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Media and politics in electoral times. Discourses and actors of the right wings in present-day Argentina (2019-2023) | 07.12.2023

Date: 07.12.2023
Start Time: 16.45-18.15
Place: Reymonta 4, sala 037

Julia Velisone

This year Argentina has elected as the new president a far-right outsider who not only presented a radical economical program and state reform, but also modified the political scenario and its relationship with a vast majority of the citizens. To understand this phenomenon, we need to look back into the 40 years of Argentina´s uninterrupted democracy and, particularly, in the development of the right-wing political sector that enabled its first democratic victory in 2015. The mentioned evolution of the right-wings is linked to its relationship with the media and the development of new discourses that reintroduced them into democracy, especially the construction of an antagonism between republicanism and populism. By studying these actors and their discourses we will be able to understand their transformation but also its relationship to the decay of previous political and social consensus regarding democracy and the republican institutions.

Julia Velisone is a graduate and Professor of Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires, a research assistant at the Gino Germani Research Institute and a Doctoral Fellow at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina. She has completed her Master's studies in Political and Social Theory and is currently pursuing her PhD in Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires. Her postgraduate research has been awarded by the Secretariat of Advanced Studies of her University. Previously she has received scholarships from the Iberoamerican University Association of Postgraduate Studies for a research stay in Spain, from the Association of Universities Montevideo Group as a visiting professor in Chile, and from the University of Buenos Aires for a research stay in Brazil. Also, in 2024 she will carry out a research stay in Austria with an Ernst Mach Grant.

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