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Completed Research Projects

Principal Investigator: prof. Małgorzata Zachara-Szymańska

  • Name of the grant: Mini grants Global Trends Lab: Turbulent World – political and security challenges”
  • Source of financing: Pob Future Society
  • Start and completion date of the project: 03.2021 - 08.2021
  • Total project budget: 15.000 PLN
  • Project description: In the moment of the global order transition, when the rulebook of the international game is being rewritten, the competition over power and resources is intensifying.The notion of leadership has come to occupy the central position in international debate about the global order, and calls for stronger leadership have emerged as a common tool of political rhetoric in response to crises, the preparation of joint action or demands for international cooperation. Yet, the issue of global leadership is virtually absent from literature on international relations (IR), while it is widely exploited by managerial and organisational studies. It should be noted, however, that not only firms, but all social organisations have ‘gone global’ over the last 30 years – they are more interconnected and definitely more dependent on global processes. This raises the question of what leadership strategies would be effective in light of these new realities, especially in a time when globalisation is no longer seen as a leading political program. Protection of the global commons and negotiation of the strategies that enable the coordination of global flows of people, money, goods and knowledge have become more complex than in any previous period due to the multiplication of the actors involved and emergence of new kinds of global needs.

Principal Investigator: Paulina Napierała, Ph.D.

  • Name of the grant: Miniatura
  • Source of financing: NCN
  • Start and completion date of the project: 12.2018 - 12.2019
  • Total project budget: 22.000 PLN
  • Project description:The aim of the project is to research the role of African American churches in the American South.

Principal Investigator: Anna Kaganiec-Kamieńska, Ph.D.

  • Name of the grant: Fulbright Senior Award
  • Source of financing: Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission
  • Start and completion date of the project: 01.2018 - 07.2018
  • Total project budget: 23.600 USD
  • Reference number: PL/2017/26/SR
  • Project description: The project focused on the link between the linguistic situation in Puerto Rico and Puerto Rican identity. The project was interdisciplinary in nature. A new mode of interpretation of the Puerto Rican linguistic context was proposed. Building on the concept of “lifestyle diglossia” introduced by Mukul Saxena (2014), the Puerto Rican context was described in terms of “societal lifestyle diglossia”. In this diglossic context, English and Spanish in the island were interpreted as linked to specific lifestyles - English as associated with an “U.S.-American modern lifestyle”, while Spanish - the national language - as forming part of the “Puerto Rican local lifestyle” and associated with the Puerto Rican tradition. The examination consisted of a historical analysis and an analysis of the present linguistic situation in the island. The aim of the historical analysis was to trace the development of societal lifestyle diglossia since 1898. A question was also asked whether a new, "global lifestyle" and the role of English as a "global language" have an impact on current language practices and the relation between language and identity in the island.

Principal Investigator: Magdalena Lisińska, Ph.D.

  • Name of the grant: Preludium
  • Source of financing: NCN
  • Start and completion date of the project: 09.2016-09.2019
  • Total project budget: 101.780 PLN
  • Reference number: 2015/19/N/HS5/00004
  • Project description:The main objective of this project was to analyze the phenomenon of ideologization of the Argentine foreign policy in the years 1976-1983, when the National Reorganization Project was conducted. The main hypothesis is that the Argentine foreign policy during the last military dictatorship 1976-1983 was determined by the ideology of pragmatic nationalism. This pragmatism was evident at the level of bilateral relations with other countries. An analysis of the structure of the Argentine political system during the National Reorganization Process allowed to presume that the meeting of two factors, ideology and political practice, was possible thanks to the specificity of the political system, in which the key roles were played by the institutions dominated by deeply ideologized representatives of the armed forces. The result of the research is a comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon of ideologization of the Argentina's foreign policy in the years 1976-1983, taking into account the conditions resulting from the specifics of the system and from the political changes during that period. The research allowed to look at the foreign policy of Argentina from a different point of view, giving up the realist paradigm that has been a main approach used in explaining this phenomenon.

