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maj 2021

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The Effect of International Migration on Tax Morale

Data: 31.05.2021
Czas rozpoczęcia: 15.30
Miejsce: Zoom
Organizator: OWiM - Obserwatorium Wielokulturowości i Migracji, Caspar i Otwarty Kraków
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MMO Zoom seminar

International migration represents a potential channel for the transmission of norms, attitudes, and values back to the home countries. In our presentation we will explore how the international migration of individuals affects tax morale and aversion to the free-riding of their household members left in the home country. In order to do that, we will use a rich longitudinal household-level database which is representative of Polish society in the period 2007-2015 — one of the most important countries of emigration in the EU — and allows us to observe social attitudes and values ofindividuals before and after the actual migration of a member of the household.Our research results so far show that having a migrant in the household has a significant and positive effect on tax morale and increases aversion toward free-riding of those who stay put. We demonstrate that the transmission of this important form of social remittances crucially depends on the characteristics — gender, level of education, role in the household — of both those who migrate and those who stay put within the household. The identification of the effects relies on individual-level longitudinal data which allows us to rule out anytime-constant confounding factor affecting both international migrations of family members and individual attitudes toward tax avoidance.
  • Jan Brzozowski, Cracow University of Economics, Poland
  • Nicola D. Coniglio, University of Bari, Italy
  • Konrad Pędziwiatr, Cracow University of Economics, Poland
Meeting ID: 896 7318 0681
Passcode: 9LT8yM
Biograms of speakers:
Nicola D. Coniglio - Associate Professor in Economic Policy at the University of Bari (Italy). Nicola conducts teaching and research activities in the following areas: human capital and development, international trade and factor mobility, the economics of migration, urban and regional economics. Nicola is an international expert for the United Nation Industrial Development Organization (Vienna Headquarters) and cooperates with several colleagues based at international and national institutions (Norwegian School of Economics, Norway; Cracow School of Economics, Poland; University of Lille, France; University of Luxembourg; University of Bergen, Norway; Chukyo University and Tohoku Gakuin University, Japan; Cerpem, Italy). He has published several papers in international refereed journals and has extensive teaching experience in international post-graduate courses. He is the Italian director of the Erasmus Mundus Master Programme in “Economics of Globalisation and European Integration” which is run by a consortium of Europan and non-European Universities ( He was awarded with the EPAINOS prize for the best paper presented at the European Regional Science Association meetings in 2003 and 2004.
Jan Brzozowski - Associate professor and head of the Department of European Studies & Economic Integration at CUE, member of the Committee for Migration Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Deputy-Director of CASPAR. 2015-2016 post-roc researcher at Universita Politecnica Delle Marche (Italy). He focuses on the research on economic aspects of international migration, including socio-economic integration of migrants & returnees, immigrant entrepreneurship, migrant transnationalism. He has published in numerous prestigious journals including Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, European Urban and Regional Studies, Sociologica. His most important projects deal with The role of social networks in the development of immigrant firms in Marche (NCN Miniatura), Transnational Action to advance SKills and competences FOR COmmunity engagement and social Migrants Entrepreneurship initiatives in Central Europe,(Interreg CE) and Future Migration Scenarios for Europe (Horizon 2020).
Konrad Pędziwiatr - Inspirator and coordinator of the Multiculturalism & Migration Observatory. Researcher of the Centre of the Advanced Studies on Population and Religion (CASPAR). Associate professor at the Department of Internation Relations (Cracow University of Economics) and researcher in the Centre of Migration Research (University of Warsaw) specializing in the sociology of Islam, religious dimensions of migration studies and social movements in Europe and the Middle East.
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