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Academic approaches to studies on disability: A view from Poland and Brazil | 08.05.2023

Date: 08.05.2023
Start Time: 16.45-18.15
Place: Reymonta 4, sala 237


Spotkanie odbędzie się w języku polskim i angielskim:

[PL] Wprowadzenie do (kulturoznawczych) studiów o niepełnosprawności.

Według WHO na świecie żyje ponad miliard osób z niepełnosprawnościami. Osoby z niepełnosprawnościami (OzN) to największa mniejszość społeczna na świecie, a w Unii Europejskiej co szósty obywatel i obywatelka ma niepełnosprawność. Wystąpienie ma na celu wprowadzenie słuchaczy w tematykę (kulturoznawczych) studiów o niepełnosprawności (ang. disability studies). Podejście kulturoznawcze stara się redefiniować kategorię niepełnosprawności jako różnicy kulturowej warunkowanej cieleśnie. Według badaczy i badaczek oraz aktywistów i aktywistek główny cel studiów o niepełnosprawności to spojrzenie na niepełnosprawność jako na formę różnorodności. Podczas spotkania zapoznamy się z genezą studiów o niepełnosprawności i podstawowymi założeniami społecznego modelu niepełnosprawności, który pokazuje, że niepełnosprawność nie wynika z ograniczeń jednostki, ale z systemu, który nie uwzględnia potrzeb wszystkich osób. W trakcie seminarium zastanowimy się również nad zagadnieniami językowymi związanymi z niepełnosprawnością i zastanowimy się nad wątkiem badania reprezentacji OzN w rzeczywistości społeczno-kulturowej, która nas otacza.

[ENG] An Introduction to (Cultural) Disability Studies

According to the WHO, there are over a billion people with disabilities in the world. People with disabilities are the largest social minority in the world and in the European Union every sixth citizen has a disability. The speech aims to introduce the audience to the subject of disability studies within cultural studies. The approach of cultural studies tries to redefine the category of disability as a cultural difference conditioned by the body. According to researchers and activists, the main goal of disability studies is to look at disability as a form of diversity. During the meeting, we will learn about the genesis of disability studies and the basic assumptions of the social model of disability, which show that disability does not result from the limitations of an individual but from a system that does not take into account the needs of all people. During the seminar, we will also consider language issues related to disability and the topic of researching the representation of people with disabilities in the sociocultural reality that surrounds us.

Dr Jadwiga Romanowska - assistant professor at the Institute of Intercultural Studies of the Jagiellonian University. Doctor of humanities in the field of cultural studies. A graduate of international cultural studies and comparative studies of civilizations at the Jagiellonian University and postgraduate studies: leading dance groups, specialization - contemporary dance at the University of Rzeszów. A certified dance instructor. Guest lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. Member of the Intercultural PL Association.

Challenges of Electoral Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Brazil

People with disabilities are scarcely present in electoral political representation spaces in Brazil, and according to the literature in the field of disability studies, historical factors of social and political exclusion have an influence on this representation gap. The lack of accessibility generated by attitudinal, architectural, communication and procedural barriers is one of the main factors on which changes are urgently needed for the effective political inclusion of people with disabilities. In Brazil, there are more than 156 million registered voters, and of these, 1.2 million declared to have some kind of disability. Considering that voting is compulsory in the country, ensuring accessibility conditions is fundamentally a responsibility of the electoral judiciary, an institution that has the attribution of carrying out electoral governance, but as we will see during our conversation, the promotion of accessibility is not restricted to this institution. The presentation is organized in two parts: first, I will explain how the Brazilian political system is structured, situating the electoral judiciary and its role in electoral administration. In the second part, when dealing with the Electoral Accessibility Program, I present data on the electorate with disabilities and discuss the concepts of barriers and accessibility, thinking about the practical challenges for promoting electoral accessibility and, consequently, the electoral inclusion of people with disabilities.

Márcia Inês Schaefer is a PhD student in Sociology and Political Science at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, where she got her master’s in Political Sociology and her bachelor’s in Social Sciences. During the Summer Semester 2023, she is a visiting student at the Freie Universität Berlin. Member of the Research Group about Social Movements (NPMS/UFSC) and the Brazilian Research and Studies Center from the University of Würzburg. His research interest is mainly electoral and non-electoral participation, focused on the topic of political inclusion of people with disabilities in Brazil.

Wydarzenie można zaliczyć w ramach programu OSA:

  • Opiekun: Dr Monika Sawicka, dr Katarzyna Górska
  • Liczba godzin OSA: 2 godziny
  • Forma zaliczenia: lista obecności sporządzona po spotkaniu oraz przygotowanie krótkiej notatki (500-600 znaków), przedstawiającej główne zagadnienia omawiane podczas spotkania, i przesłanie jej do 22.05.2023 na adres Notatki przesłane po wyznaczonym terminie nie będą przyjmowane.