Principal Investigator: prof. Anna Reczyńska

  • Research team: Pracownicy IAiSP UJ: dr hab. Magdalena Paluszkiewicz-Misiaczek, dr Marcin Gabryś, dr Tomasz Soroka, Doktorantka Sudiów kulturoznawczych UJ:  Karolina Pietrzok
  • Name of the grant: zadanie publiczne "Współpraca z Polonią i Polakami za granicą" (2016 r.)
  • Source of financing: Senat RP
  • Start and completion date of the project: 06.2016 - 12.2016
  • Total project budget: 59.996,85 PLN
  • Project description: Celem grantu było zebranie możliwie szerokiego spektrum materiałów odnoszących się fali polskiej emigracji, która dotarła do Kanady w latach 80. i 90. XX w. Skopiowano materiały archiwalne  dostępne w Kongresie Polonii Kanadyjskiej, w nieuporządkowanych zbiorach Kanadyjsko-Polskiego Instytutu Badawczego i w kolekcjach prywatnych (między innymi Polish-Canadian Action Group, Grażyny Farmus i sekcji społecznej  KPK koordynującej sponsorowanie imigrantów. Przeprowadzono 48 rozmów z 53 osobami. Uzyskano relacje biograficzne i nagrania rozmów z 43 osobami. Z nagrań wykonano 26 transkrypcji; pozostałe zostały utrwalone wyłącznie w formie zapisu dźwiękowego. Wykonano kopie elektroniczne dostępnych egzemplarzy z 13 tytułów polonijnej prasy (całych kolekcji między innymi  "Echa", "Echa Tygodnia", 10 komletnych roczników tygodnika "Związkowiec", całości "Tygodnika Torontońskiego" oraz "Słowa Solidarność".

Principal Investigator: Prof. Hartmut Keil, University of Leipzig (Germany) and Agnieszka Stasiewicz-Bieńkowska, Ph.D., Jagiellonian University (Poland)

  • Research team: Prof. Hartmut Keil (University of Leipzig, Niemcy), Agnieszka Stasiewicz-Bieńkowska, Ph.D. (Uniwersytet Jagielloński)
  • Name of the grant: Federal Assistance Award
  • Source of financing: US Embassy in Warsaw
  • Start and completion date of the project: 09.2015 - 10.2015
  • Total project budget: 5.000 USD
  • Reference number: SPL90015GR077
  • Project description:"Religion in American Society" was a student study tour organized jointly by the American Studies Institutes of Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland and of the University of Leipzig, Germany. The goal of the tour was to deepen the students' understanding of American religious and spiritual traditions and their impact on American politics, society and culture. The participants met with representatives of major denominations, church-affiliated politicians and academic experts on state-church relations, visited various religious communities, as well as attended different religious events and services in Atlanta, Georgia, Birmingham, Alabama, Nashville, Tennessee, South Bend, Indiana, and Chicago, Illinois.

Principal Investigator: Paulina Napierała, Ph. D.

  • Name of the grant: Kosciuszko Foundation Fellowship
  • Source of financing: Kosciuszko Foundation
  • Start and completion date of the project: 01.2015 - 06.2015
  • Total project budget: ok. 10.000 USD
  • Project description: The aim of my project is to research the evolution of the interactions between religion and politics in the US and to compare them to the church and state relations in Poland. Presenting similarities and differences between political involvement of religious actors in Poland and in the US can provoke a valuable discussion on the role of religion in politics and modern public life.

