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Migration, Securitization and Civic Engagement at the Polish-Belarusian Border

Date: 03.12.2021
Start Time: 12.00
Place: Zoom
Organiser: Agnieszka Halemba (Polish Academy of Science & University of Potsdam), Annika Lems (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology), Agnieszka Pasieka (University of Vienna), Alexandra Schwell (University of Klagenfurt)

Events resulting from the abuse of migrants and refugees in political games on the EU's eastern border have surprised many observers. In an increasingly confusing and unclear situation, civil society initiatives coexist with border guards’ and vigilante groups’ actions. It is clearly an issue of fundamental importance on many levels: political, humanitarian, legal, and simply human. This roundtable responds to the urgent need for information and conversation among members of the academic community. It seeks to disentangle and analyse the current situation against the backdrop of studies of migration, security, and (b)ordering in different European contexts. The participants in the roundtable are social scientists with an intimate knowledge of the recent events in the Polish-Belarusian border region and specialists in social sciences and migration.

The organisers of the panel invite the participants and listeners:

  • to share information concerning the current situation, with a special focus on civic engagement on the one hand and political responses to the “crisis” on the other hand
  • to reflect on possible directions for research and interpretation, which could enable new insights into the situation
  • to initiate a comparative analysis in the context of migration routes in/to Europe


  • EWA MOROZ KECZYŃSKA is a social anthropologist working at the Museum of Natural and Forest History in Białowieża. She lives in the immediate vicinity of the state of emergency zone.
  • PIOTR CICHOCKI is a social anthropologist working at the University of Warsaw, involved in organising activities related to the "crisis" both locally and in Warsaw.
  • FELIX ACKERMANN coordinates assistance for refugee scholars from Belarus at the German Historical Institute in Warsaw. In response to state violence after the rigged presidential elections in Belarus, he founded the project „Stimmen aus Belarus“.
  • KAROLINA FOLLIS is a social anthropologist and a senior lecturer at Lancaster University. She works on politics of borders in Europe, with a special focus on the rights of migrants and asylum seekers and security technologies.
  • GERHILD PERL is junior professor for social anthropology at the University of Trier, Germany. She is an expert in critical border, mobility, and migration studies, with a focus on the Mediterranean.

Link do spotkania: ZOOM LINK

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  • Opiekun: dr Joanna Kulpińska
  • Liczba godzin OSA: 2 godziny
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