciences. Her research interests include migration, diversity, refugees, equal opportunities, social rights, perception, evidence-based policymaking, mixed methods, data driven analysis techniques, Big Data and machine learning applications for social research and how to study hard-to-reach groups. She is the scientific coordinator of H2020 funded HumMingBird (Enhanced Migration Measures from a Multidimensional Perspective) project. She has published mainly on the methodological aspects of migration studies, inclusive policies and inequalities.
  • Carlos Arcila Calderón - Associate Professor at the University of Salamanca (Spain) and principal investigator of the European project Preventing Hate Against Refugees and Migrants (PHARM) (funded by the REC programme of the European Commission) and the national project Data Science in Spain: knowledge and public perception of big data and artificial intelligence (funded by FECYT), as well as the proof-of-concept Development and evaluation a hate speech detector in Spanish(STOP-HATE) (funded by TCUE), and local PI of Enhanced migration measures from a multidimensional perspective (HumMingBird) (funded by H2020). Researcher in three other projects: ‘Maps of Communication Research in Spain from 2007 to 2018’ (Mapcom2) (funded by Spanish Ministry of Education) and ‘If you want, you can give it up. Narrative tools to prevent smoking in adults’ (funded by the regional government of Castilla y Leon in Spain). PI for Venezuela for the international projects Worlds of Journalism Study and Journalistic Role Performance, as well as consultant of Media Landscapes for this country. His research interests are focused on ICT adoption, media and social media analysis, computational methods and big data.

Link do spotkania (wcześniejsza rejestracja nie jest wymagana)

Meeting ID: 884 5886 0060
Passcode: i065Tt

Wydarzenie można zaliczyć w ramach OSA:

  • Opiekun: dr Joanna Kulpińska
  • Liczba godzin OSA: 2h
  • Forma zaliczenia: sporządzenie krótkiej notatki (max. 500-600 znaków), przedstawiającej główne zagadnienia omawiane podczas spotkania i przesłanie jej dr Joannie Kulpińskiej. Notatka może być sporządzona w języku polskim lub w języku spotkania.