Principal Investigator: prof. Paweł Laidler

  • Research team: dr Maciej Turek
  • Name of the grant: OPUS 9
  • Source of financing: National Science Center
  • Start and completion date of the project: 2014-2016
  • Total project budget: 117.000 PLN
  • Reference number: 2013/09/B/HS5/01086
  • Project description: The project aim at addressing the relations between federal election campaign finance system and the political representation and democracy in the United States. While working on the project, we found that 1) money significantly influence the electoral process in the United States; while the highest ammounts are donated by less than 0,5% of voters, it impacts electoral participation and campaign discourse; 2) both Republican and Democratic parties, despite opposing approach to the issue of campaign finance, benefit from the existing system, being able to raise and spend millions of dollars in both presidential and congressional electoral cycles; 3) the landmark case Buckley v. Valeo is a source of existing controversies, as it frames the issue of campaign finance in constitutionally protected freedom of expression (money = speech); 4) activitity of the U.S. Supreme Court and its interpretation of federal election campaign finance laws in recent years deepens political and social conflict on function of money in elections; 5) change of current campaign finance system as well as modification of the political discourse over role of money in politics is unlikely in foreseeable future; 6) if the change was to be implemented, the first step shall be to reverse the opinion in Buckley v. Valeo. The effect of this research is several academic studies, with two of particular importance: a book Cena demokracji. Finansowanie federalnych kampanii wyborczych w Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki (Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, 2016) and analysis of legal regulation of federal campaign finance system Basic Documents in U.S. Federal Campaign Finance Law (Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytet Jagiellońskiego, 2015).

Principal Investigator: prof. Agnieszka Gondor-Wiercioch

  • Name of the grant: JFK Research Grant
  • Source of financing: Freie University Berlin
  • Start and completion date of the project: 6-9.05.2013
  • Project description:The main objective of my research is to examine selected works from contemporary Native American and Latina/o Literature taking into consideration the strategies of double or multiple coding that their authors use. Comparative analysis will enable focusing on the similarities such as the impact of colonization on contemporary mix-blood or Mestizo writers, their attempts to incorporate into their fiction the official history of the conquest, colonization and gradual building of multi-ethnic society as well as alternative histories of different Indian tribes and European Immigrants, the problem of a double language Indian/English or Spanish/English and looking for a new means of expression usually rooted in the oral tradition, the experience of religious syncretism and the search for one’s lost identity.

Principal Investigator: Magdalena Modrzejewska, Ph.D.

  • Research team: Tanya Bakhmetyeva (Associate Academic Director), Susan B. Anthony (Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies, University of Rochester)
  • Name of the grant: Sonata
  • Source of financing: NCN
  • Start and completion date of the project: 12.2011 - 10.2016
  • Total project budget: 68.770 PLN
  • Reference number: 2011/01/D/HS5/01660
  • Project description:The Project analyzed the figure of Josiah Warren in the context of radical American political thought that refutes the need for state authority, and answered the question of whether the scope of this contestation is so far-reaching that it can be considered an anarchist project.

Principal Investigator: prof. Łukasz Kamieński

  • Name of the grant: individual research grant
  • Source of financing: Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, call no. 39 / National Science Foundation
  • Start and completion date of the project: 2010 - 2014
  • Total project budget: 40.000 PLN
  • Reference number: N N116 389539
  • Project description: The upcoming transformation of the Western way of warfare, which is nowadays represented mainly by the United States, looms on the horizon. They will be shaped by the emerging technologies, in particular: pharmacology, genetics and genetic engineering, biotechnology, and bioelectronics. The new transformation of the Western warfare will therefore take place in the three main areas:
  1. use of pharmacology, including drugs, to enhance physical abilities, mood, emotions, and behavior of soldiers,
  2. genetics and genetic engineering,
  3. the rise of cyborg soldiers.

The research aimed to answer a fundamental question which was also the main research problem: ‘How will chemistry, genetics and bioelectronics impact the Western (American) way war?’. This great ‘convergence’ of science will lead to a fundamental change in the Western art of war. On the one hand, information, communication, and computer technologies will continue to develop, resulting in further miniaturization, increased computing power and advanced efficiency of computer systems, as well as greater acceleration and digitization of the battlefield. On the other hand, discoveries and innovations in biotechnology, genetics, and pharmacology will widely affect the military. The two types of technologies, the ones that modify the external environment of human life (i.e. combat) and the ones that attempt to adjust humans themselves (i.e. soldiers), will be closely interlinked. The result will be a major transformation of the ways that war is conducted. ‘Will it give rise to a transhuman, and then perhaps even posthuman, war?’ The outcome of the project is a synthesis capturing the essence of new Western way of war, which is already emerging on the strategic horizon. This phenomenon is presented in the broader context of social, economic, cultural, mental, political and international changes and developments. Attention is paid in particular to the transformation of the art of war in the context of chemistry, genetics, and bioelectronics depicted in relation to the changes undergone by the armed forces, such as feminization, humanization, robotization, virtualization, networking, and privatization. The synthesis also looked at the transformation of the Western way of waging war in the context of non-Western approaches and the character of non-Western opponents, asymmetric warfare in particular.

