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Indigenous and Feminist struggles and Ecuador’s 2021 Elections

Date: 23.04.2021
Start Time: 0:00-2:00
Place: Zoom
Organiser: Feminist Constellations platform CLACS-NYU. Co-Sponsored by NACLA, Kichwa Hatari and the Transnational Feminist Comité de Mujeres EcuaYork

Environmental and indigenous struggles have come to the forefront of national conversations in Ecuador, most recently through the October 2019 uprising and the 2021 presidential elections. Indigenous and feminist activists have organized, mobilized, and contributed to repositioning the anti-extractivist agenda on the national stage. The 2021 elections featured two candidates with different visions for the left, including correísta candidate Andres Arauz and indigenous water conservation activist and lawyer Yaku Pérez of the Pachakutik party. Social mobilizations, the legacy of correismo and the 2019 uprisings, together with momentum gained through Perez’ 2021 candidacy, have contributed to debates about the future of the left, not only in Ecuador, but more broadly.

Debates highlight tension between statist and self determination movement strategies for struggle, and particularly, how to center resistance to neo extractivism.


Cecilia Velasque is a Kichwa Panzalea indigenous leader. She has a master's degree in education and social development and is a human and women's rights activist. She was Provincial Councilor and Vice Prefect of the provincial government of Cotopaxi (2006-2009), Technical Secretary of the Continental Liaison of Indigenous Women (2009-2011), Intercultural Advisor at UN Women, 3 times leader of the Union of Peasant Organizations of North Cotopaxi, National Director of Interculturality of Indigenous and Afro Peoples in the National Council for Citizen Participation, and Director of Gender in the provincial government of Cotopaxi (2014-2015). Since 2016 she has been the national coordinator of the Pachakutik Plurinational Movement, the political arm of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE).

Fernando Garcia is a renowned anthropologist and researcher with the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales in Ecuador (FLACSO). He studies interculturality, social movements, state, and ethnicity and has consulted for various international organizations.

Manuela Picq is the Karl Loewenstein Fellow and Visiting Associate Professor of Political Science at Amherst College and professor of International Relations at Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador. Picq’s research focuses on indigenous politics, and sexuality in world politics and Latin America. Picq has been working with indigenous women and has accompanied the consolidation of an anti-extractivist agenda in the indigenous movement in Ecuador. As Perez’ partner and as an activist, Picq has accompanied Yaku Perez’ campaign throughout the 2021 electoral process.

Andrea Sempértegui is an interdisciplinary researcher whose work focuses on struggles over territory and natural resource extraction, indigenous politics, popular feminist movements, and decolonial thought in Latin America. She is a Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology at the Justus Liebig University of Gießen in Germany and a Visiting Instructor in Anthropology and Sociology at Lafayette College in the United States. She is co-editor of a translated book by the Bolivian sociologist Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, Ch’ixinakax utxiwa: Eine Reflexion über Praktiken und Diskurse der Dekolonisierung (Unrast Verlag, 2018). Her other publications include “Indigenous Women’s Activism, Ecofeminism, and Extractivism: Partial Connections in the Ecuadorian Amazon” (Politics and Gender, 2019) and “Decolonizing the Anti-Extractive Struggle: Amazonian Women’s Practices of Forest-Making in Ecuador” (Journal of International Women’s Studies, 2020) Moderator: Charlie Uruchima, Kichwa Hatari. Charlie Uruchima is the Co Founder, Co Host, and Producer for Kichwa Hatari, the first indigenous Kichwa language radio aimed at reaching Kichwa speakers in the U.S. He also works with the Manhattan Justice for Workers Initiative and New Immigrant Community Empowerment.


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