Principal Investigator: prof. Łukasz Wordliczek

  • Name of the grant: Ministry of Higher Education research grant
  • Source of financing: Ministry of Higher Education
  • Start and completion date of the project: 10.2010 - 10.2014
  • Total project budget: 48.408 PLN
  • Project description: According to conventional wisdom, elections are pivotal for any democratic system of government. They serve several purposes and–being a way for people to express what they think–are one of the most important assets of any democratic regime. Because of the logic of electoral campaigns, the candidates urging for change seem to be ‘privileged’ over incumbents. The U.S. 2008 presidential elections seem to fit this pattern. At the same time, however, one needs to consider if the change of leaders may be comparable to that of policy change. If the elections are really what constituents say, then the answer must be affirmative. But U.S. foreign policy over several decades has proved that notwithstanding personal changes, most policy priorities have not changed accordingly. Even when shifts have occurred, they have been rather of a minor character, contrary to pre-election anticipations and candidates’–usually mesmerizing–rhetoric. The issue discussed here focuses on several variables: party platforms, inaugural addresses, polling opinion surveys, foreign policy spending, and crises events. For their theoretical relevance, only the elections that have produced party change in the White House were included (1952, 1960, 1968, 1976, 1980, 1992, 2000, and 2008). Then, the question of (non-)incrementalism was studied. Were the changes substantial? Were they part of the agenda after the electoral campaign? And, last but not least, why did they occur? By analyzing foreign policy in 4-year intervals, one may discover that elections quite often are reduced to changes in politicians, but not policy changes. This argument seems to be 'dangerous' to the theory of democracy and, at the same time, is crucial for any country’s foreign policy priorities if they are to embrace accountability, reliability, and infallibility. Why, then, one needs to study continuity and change through the prism of elections? There are, at least, three appealing reasons to do so. First, the above mentioned role for democratic theory needs to be invoked again. Second, elections are normally of routine character, not of crisis-like. Even not very profound look at history, teaches that the latter has important role to be played here. An ambitious effort towards the former calls for more cautious deliberation. And last, but not least, elections just happen. That is to say that they are not a matter of random choice (and chance) to occur like human activities sometimes are. To put it in other words, elections are rather of systemic, not behavioral character. For this, election studies perspective is potentially free of biased caused by a blind chance circumstances. Take the example of decision-making approach. Its virtues are well-acknowledged. At the same time, however, its explanations are helpless as for some politicians’ decisions: even if we eventually come up with any decision-making theorem, no one will be able to admit that aleatory, random choice circumstances of taking a decision might have been eliminated. We study human activities, after all. And rational choices are not always pertaining for politicians’ choices. In that way, elections have objective meaning: we have certain results at our disposal, and the results may be compared, they bear certain meanings that may be objectively interpreted.

Principal Investigator: dr Maciej Turek

Name of the grant: JFK Institute Berlin Research Grant

Source of financing: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Free University, Berlin

Start and completion date of the project: 07.2009-08.2009

Total project budget: 1.121 EUR

Project description: The aim of the research was exploration of the relations between methods of vice presidential candidates selections and whether widely understood circumstances of the seleciton process are important for how the particular vice presidents performed at their office from 1976 to 2009. John F. Kennedy Institute in Berlin Library gave access to archival documents, primary and secondary sources, books, edited volumes and academic journals that allow for researching the above stated issue, which became a basis to prepare a doctoral dissertation. In the dissertation, I elaborated on short term (tactical) and long term (strategic) criteria of vice presidential selection. I identified three main incentives of selection: (1) unification of the political parties after oftentimes divisive presidential nomination process, (2) selecting running mate that would best help standard bearer to win upcoming presidential elections, (3) selecting a candidate that would help to govern after the election. I then confronted the above criteria with the candidates that became vice presidents following presidential elections (1976-2000) with the scope of their activities in particular presidential administrations. These observations led to conclusions that the candidates selected from strategic reasons were important within presidential administrations, built themselves positions of powerful players, were able to work efficiently with the presidents and their advisors, while also influencing policy areas that interested them (W. Mondale, A. Gore, D. Cheney). Selected from tactical reasons Dan Quayle never built a strong position within George H. W. Bush administration, while Bush as vice president of Ronald Reagan, rarely influenced presidential decision. Even though he was perceived as a politician of presidential qualities, his selection was made at the last moment of national party convention and his role within Reagan administration was never discussed during the selection process. The effect of the research was a doctoral dissertation, defended at the Jagiellonian University in 2012 (it was base for the book, Urząd Wiceprezydenta Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki. Analiza politologiczna, Kraków 2014) and publication of several book chapters and academic articles.

Principal Investigator: Paulina Napierała, Ph.D.

  • Name of the grant: Fulbright Junior Grant
  • Source of financing: Polish-US Fulbright Commission
  • Start and completion date of the project: 08.2007 - 07.2008
  • Project description:Research on the American religious right and on faith-based initives.Research, consultations and courses audited at: Boston College, Harvard Divinity School in Harvard Kennedy School.

Principal Investigator: Agnieszka Stasiewicz-Bieńkowska, Ph.D.

  • Name of the grant: Research Grant at the John-F.-Kennedy Institut für Nordamerikastudien der Freien Universität Berlin, Germany
  • Source of financing: John-F.-Kennedy Institut für Nordamerikastudien der Freien Universität Berlin, Germany
  • Start and completion date of the project: 11.2007 - 12.2007
  • Total project budget: 1.121 EUR
  • Project description: The aim of the project was to examine the processes of constructing ethnic identity of Swedish immigrants' children in the United States. The project focused on ethnic literature and press marketed to young generations, placing a particular emphasis on the notions and representations of homeland, homemaking myths, Swedish, Swedish-American and American history, the role of religion and the Swedish language, and the narratives of class and gender. The Fellowship financed my research stay at the Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center, Augustana College, Rock Island, Ill., USA, during the spring 2006.

Principal Investigator: Agnieszka Stasiewicz-Bieńkowska, Ph.D.

  • Name of the grant: Visby Programme
  • Source of financing: Svenska Institutet
  • Start and completion date of the project: 09.2007 - 11.2007
  • Reference number: 00062/2007 382
  • Project description:The aim of this project was to explore the processes of constructing ethnic identity among Swedish immigrants' children in the United States. The project focused on ethnic literature and press marketed to young generations, with a special emphasis on the carefully shaped notions and representations of homeland, homemaking myths, history and its heroes, the role of religion and language, and the understanding of class and gender. The Visby Programme Scholarship was granted for studies/research work at Växjö University and The House of Emigrants (Utvandrarnas hus) in Växjö, Sweden.

Principal Investigator: Agnieszka Stasiewicz-Bieńkowska, Ph.D.

  • Name of the grant: Dagmar and Nils William Olsson Fellowship
  • Source of financing: Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center, Augustana College, Rock Island, Ill., USA
  • Start and completion date of the project: 04.2006 - 05.2006
  • Project description: The aim of the project was to examine the processes of constructing ethnic identity of Swedish immigrants' children in the United States. The project focused on ethnic literature and press marketed to young generations, placing a particular emphasis on the notions and representations of homeland, homemaking myths, Swedish, Swedish-American and American history, the role of religion and the Swedish language, and the narratives of class and gender. The Fellowship financed my research stay at the Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center, Augustana College, Rock Island, Ill., USA, during the spring 2006.